BKG NTRIP Client(BNC) note

2023-10-24 22:50
文章标签 note client bnc bkg ntrip

本文主要是介绍BKG NTRIP Client(BNC) note,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

BNC Note

    • 安装
      • 库文件
    • BNC使用
      • 启动
    • 说明记录
      • PPP
        • 所需数据流
          • 实时解算
          • 事后解算
          • 解算结果文件
        • 注意事项




sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \qt4-default \libqtwebkit4 \libssl1.0-dev 
  • 按提示安装所需库文件

安装 libqtwebkit4

  • https://blog.csdn.net/iteye_5593/article/details/82130775

安装 libpng12-0

  • https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44144528/article/details/107095843
  • sudo apt install libqt4-svg


cd bnc-2.12.17-ubuntu-64bit-shared
chmod +x bnc-2.12.17-ubuntu-64bit-shared  <!--若本身是有可执行属性,可省略此步-->





bnc --conf <configFileName> 



  • 可处理单/多系统L3、P3或L3&P3无电离层线性组合测距码或测距码和相位观测值
  • BNC中所用广播改正是以天线相位中心为参考的
  • BNC不能改正相位缠绕(Phase Windup)
  • 改正了卫星天线相位中心
  • 忽视了卫星天线相位中心变化
  • 观测值通过接收机天线相位中心变化和天线
  • 忽视了由极移引起的旋转
  • 观测值数据流
  • 广播星历电文
  • 包含对广播星历改正的数据流,改正数据流格式必须为RTCM 3格式 若没有广播改正流,则处理模式为SPP
  • rinex 观测文件、rinex导航文件、由Broadcast Corrections面板输出的广播改正文件(.C文件)
  • 若无.C文件,处理模式为SPP
  • .log文件

Each row reports the PPP result of one epoch. It begins with a UTC time stamp (yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) which tells us when the result was produced. A second time stamp (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss) describes the PPP’s epoch in ‘GPS Time’. It is followed by the derived XYZ position in [m], its North, East and Up displacement compared to an introduced a priori coordinate, and the estimated tropospheric delay [m] (model plus correction).

  • .ppp文件
    ppp文件内容Depending on selected processing options you find ‘GPS Time’ stamps (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss.sss) followed by

  • SATNUM: Number of satellites per GNSS,

  • RES: Code and phase residuals for contributing GNSS systems in [m]
    Given per satellite with cIF/lIF for ionosphere-free linear combination of code/phase observations

  • CLK: Receiver clock errors in [m],

  • TRP: A priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],

  • OFFGLO: Time offset between GPS time and GLONASS time in [m],

  • OFFGAL: Time offset between GPS time and Galileo time in [m],

  • OFFBDS: Time offset between GPS time and BDS time in [m],

  • AMB: L3 biases, also known as ‘floated ambiguities’
    Given per satellite with ‘nEpo’ = number of epochs since last ambiguity reset

  • MOUNTPOINT: Here ‘CUT07’ with XYZ position in [m] and dN/dE/dU in [m] for North, East, and Up
    displacements compared to a priori marker coordinates.

  • 注意保持数据流与软件各项设置相对应。

这篇关于BKG NTRIP Client(BNC) note的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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