I enjoy sharing what I learn with other people (though by the frequency of my blog posts lately, you might not be able to tell that). I also enjoy a good conference. They’re a great way to keep up in this fast moving industry, and to learn from the speakers and attendees alike. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to put the two together and present at a couple upcoming events this month.
我喜欢与他人分享我学到的东西(尽管最近发布博客的频率很高,您可能无法分辨出来)。 我也很喜欢开会。 它们是跟上这个快速发展的行业并向演讲者和与会者学习的好方法。 我很幸运能够将两者放在一起,并在本月即将举行的几场活动中出席。
On May 25th, I’ll be giving a talk on Mobile Web Performance Optimization for the Web Performance Summit. It’s an online event, and the lineup looks fantastic! Considering the low cost of attendance (not just the ticket price - but no travel costs!) I’m not sure how you could afford to pass on it if you’re at all interested in performance.
5月25日,我将在Web Performance Summit上发表有关移动Web性能优化的演讲。 这是一个在线活动,阵容看起来很棒! 考虑到出勤成本低(不仅是机票价格-而且没有旅行费用!),我不确定如果您对表演完全感兴趣,那么如何负担得起呢?
Then, on the 27th, I’ll be giving a shorter presentation at WebVisions in Portland entitled “Can Media Queries Save Us All?”. In case you’re wondering—it won’t be a full-out cheerleading session for media queries (or RWD). There are some very real issues with the technique, and as with most techniques, there are times when it is appropriate, and times when it is not.
然后,在27日,我将在波特兰的WebVisions上做一个简短的演讲,题为“媒体查询可以拯救我们所有人吗?”。 如果您想知道,这将不是针对媒体查询(或RWD)的全面啦啦队会议。 该技术存在一些非常实际的问题,并且与大多数技术一样,有时它是合适的,而有时它是不合适的。
Both events look great—I highly recommend checking them out. If you do make it to Portland, let me know—it would be great to meet some of you! Of course, you can also meet me at the next Breaking Development conference in September if you would like. (I promise to post my thoughts on the first event soon!) *[RWD]: Responsive Web Design
这两个事件看起来都很不错,我强烈建议您检查一下。 如果您确实到达波特兰,请告诉我-认识你们中的一些人真是太好了! 当然,如果愿意,您也可以在9月的下一次Breaking Development会议上与我见面。 (我保证很快会在第一件事上发表自己的想法!)* [RWD]:响应式网页设计
翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2011/05/upcoming-presentations/