emq acl校验

2023-10-23 23:32
文章标签 校验 acl emq

本文主要是介绍emq acl校验,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


EMQ 消息服务器通过 ACL(Access Control List) 实现 MQTT 客户端访问控制。

ACL 访问控制规则定义:

允许(Allow)|拒绝(Deny) (Who) 订阅(Subscribe)|发布(Publish) 主题列表(Topics) 

MQTT 客户端发起订阅/发布请求时,EMQ 消息服务器的访问控制模块,会逐条匹配 ACL 规则,直到匹配成功为止:

          ---------              ---------              ---------
Client -> | Rule1 | --nomatch--> | Rule2 | --nomatch--> | Rule3 | --> Default --------- --------- --------- | | | match match match \|/ \|/ \|/ allow | deny allow | deny allow | deny 


EMQ 消息服务器默认访问控制,在 etc/emq.conf 中设置:

## ACL nomatch
mqtt.acl_nomatch = allow

## Default ACL File
mqtt.acl_file = etc/acl.conf

ACL 规则定义在 etc/acl.conf,EMQ 启动时加载到内存:

%% Allow 'dashboard' to subscribe '$SYS/#'
{allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}. 

%% Allow clients from localhost to subscribe any topics
{allow, {ipaddr, “”}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", “#”]}.

%% Deny clients to subscribe 'KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 4: SYS#̲' and '#' <span…SYS/#", {eq, “#”}]}.

%% Allow all by default
{allow, all}.

HTTP 插件访问控制


开启 HTTP 插件后,会终结 ACL 链

HTTP API 实现访问控制: https://github.com/emqtt/emq_auth_http

配置 etc/plugins/emq_auth_http.conf, 启用 HTTP 认证插件后:

## 'access' parameter: sub = 1, pub = 2
auth.http.acl_req =
auth.http.acl_req.method = get auth.http.acl_req.params = access=%A,username=%u,clientid=%c,ipaddr=%a,topic=%t 

MySQL 插件访问控制

MySQL 插件访问控制,通过 mqtt_acl 表定义 ACL 规则:

CREATE TABLE `mqtt_acl` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `allow` int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '0: deny, 1: allow', `ipaddr` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IpAddress', `username` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Username', `clientid` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ClientId', `access` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '1: subscribe, 2: publish, 3: pubsub', `topic` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Topic Filter', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 

INSERT INTO mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic)
(1,1,NULL,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 112: …an class="s1">'#̲'<span class="p…all’,NULL,1,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 5: SYS/#̲'<span class="p…all’,NULL,1,‘eq #’),
(5,1,‘’,NULL,NULL,2,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 5: SYS/#̲'<span class="p…SYS/#’);

etc/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf 配置 ‘acl_query’ 与 ‘acl_nomatch’:

## ACL Query Command
auth.mysql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

Postgre 插件访问控制

PostgreSQL 插件访问控制,通过 mqtt_acl 表定义 ACL 规则:

CREATE TABLE mqtt_acl (id SERIAL primary key, allow integer, ipaddr character varying(60), username character varying(100), clientid character varying(100), access integer, topic character varying(100) ); 

INSERT INTO mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic)
(1,1,NULL,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 112: …an class="s1">'#̲'<span class="p…all’,NULL,1,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 5: SYS/#̲'<span class="p…all’,NULL,1,‘eq #’),
(5,1,‘’,NULL,NULL,2,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 5: SYS/#̲'<span class="p…SYS/#’);

etc/plugins/emq_auth_pgsql.conf 设置 ‘acl_query’ 与 ‘acl_nomatch’:

## ACL Query. Comment this query, the acl will be disabled.
auth.pgsql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

Redis 插件访问控制

Redis Hash 存储一个 MQTT 客户端的访问控制规则:

HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic1 1 HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic2 2 HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic3 3 

etc/plugins/emq_auth_redis.conf 配置 ‘acl_cmd’ 与 ‘acl_nomatch’:

## ACL Query Command
auth.redis.acl_cmd = HGETALL mqtt_acl:%u

MongoDB 插件访问控制

MongoDB 数据库创建 mqtt_acl 集合:

{username: "username",clientid: "clientid", publish: ["topic1", "topic2", ...], subscribe: ["subtop1", "subtop2", ...], pubsub: ["topic/#", "topic1", ...] } 

mqtt_acl 集合插入数据,例如:

db.mqtt_acl.insert({username: "test", publish: ["t/1", "t/2"], subscribe: ["user/%u", "client/%c"]}) db.mqtt_acl.insert({username: "admin", pubsub: ["#"]}) 

etc/plugins/emq_auth_mongo.conf 配置 ‘acl_query’ 与 ‘acl_nomatch’:

## acl_query
auth.mongo.acl_query.collection = mqtt_user

auth.mongo.acl_query.selector = username=%u

这篇关于emq acl校验的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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描述:企业内网和运营商网络如上图所示。 公网IP段:。 内网IP段:。 公网口PPPOE 拨号采用CHAP认证,用户名:admin 密码:Admin@123 财务PC 配置静态IP: R1使用模拟器中的AR201型号,作为交换路由一体机,下图的WAN口为E0/0/8口,可以在该接口下配置IP地址。 可以通过


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