tinkerCAD案例:33. 在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具

2023-10-21 18:10

本文主要是介绍tinkerCAD案例:33. 在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具

Using the Ruler Tool in Tinkercad

在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具

Introduction: Using the Ruler Tool in Tinkercad

简介:在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具

Using the Ruler Tool in Tinkercad

For those that may not know Tinkercad is a web based 3D modeling tool. I use Tinkercad almost exclusively for all of my 3D designs that I plan to 3D print. I say almost exclusively because I have uploaded some 2D outlines to extrude.

I have made things such as, cookie cutters, robot platforms, robot wheels, and figurines.

I have been using Tinkercad for almost a year and only just now discovered the full use of the ruler tool. Discovering this has changed the way I design things on Tinkercad forever. I figured I couldn’t be the only one who didn’t know about these features so I thought I’d compile them all into an Instructable.

What you’ll need:

- A computer with access to internet (Tinkercad is web-based)

- A tinkercad or autodesk account (it’s free!)

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对于那些不了解 Tinkercad 的人来说,它是一款基于网络的 3D 建模工具。我几乎只使用 Tinkercad 来完成我计划进行 3D 打印的所有 3D 设计。之所以说 “几乎全部”,是因为我上传了一些二维轮廓来挤出。


我使用 Tinkercad 已经快一年了,直到现在才发现标尺工具的全部用途。这个发现彻底改变了我在 Tinkercad 上设计东西的方式。我想我不可能是唯一一个不知道这些功能的人,所以我想我应该把它们全部编译到一个 Instructable 中。


  • 一台能上网的电脑(Tinkercad 基于网络)

  • Tinkercad 或 autodesk 账户(免费)

Step 1: Find the Ruler Tool in Tinkercad

Find the Ruler Tool in Tinkercad

The ruler tool is in the helpers section on the right hand side of the Tinkercad window.

Drag an object and a ruler onto the Workplane. I use rectangles, which may or may not be cubes, in this Instructable to demonstrate.

标尺工具位于 Tinkercad 窗口右侧的辅助工具部分。


Step 2: 测量距离 Measuring Distances: Negative Distances

Measuring Distances: Negative Distances

The ruler tool is like an axis. If you click on an object near the ruler it will show distances from the ruler in two directions. Like an axis the ruler has a positive and negative side.

As you can see in the image my shape is to the left of the ruler, so it shows a negative horizontal distance.

Also note that the arrow for the distance points across the shape. This means that the width of the object is included in the distance.




Step 3: 测量距离:正距离

Measuring Distances: Positive Distances

Measuring Distances: Positive Distances

As you can see in this image, the object is to the right of the ruler so it shows a positive distance.

Since the arrow does not cross the width of the shape, this time the width of the object is not included in the distance. This is a very important factor to remember when using the ruler tool.



Step 4: 步骤 4:输入尺寸(Typing in Dimensions)

Typing in Dimensions

Quite possible the best feature of the ruler tool is that once you have a ruler on your Workplane, you can now type in dimensions. Simply click on the dimension you want to change, type in the new dimension, and hit enter.

Gone are the minutes wasted trying to drag your shape to the exact dimensions. This is life-changing if you often create objects that can’t use the lock grid tool.

Not only can you type in dimensions, but you can also type in distances, so no need to drag your objects around willy nilly.




Step 5: 使用多个对象Using Multiple Objects

Using Multiple Objects

The ruler tool can be handy for dimensions when using one object, but how often do you do a 3D design with only one object, probably never. So lets move on to using multiple objects.

Drag another rectangle on to the Workplane.

当使用一个对象时,标尺工具可以方便地标注尺寸,但你经常只使用一个对象进行 3D 设计吗?因此,让我们继续使用多个对象。


Step 6: 放大形状查看二维效果Zoom Into the Shape to See 2D

Zoom Into the Shape to See 2D

Something that I only recently discovered was incredibly useful is the fact that you can zoom into an object to see the 2D projection of the object on the Workplane. This come in handy when trying to line up an object exactly with the ruler tool, especially if you aren’t using the lock to grid function, which sometimes you cannot use.


Step 7: 将尺子与形状对齐Line Up the Ruler With the Shape

Line Up the Ruler With the Shape

Line Up the Ruler With the Shape

For the next demonstration one of the objects will need to be lined up with the ruler. Only one side of the ruler should be touching the object. If two sides are touching then the measurement will include the width of the box, which would be okay, but require some math.


Step 8: View Distances

View Distances

Now if you zoom out and click on the other object you can view the distance between the two objects. Really what you are seeing is the distance of the second object to the ruler, but we aligned the first object with the ruler.


Step 9: Change the Distance Between the Objects

Change the Distance Between the Objects

You can also change the distance by typing in a new distance, as you changed dimensions. Remember that whatever shape you are clicked on is the one that will move. That seems simple now, but may not be so when you have a few objects that you are trying to align.


Step 10: Distance Can Include Width of Object

Distance Can Include Width of Object

This is an example of if the ruler touches two edges of the first object. Note that the distance now includes the width of the object.


Step 11: Making Holes

Making Holes

The ruler tool can also be handy when making holes in objects. If you line up the tool with two edges of a shape, you can see the distance of the holes from those edges.


Step 12: Vertical Distances

The ruler tool itself can only give measurements in two dimensions. If you need to do something vertical simply rotate everything 90 degrees so it is horizontal and you can use the ruler tool.

标尺工具本身只能进行二维测量。如果需要垂直测量,只需将一切旋转 90 度,使其水平,就可以使用标尺工具了。

这篇关于tinkerCAD案例:33. 在 Tinkercad 中使用标尺工具的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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