智能优化算法 神经网络预测 雷达通信 无线传感器 电力系统
信号处理 图像处理 路径规划 元胞自动机 无人机
⛄ 内容介绍
⛄ 部分代码
%%% this program calculates and plots the wave-vector diagram (i.e. photonic bands at constant frequency)
%%% for a 2D photonic crystal consisting of cylinders with circular cross-section and
%%% infinite height, arranged in a triangular lattice; oblique propagation is implicit, so
%%% the polarization states cannot be separated in E-pol and H-pol; 'omega'is taken as input;
%%% Fourier coefficients for the expansion of dielectric constant are calculated analytically;
%%% the materials considered here are dielectric and dispersionless;
%%% the package contains the following programs:
%%% pwem2Db.m - main program
%%% epsgg.m - routine for calculating the matrix of Fourier coefficients
%%% of dielectric function
%%% bz_irr2.m - routine for 2D discretization of irreducible Brillouin zone polygon;
%%% kvect2.m - routine for calculating diagonal matrices with elements
%%% (kx+Gx) and (ky+Gy), where G=(Gx,Gy) is a reciprocal
%%% lattice vector
%%% oblic_eigs.m - routine for solving the eigenvalue problem for
%%% H-field
close all
clear all
omega=0.45; % normalized frequency "a/lambda"
r=0.43; % radius of cylindrical holes (normalized w.r.t. lattice constant "a")
na=1; nb=3.45; % refractive indices (cylinders-atoms, background)
No1=7; No2=No1;
N1=2*No1+1; N2=2*No2+1;
N=N1*N2; % total number of plane waves used in Fourier expansions
%%% primitive vectors of direct lattice (normalized w.r.t. lattice constant "a")
a1=[sqrt(3)/2, -1/2, 0]; a2=[sqrt(3)/2, 1/2, 0];
%%% area of primitive cell
%%% primitive vectors of direct lattice (normalized w.r.t. lattice constant "2*pi/a"): b1=[1/sqrt(3),-1]; b2=[1/sqrt(3),1];
b1=(1/ac)*[a2(2),-a2(1)]; b2=(1/ac)*[-a1(2), a1(1)];
%%% matrix of Fourier coefficients
eps1 = feval ('epsgg',r,na,nb,b1,b2,N1,N2);
%%% 2D discretization of irreducible Brillouin zone polygon
Nr=20; % even number
[BZx,BZy]=feval('bz_irr2', Nr);
kx=[]; ky=[]; kz=[];
S=2.5; % point size for scatter plot
for j=1:length(BZx)
%%% diagonal matrices with elements (kx+Gx) si (ky+Gy)
[kGx, kGy] = feval('kvect2',BZx(j),BZy(j),b1,b2,N1,N2);
[P, beta]=feval('oblic_eigs',omega,kGx,kGy,eps1,N);
qp=sort(beta(L)); %%% keep only the propagative modes
display(sprintf('Calculation for k[%d] is finished',j));
for r=1:length(qp)
kx(j,r)=BZx(j); ky(j,r)=BZy(j); kz(j,r)=qp(r);
scatter3(reshape(kx,1,M), reshape(ky,1,M), reshape(kz,1,M), S,'r','filled'), view(65,10)
title(sprintf('Wavevector diagram for omega=%0.5g',omega));
xlabel('kx'); ylabel('ky'); zlabel('kz');
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1]许江勇. 基于Matlab研究光子晶体的特性[J]. 兴义民族师范学院学报, 2012(4):4.
[2]吴炳坚, 沈廷根. 基于Matlab的光子晶体波导仿真研究[J]. 微计算机信息, 2007(01S):3.
⛄ 完整代码
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