
2023-10-20 05:20









 Wind energy is a kind of green renewable energy widely used at home and abroad.Then, more and more wind power generation systems are built and connected to the grid. The electricity generated by wind power generation is greatly affected by external factors and has certain randomness and volatility, which has a great impact on the stability of the power system after being connected to the grid.The best way to improve the situation is to build energy storage systems for wind farms.Therefore, in recent years, the equipment, capacity configuration and joint operation control of wind farm energy storage devices have become the focus of research and application demonstration.

Due to the improvement of people's living standard, continuous progress of science and technology, and continuous improvement of control, the consumption of non-renewable energy is serious or even exhausted, thus promoting the renewable energy to become the leading industry.Wind power generation has become a beautiful scenery at the present stage. Due to its advantages of mature development technology, relatively small cost and almost no pollution, it has a high prospect in the new energy power generation industry and has become the focus of attention in the world.At the same time, due to the strong wind direction variability, randomness and non-controllability, grid connection of wind power generation has a great impact on voltage stability and electrical performance.The wind power industry continues to innovate and is increasingly connected to the grid.Therefore, the new generation of us should seriously study the impact of wind power grid connection.

With the increase of energy storage system research and development costs, shortened use cycle and other aspects of shortcomings, energy storage devices are usually added to solve the wind farm power smooth control engineering, so it brings a huge challenge to the energy storage system.This design mainly refers to the actual case of wind power generation, designs and develops the control logic in the wind storage joint system, focuses on the design and discusses the phenomenon of large output fluctuation of the energy storage system in doubly-fed wind farm, and compensates the reactive power connected to the grid by using the control strategy of power smoothing and filtering.

Keywords: Wind power; Doubly-fed asynchronous generator; Energy storage system; interconnection






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