
2023-10-19 15:20



Do you want to add a stats dashboard on your WordPress site? Analytics help you find out how people find and use your website, so you can keep them coming back. In this article, we will show you how to easily add a stats dashboard on your WordPress site.

您是否要在WordPress网站上添加统计信息中心? Google Analytics(分析)可帮助您了解人们如何找到和使用您的网站,从而使他们回头客。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress网站上添加统计信息显示板。

How to add a stats dashboard in WordPress
为什么您需要WordPress中的统计信息仪表板 (Why You Need a Stats Dashboard in WordPress)

Normally you can install Google Analytics and view your reports by logging into your Google analytics account. This sounds great, but most people forget to check their blog stats on a regular basis.

通常,您可以通过登录Google Analytics(分析)帐户来安装Google Analytics(分析)并查看报告。 这听起来不错,但大多数人都忘记定期检查其博客统计信息。

The two biggest reason for that are:


  1. You have to login to a separate website (Google Analytics) to check the stats.

    您必须登录到单独的网站(Google Analytics(分析))以查看统计信息。
  2. You have to dig around Google Analytics to actually find what you’re looking for.

    您必须深入研究Google Analytics(分析)才能真正找到所需的内容。

While Google Analytics is a powerful tool, it often requires some digging to get to the good parts of the reports you want to view. Most beginners never make it this far.

虽然Google Analytics(分析)是一种功能强大的工具,但通常需要进行一些挖掘才能找到要查看的报告的大部分内容。 大多数初学者从未做到这一点。

Adding a stats dashboard to your WordPress website solves this problem. You will be able to quickly view the stats that matter without leaving your WordPress admin area, and it will require far easier.

向您的WordPress网站添加统计信息显示板即可解决此问题。 您将能够快速查看重要的统计信息,而无需离开WordPress管理区域,这将更加容易。

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a stats dashboard on your WordPress site.


在WordPress中添加统计信息仪表板 (Adding a Stats Dashboard in WordPress)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活MonsterInsights插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Insights » Settings page to enter your license key. You can find the license key under your account on the MonsterInsights website.

激活后,您需要访问Insights»设置页面以输入许可证密钥。 您可以在MonsterInsights网站的帐户下找到许可证密钥。

MonsterInsights license key

Next, you need to connect your website to your Google Analytics account. You can do this by visiting the Insights » Settings page and clicking on the ‘Authenticate with your Google account’ button.

接下来,您需要将您的网站连接到您的Google Analytics(分析)帐户。 您可以通过访问数据分析»设置页面,然后点击“使用您的Google帐户进行身份验证”按钮来完成此操作。

Authenticate with your Google account

This will redirect you to Google accounts where you will be asked to sign in or select a Google account if you are already signed in.


Sign in or select your Google account to continue

You need to click on ‘Next’ to continue.


After that, you will be asked to allow MonsterInsights to access your Google Analytics account. This step is necessary, so MonsterInsights can bring the report back to your WordPress dashboard.

之后,将要求您允许MonsterInsights访问您的Google Analytics(分析)帐户。 此步骤是必需的,因此MonsterInsights可以将报告返回到WordPress仪表板。

Allow MonsterInsights to access your Google Analytics account

Go ahead and click on the ‘Allow’ button to continue.


The final step is to select the profile you want to track. You need to select your website here and then click on the ‘Complete authentication’ button to continue.

最后一步是选择要跟踪的配置文件。 您需要在此处选择您的网站,然后单击“完整身份验证”按钮以继续。

Select your website profile

You will now be redirected back to your WordPress site.


That’s all you have successfully installed and setup Google Analytics on your WordPress site. If you haven’t installed Google Analytics on this website before, then it will take sometime before Google Analytics starts showing your stats.

这就是您在WordPress网站上成功安装和设置Google Analytics(分析)的全部。 如果您以前从未在此网站上安装过Google Analytics(分析),那么Google Analytics(分析)可能需要一段时间才能开始显示您的统计信息。

查看您的WordPress统计信息显示板 (Viewing Your WordPress Stats Dashboard)

Now that you have set up Google Analytics using MonsterInsights, you can view your WordPress stats by visiting Insights » Reports page.

现在,您已经使用MonsterInsights设置了Google Analytics(分析),您可以通过访问Insights»“报告”页面来查看WordPress统计信息。

Website stats reports

On top of the stats dashboard, you will see a graph of your WordPress page views and visitor sessions for the last 30 days. This gives you a quick overview of incoming traffic to your blog.

在统计信息显示板顶部,您将看到最近30天的WordPress页面浏览量和访问者会话图表。 这使您可以快速概览博客的传入流量。

Below that, you will see a comparison of your website stats against previous 30 days. It will show numbers of sessions, page views counter, session duration, and bounce rate.

在此之下,您将看到您的网站统计数据与前30天的比较。 它将显示会话数,页面浏览计数器,会话持续时间和跳出率。

Stats break down

After that you will see charts showing new vs returning visitors and devices used to access your website. This is followed by top countries people visiting your website from and top referral websites sending you the most traffic.

之后,您将看到图表,显示新访客与回访者以及用于访问您网站的设备。 其次是访问您网站的排名靠前的国家(地区)人和推荐网站(为您带来最多的访问量)。

MonsterInsights also acts as a pageview counter and shows your most popular WordPress posts and pages. This helps you find your top performing content, so you can plan your content strategy accordingly.

MonsterInsights还可以充当综合浏览量计数器,并显示您最受欢迎的WordPress帖子和页面。 这可以帮助您找到效果最好的内容,从而可以相应地计划内容策略。

Top posts and pages
使用MonsterInsights查看更多WordPress统计信息 (Viewing More WordPress Stats with MonsterInsights)

MonsterInsights also shows custom reports depending on your settings. You can switch to publishers, ecommerce, search console, and dimensions.

MonsterInsights还会根据您的设置显示自定义报告。 您可以切换到发布者,电子商务,搜索控制台和尺寸。

The publishers tab shows reports made for content-rich websites like blogs, news, or magazine websites. It will show you the following stats:

发布者标签显示了针对内容丰富的网站(例如博客 ,新闻或杂志网站)所做的报告。 它会向您显示以下统计信息:

  • Top landing pages

  • Top exit pages

  • Top outbound links

  • Top affiliate links

  • Top download links

  • Age, gender, and interests (visible only if you have them enabled in Google Analytics)

    年龄,性别和兴趣(仅当您在Google Analytics(分析)中启用了它们时才可见)
使用MonsterInsights跟踪WordPress中的电子商务统计信息 (Tracking Ecommerce Stats in WordPress with MonsterInsights)

If you run an online store using WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, then you’ll love MonsterInsights eCommerce tracking features.

如果您使用WooCommerce或Easy Digital Downloads经营在线商店 ,那么您会喜欢MonsterInsights电子商务跟踪功能的。

First, you will need to visit Insights » Addons page to install and activate the MonsterInsights eCommerce addon.


Ecommerce addon

Next, you need to visit Insights » Settings and click on the tracking tab.

接下来,您需要访问数据分析»设置 ,然后点击跟踪标签。

Enable eCommerce tracking

On the tracking tab, you need to scroll down and select the eCommerce settings and then check the box next to ‘Use Enhanced eCommerce’ option.


Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.


Now you can view your ecommerce stats in WordPress by visiting Insights » Reports page and clicking on the ecommerce tab.


ecommerce stats in WordPress

Ecommerce reports will show you the break down of the following stats:


  • Conversion rate, transactions, revenue, and average order value

  • Top products

  • Top conversion sources

  • Total add to cart and total remove from cart

  • Time to purchase and session to purchase stats


We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add a stats dashboard in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide to improve your search rankings and get more traffic for your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地在WordPress中添加统计信息显示板。 您可能还想查看我们的终极WordPress SEO指南,以提高搜索排名并为您的网站获得更多流量。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-a-stats-dashboard-on-your-wordpress-site/






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