本文主要是介绍hyperlink函数_30天中30个Excel函数:28 – HYPERLINK,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Yesterday, in the 30XL30D challenge, we replaced text with the SUBSTITUTE function, and used it to create flexible reports.
For day 28 in the challenge, we'll examine the HYPERLINK function. Instead of manually creating hyperlinks, with the command on the Excel Ribbon, you can use this function.
在挑战的第28天,我们将研究HYPERLINK功能。 您可以使用此功能来代替使用Excel功能区上的命令手动创建超链接。
NOTE: You can have all of the 30 Functions content in an easy-to-use single reference file -- the 30 Excel Functions in 30 Days eBook Kit ($10).
注意:您可以在一个易于使用的单个参考文件中获得这30个函数的全部内容-30天电子书工具包中的30个Excel函数 (10美元)。
So, let's take a look at the HYPERLINK information and examples, and if you have other tips or examples, please share them in the comments.
功能28:超链接 (Function 28: HYPERLINK)
The HYPERLINK function creates a shortcut that opens a document stored on a computer, network server, intranet, or Internet.
您如何使用HYPERLINK? (How Could You Use HYPERLINK?)
The HYPERLINK function can open a document, or jump to a specific location, so you can:
- Link to location in same file 链接到同一文件中的位置
- Link to Excel file in same folder 链接到同一文件夹中的Excel文件
- Link to website 链接到网站
The HYPERLINK function has the following syntax:
- link_location is the text string for the location where you want to go. link_location是您要去的位置的文本字符串。
- friendly_name is the text you want displayed in the cell friendly_name是要在单元格中显示的文本
超级陷阱 (HYPERLINK Traps)
If you have trouble creating the correct location string for the HYPERLINK function, manually insert a link with the Hyperlink command on Excel's Ribbon.
That should show you the correct syntax, then recreate that in your link_location argument.
示例1:链接到同一文件中的位置 (Example 1: Link to location in same file)
There are several different ways to create the text string for the link_location argument. In the first example, the ADDRESS function returns the address for row 1, column 1, on the sheet that is named in cell B3.
有多种方法可以为link_location参数创建文本字符串。 在第一个示例中, ADDRESS函数返回单元格B3中命名的工作表上第1行第1列的地址。
The pound sign (#) at the start of the address indicates that the location is within the current file.
= HYPERLINK(“#”&ADDRESS(1,1 ,,, B3),D3)
You could also use the & operator to construct the link location. Here, the sheet name is in cell B5 and the cell is in C5.
您也可以使用&运算符来构造链接位置。 此处,工作表名称在单元格B5中,而单元格在C5中。
=HYPERLINK("#"&"'" & B5 & "'!" & C5,D5)
= HYPERLINK(“#”&“'”&B5&“'!”&C5,D5)
For a link to a named range in the same workbook, just use the range name as the link location. =HYPERLINK("#"&D7,D7)
要链接到同一工作簿中的命名范围,只需使用范围名称作为链接位置。 = HYPERLINK(“#”&D7,D7)
示例2:链接到同一文件夹中的Excel文件 (Example 2: Link to Excel file in same folder)
To create a link to another Excel file, in the same folder, just use the file name as the link_location argument for the HYPERLINK function.
For files that are up a level or more in the hierarchy, use two periods and a backslash for each level.
示例3:链接到网站 (Example 3: Link to a website)
You can also link to website pages with the HYPERLINK function. In this example, the URL is constructed from text strings, and the website name is used as the friendly name.
您也可以使用HYPERLINK功能链接到网站页面。 在此示例中,URL是由文本字符串构成的,并且网站名称用作友好名称。
=HYPERLINK("http://www." &B3 & ".com",B3)
= HYPERLINK(“ http:// www。”&B3&“ .com”,B3)
下载HYPERLINK功能文件 (Download the HYPERLINK Function File)
To see the formulas used in today's examples, you can download the HYPERLINK function sample workbook. The file is zipped, and is in Excel 2007 file format.
要查看当今示例中使用的公式,可以下载HYPERLINK函数示例工作簿 。 该文件已压缩,并且为Excel 2007文件格式。
观看HYPERLINK视频 (Watch the HYPERLINK Video)
To see a demonstration of the examples in the HYPERLINK function sample workbook, you can watch this short Excel video tutorial.
翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/01/29/30-excel-functions-in-30-days-28-hyperlink/
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