Every year I attempt to “motivate through shame” by bringing attention to horribly designed websites. In the past, only websites in Calgary were eligible for this informal competition, but that’s no longer realistic: today, the vast majority of visitors to this site are from outside Canada.
每年,我都试图通过吸引人们关注可怕设计的网站来“羞耻地激励自己”。 过去,只有卡尔加里(Calgary)的网站才有资格参加此非正式竞赛,但这已不再现实:今天,该网站的绝大多数访问者都来自加拿大以外。
To that end, here are the new rules for “Worst Website 2013”:
为此,以下是“ 2013年最差网站”的新规定:
Any website is eligible, so long as it has been actively maintained this year. Abandoned Geocities pages and the promotional site for Space Jam are therefore out.
只要今年一直在积极维护 ,任何网站都有资格。 因此,废弃的Geocities页面和Space Jam的促销网站都已退出。
- Nominations can be made by commenting in this post. Please provide a link to the site, together with any critique. 可以通过在这篇文章中发表评论来提名。 请提供该网站的链接以及任何评论。
拉里为市长 。 另一个位于埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)(肯塔基州的城市,而不是加拿大),这里是自我描述的“互联网上最美丽的页面” Hosanna1.com的所在地 。
Please add your personal cringe-inducing favorites in the comments section below! The winner will be announced at the end of this semester.
请在下面的评论部分添加您的个人诱人收藏夹! 获奖者将在本学期末宣布。
翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/763/Call-For-Nominations-Worst-Website-2013