
2023-10-19 10:38





  1. 基础实体类


class Person{


    String id;


    String name;


    int age;


    public String getId() {



    public void setId(String id) { = id;


    public String getName() {



    public void setName(String name) { = name;


    public int getAge() {



    public void setAge(int age) {

       this.age = age;











          * The collection name used for the specifiedclass by this template.


          * @param entityClass must not be {@literalnull}.

          * @return


       StringgetCollectionName(Class<?> entityClass);

String personName=mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(Person.class);





          * Execute the a MongoDB command expressed as aJSON string. This will call the method JSON.parse that is part of the

          * MongoDB driver to convert the JSON string toa DBObject. Any errors that result from executing this command will be

          * converted into Spring's DAO exceptionhierarchy.


          * @param jsonCommand a MongoDB commandexpressed as a JSON string.


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(String jsonCommand);


    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand(jsonSql);


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 







          * Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors thatresult from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO

          * exception hierarchy.


          * @param command a MongoDB command


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(DBObject command);

    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand((DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonSql));


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 








          * Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors thatresult from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO

          * exception hierarchy.


          * @param command a MongoDB command

          * @param options query options to use


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(DBObject command, int options);

    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand((DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonSql),Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 






          * Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over thequery results on a per-document basis with a DocumentCallbackHandler.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from

          * @param dch the handler that will extractresults, one document at a time


       void executeQuery(Queryquery, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler dch);

final Query query =new Query();

       Criteria criteria =new Criteria();


       mongoTemplate.executeQuery(query,"person",new DocumentCallbackHandler() {


           public void processDocument(DBObject dbObject) throws MongoException,

                  DataAccessException {

              mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, Update.update("name","houchangren"),"person");





          * Executes a {@link DbCallback} translatingany exceptions as necessary.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param <T> return type

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB actions to perform on the passed in DB instance.

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(DbCallback<T> action);

Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Person>() {

           public Person doInDB(DB db)throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

              Person p=new Person();


//            p.setAge(age);

              return p;





          * Executes the given {@linkCollectionCallback} on the entity collection of the specified class.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use

          * @param <T> return type

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB action

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(Class<?> entityClass, CollectionCallback<T> action);

Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(Person.class,new CollectionCallback<Person>() {


           public Person doInCollection(DBCollection collection)

                  throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

              Person p=new Person();

              //自己取值然后处理返回对应的处理  collection.find();

              return  p;






          * Executes the given {@linkCollectionCallback} on the collection of the given name.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param <T> return type

          * @param collectionName the name of thecollection that specifies which DBCollection instance will be passed into

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB action the callback action.

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(String collectionName, CollectionCallback<T> action);

Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(“person”,new CollectionCallback<Person>() {


           public Person doInCollection(DBCollection collection)

                  throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

               Person p=new Person();

              //自己取值然后处理返回对应的处理  collection.find();

              return  p;





          * Executes the given {@link DbCallback} withinthe same connection to the database so as to ensure consistency in a

          * write heavy environment where you may readthe data that you wrote. See the comments on {@see <a





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