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使用Jacob开源插件操作Microsoft Word

使用Jacob开源插件操作Microsoft Word



"Am I the only person on this planet who wants to write MS Word fileswith Java?"
- Me, after researching Jacob, POI, WordBean and others, all to noinformational avail.

“难道我是这个星球上唯一的一个愿意使用java操作Microsoft Word文件的人吗?”



Jacob is a Java/COM bridge provided by DanAdlerunder a semi GPL license (may not be used ina commercial product targetted at java developers, e.g. virtual machines,debuggers. The chance that you are not allowed to use it is very slim).

     Jacob是在半GPL许可证约束下的java/COM桥接软件,作者是Dan Adler.注:半GPL许可证是使用者不允许将软件应用于java开发的商业化软件中,比如虚拟机、调试器等。但是你不被允许使用的机会是很小的。

There is no documentation available concerning the practical use of anyMicrosoft applications; it is, so Adler, intended as a generic Java/COM bridgeand not some MS Office API. However, M. Bigatti made a FAQ, which IMHO is not too useful when it comes to MS Word; and there isa Jacob Mailing List, where I got most of my information, even if it was tedious work.

     这里没有任何关于微软产品的实际使用的说明;因此,作者的想法是想它作为一个通用的java/COM桥组件,而不是作为一个操作word的API。然而,M. Bigatti提出了一个问题,恕我直言它对于解决word的问题是不是太有用了;并且有一个Jacob邮件列表,在哪里我得到了大部分的信息,尽管这个工作单调和乏味。

Now, this is a tutorial entirely dedicated to the handling ofMicrosoft Word with Jacob. If you want Excel stuff, I would rather recommend POI, hosted at the ApacheFoundation; they have good excel support, but only wordscratchpad stuff. If you just need to insert some unformatted text, an easiersolution is the WordBean by Müller&Stein.


A good alternative to using Jacob may be Jawin, which follows exactly the same goal, namely dispatching calls to COMobjects.



This document is far from complete; I am always open for suggestions, tipsand any enhancements. If you know something, please tell me. The absence ofanother site like this, in contrast to all the questions on JDC Search andJacob Mailing list, imply that my page will be of some usability. My mailadress is kain at the abovedomain.


Update 2006-04: I had a niceemail exchange with a guy named Jean Helou; he summarised his experiences withJacob in a wikidocumentation: it contains a section on macros, and isbased on ms word xp. Also, he provided me with a link to the useful ms officeobject model documentation.

Update 2006-04:我与一个叫Jean Helou的家伙又一段精彩的邮件交流;他在维基百科上面总结了他对Jacob的使用经验:是在基于XP系统中的Word关于宏的使用。他还提供给我一个关于微软对象模型文档的使用连接。

Update 2006-08: A nice girlnamed Kathrin Eichler emailed me a section on hyperlinks; it is included below.She is using Office XP. Thanks Kathrin!

Update 2006-08:一位叫Kathrin Eichler的美女发给我了一份关于超链接使用的邮件;在下面有介绍。她使用的是xp版的office软件,感谢她。


You need to have two files: jacob.jar and jacob.dll. You put the former in your classpath and the latter inc:\windows\system32 or your equivalent. I tested jacob both win 98 and win xp,both with ms office 97.

Then, I assume you create a new java class, make a new main(String[] asArgs)method and are atits beginning.

你需要由两个文件:jacob.jar 和 jacob.dll。需要把jacob.jar放到你工程的classpath中并且把jacob.dll放到c:\windows\system32目录下或者其他相应的目录下。我在win98和win xp下面做过测试,两者都是使用的office97。


First, I will create some variables; you can change them almostarbitrarily. They are pretty self explaining.


String sDir = "c:\\java\\jacob\\";

String sInputDoc =sDir + "file_in.doc";

String sOutputDoc =sDir + "file_out.doc";

String sOldText ="[label:import:1]";

String sNewText ="I am some horriblylong sentence, so long that [insert bullshit here]";

boolean tVisible =true;

boolean tSaveOnExit =false;

sOldText holds the label that I will search and replace. tVisible is only truefor debugging purposes, to see whats going on. tSaveOnExitis false since I save explicitly.


Now, we will open word and read the document as well as some basevariables.


    ActiveXComponent oWord = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");

    oWord.setProperty("Visible",new Variant(tVisible));

    Object oDocuments =oWord.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();

    Object oDocument =Dispatch.call(oDocuments, "Open", sInputDoc).toDispatch();

    Object oSelection =oWord.getProperty("Selection").toDispatch();

    Object oFind = oWord.call(oSelection,"Find").toDispatch();

Run this. It should open word, but dont do something cool.


oDocuments holds the list of documents. oDocument holds our specific document file_in.doc. oSelection and oFindare objects weneed for the next step, selecting and inserting.

oDocuments保存了文档的列表(因为是多文档应用程序)。oDocument被认为是指定的文件file_in.doc. oSelection 和 oFind是我们要进行下一步操作的对象,主要用来进行搜索和插入操作。

 Dispatch.put(oFind, "Text", sOldText);

    Dispatch.call(oFind, "Execute");

    Dispatch.put(oSelection, "Text", sNewText);

Now we search for sOldText, execute the search (which results in the label being selected insideWord), and replace that selection with the new text (which, in turn, is alsoselected).


So next, we leave that select stuff.



Dispatch.put(oSelection,"Text", "\nSo we got the next line including BR.\n");

We move the cursor down, effectively leaving the selection (yes, it worksjust like a VB macro inside Word; works also with MoveUp, MoveLeft, MoveRight).Then, we insert other text.

我们将光标向下移动,有效的离开选中的项目,然后开始插入其他文本。(它工作起来类似于嵌入到word中的VB宏;使用起来有MoveUp, MoveLeft, MoveRight功能)

Now we want to format text. Since we always operate with selected text(the whole "TypeText" directive mentioned at the mailing list didnt quite work for me),we make the format afterwards (unto the selected text, not unto thenext-to-be-typed text).


Object oFont =Dispatch.get(oSelection, "Font").toDispatch();

    Dispatch.put(oFont, "Bold", "1");

    Dispatch.put(oFont, "Italic", "1");

    Dispatch.put(oFont, "Underline", "0");

Now the selected text (the "\nSo we got ... BR.\n") is both bold and italic.

Object oAlign =Dispatch.get(oSelection, "ParagraphFormat").toDispatch();

    Dispatch.put(oAlign, "Alignment", "3");

And now the alignment is block (0 - Left, 1 - Center, 2 - Right, 3 -Block; at least I hope so ;-). For now, this is the minimal thing that can beuseful for you. Using the MoveDown and Textdirectives you can do the basics.



Well, there were a lot of suggestions on the mailing list, but that oneworked for me.


 Object oWordBasic = Dispatch.call(oWord,"WordBasic").getDispatch();

    Dispatch.call(oWordBasic, "FileSaveAs", sOutputDoc);

Dont ask me why. It just works.



    oWord.invoke("Quit",new Variant[0]);

This is straigthforward. No sweat.


Yes its possible to embed images pretty easy.


 String sImgFile = sDir + "image.png";

    Dispatch.call(oSelection, "MoveDown");

    Object oImage = Dispatch.get(oSelection,"InLineShapes").toDispatch();

    Dispatch.call(oImage, "AddPicture", sImgFile);

Well, it just works the way shown by the mailing list. Dont ask me aboutthe image format (text flow and such) though. Better, if you know it, mail me.


Hyperlinks are also pretty straightforward (courtesy Kathrin Eichler,under Office XP):


String sHyperlink ="http://www.google.com";

    Dispatch.put(oSelection, "Text", "Text for the link to Google");

    Object oRange = Dispatch.call(oSelection,"Range");

    Object oLink = Dispatch.get(oDocument,"Hyperlinks").toDispatch();

    Dispatch.call(oLink, "Add", oRange, sHyperlink);

I have not tried that personally yet (under Office 97), so your mileagemay vary.


Holy slimily, I got no idea yet. Am researching VB code and stuff. I gotsome suggestions from the mailing list how to add a row to a table and how tonavigate a table, but creating... Well, still to come.



The VB code looks like shit. I have no idea how to work here. Still tocome.








1. V-Hotkey 仓库地址: github.com/Dafrok/v-ho… Demo: 戳这里 https://dafrok.github.io/v-hotkey 安装: npm install --save v-hotkey 这个指令可以给组件绑定一个或多个快捷键。你想要通过按下 Escape 键后隐藏某个组件,按住 Control 和回车键再显示它吗?小菜一碟: <template


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