Android12之报错 error: BUILD_COPY_HEADERS is obsolete(一百六十七)

2023-10-17 11:28

本文主要是介绍Android12之报错 error: BUILD_COPY_HEADERS is obsolete(一百六十七),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

简介: CSDN博客专家,专注Android/Linux系统,分享多mic语音方案、音视频、编解码等技术,与大家一起成长!


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本篇目的:解决Android12编译报错:error: BUILD_COPY_HEADERS is obsolete。


error: BUILD_COPY_HEADERS is obsolete. See
21:33:52 ckati failed with: exit status 1


  • build/make/
## COPY_HEADERS usage now produces warnings {#copy_headers}We've considered `BUILD_COPY_HEADERS`/`LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS` to be deprecated for
a long time, and the places where it's been able to be used have shrinked over
the last several releases. Equivalent functionality is not available in Soong.See the [build/soong/docs/] for more information about
how best to handle headers in Android.


  • build/soong/docs/
## Headers`LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS` is deprecated. Soong modules cannot use these headers, and
when the VNDK is enabled, System modules in Make cannot declare or use them
either.The set of global include paths provided by the build system is also being
removed. They've been switched from using `-isystem` to `-I` already, and are
removed entirely in some environments (vendor code when the VNDK is enabled).Instead, use `LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS`/`export_include_dirs`. These allow
access to the headers automatically if you link to the associated code.If your library uses `LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS`/`export_include_dirs`, and
the exported headers reference a library that you link to, use
to re-export the necessary headers to your users.Don't use non-local paths in your `LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS`, use one of the
`LOCAL_EXPORT_*_HEADERS` instead. Non-local exported include dirs are not
supported in Soong. You may need to either move your module definition up a
directory (for example, if you have ./src/ and ./include/, you probably want to
define the module in ./Android.bp, not ./src/Android.bp), define a header
library and re-export it, or move the headers into a more appropriate location.Prefer to use header libraries (`BUILD_HEADER_LIBRARY`/ `cc_library_headers`)
only if the headers are actually standalone, and do not have associated code.
Sometimes there are headers that have header-only sections, but also define
interfaces to a library. Prefer to split those header-only sections out to a
separate header-only library containing only the header-only sections, and
re-export that header library from the existing library. This will prevent
accidentally linking more code than you need (slower at build and/or runtime),
or accidentally not linking to a library that's actually necessary.Prefer `LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS` over `LOCAL_C_INCLUDES` as well.
Eventually we'd like to remove `LOCAL_C_INCLUDES`, though significant cleanup
will be required first. This will be necessary to detect cases where modules
are using headers that shouldn't be available to them -- usually due to the
lack of ABI/API guarantees, but for various other reasons as well: layering
violations, planned deprecations, potential optimizations like C++ modules,





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