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Amazon held an Echo event last week where the company unveiled a huge line of new Echo products. It also unveiled some new software additions, one of which is Alexa Guard—a home security helper of sorts.
亚马逊上周举行了一次Echo活动,该公司推出了一系列新的Echo产品 。 它还发布了一些新软件,其中包括Alexa Guard(一种家庭安全助手)。
In short, Alexa Guard can listen for specific sounds—like glass breaking, the smoke alarm going off, or the high-pitched squeals of a security system alarm. When it detects those sounds, it can send you a notification on your phone letting you know that something is up.
简而言之,Alexa Guard可以聆听特定的声音,例如玻璃破碎,烟雾报警器响起或安全系统警报器发出刺耳的尖叫声。 当它检测到这些声音时,它可以通过电话向您发送通知,让您知道发生了什么事。
怎么运行的 (How It Works)

Since the Echo is always listening, there’s no special device that you need to add to get Alexa Guard to work—Amazon simply trained Alexa to listen to specific frequencies of sound to determine whether or not the smoke alarm went off or a window was broken.
由于Echo一直在监听,因此无需添加任何特殊设备即可使Alexa Guard正常工作-亚马逊只是训练Alexa收听特定频率的声音,以确定烟雾警报器是否关闭或窗户是否破裂。
If Alexa does hear something suspiciously close to those sounds, it will send you a notification to your phone. Or if you have a security system from Ring or ADT installed, it can also send a notification straight to the dispatchers monitoring your home.
如果Alexa确实在这些声音附近听到可疑的声音,则会向您的手机发送通知。 或者,如果您安装了Ring或ADT的安全系统 ,它也可以直接向监视您房屋的调度员发送通知。
Alexa Guard can also automatically randomize the lights in your house so that it looks like someone is home. Of course, you’ll need a supported smart lighting system for this to work. There’s no official word on which smart lights will be supported by Alexa Guard, but we’re guessing that if they normally work with Alexa, then they’ll work with Alexa Guard.
Alexa Guard还可自动将您家中的灯光随机分配,以使其看起来像有人在家。 当然,您需要一个受支持的智能照明系统才能正常工作。 目前尚无官方消息支持Alexa Guard支持智能灯,但我们猜测,如果它们通常与Alexa配合使用,那么它们将与Alexa Guard配合使用。
The kicker with Alexa Guard is that it’s not enabled 24/7; you must enable it manually whenever you plan to leave the house. The good news is that it’s pretty simple to do by just saying something like “Alexa, I’m leaving.” It can also automatically put your ADT or Ring security system into guard mode.
Alexa Guard的优势在于未启用24/7。 您打算在每次离开房屋时必须手动启用它。 好消息是,只需说出“ Alexa,我要离开”之类的字样,这非常简单。 它还可以自动将您的ADT或Ring安全系统置于保护模式。
我如何获得Alexa Guard? (How Do I Get Alexa Guard?)

Unfortunately, it’s not available yet, and Amazon didn’t give any details on when we can expect Alexa Guard to roll out.
不幸的是,它尚不可用,亚马逊也没有提供有关何时可以期望Alexa Guard推出的任何细节。
Amazon is pretty good about releasing their new products in a timely fashion, though, even if they don’t provide any specific details on when that might happen. So we can probably expect Alexa Guard to arrive soon, perhaps when all the new Echo devices begin shipping next month.
亚马逊非常乐意及时发布其新产品,即使它们未提供有关何时可能发生的任何具体细节。 因此,我们可以期望Alexa Guard很快就会到货,也许是所有新的Echo设备将于下个月开始发售时。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367234/what-is-alexa-guard-and-what-can-you-do-with-it/
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