

Smarthome is all the rage these days, and being able to control stuff with your voice is even cooler, but when it comes to Alexa fetching your coffee for you, it’s not all that exciting.
Every morning, when I’m ready for my dose of caffeine, I yell “Alexa, coffee!” like some hot-shot executive with a corner office in a fancy high rise. A few minutes later, I have a full pot of hot coffee waiting for me. Unfortunately, I still have to do 80% of the work manually.
每天早晨,当我准备好服用咖啡因时,我大喊“ Alexa,咖啡!” 就像一些热门的高管,办公室里有个华丽的高层。 几分钟后,我有一大壶热咖啡在等我。 不幸的是,我仍然必须手动完成80%的工作。
如何用声音冲泡咖啡 (How to Make Coffee Using Your Voice)

First, though, before we get into too much detail, I want to talk about how exactly you can tell Alexa to start making your coffee.
It’s pretty simple and only requires a smart plug, which you can buy for as little as $20 (or even less), depending on the brand and model—I like the Kasa smart plugs from TP-Link.
它非常简单,只需要一个智能插头,根据品牌和型号的不同,您只需花20美元(甚至更少)就可以买到,我喜欢TP-Link的Kasa智能插头 。
From there, you’ll want a coffee maker that has a physical on/off toggle power switch, rather than one that just comes with a button that you press. The reason for this is that smart plugs simply cut power to devices when you turn them off, and then feeds power back when you turn them on. If your coffee maker just has a button that you press, you can turn it off using the smart plug, but turning it back on won’t do anything until you press the power button on the coffee maker again.
从那里开始,您需要一台具有物理开/关切换电源开关的咖啡机,而不是仅带有一个按下按钮的咖啡机。 这样做的原因是,智能插头在关闭设备时只会切断设备的电源,而在打开设备时会反馈电源。 如果您的咖啡机只有一个按下的按钮,则可以使用智能插头将其关闭,但是重新打开它将无法执行任何操作,除非您再次按下咖啡机上的电源按钮。
With that said, turning your coffee maker on and off is as simple as turning the smart plug on and off, either from the accompanying app or using your voice with your voice assistant of choice, whether it’d be Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri (although you’ll need a HomeKit-compatible smart plug in order to use Siri with it).
煮咖啡不是一个伟大的自动化任务 (Making Coffee Isn’t a Great Automation Task)

This is where the coolness factor takes a nosedive, though. While I can tell Alexa to start up the coffee-making process whenever I want, the preparation for getting up to that point is entirely manual.
不过,这是凉爽因素令人takes目结舌的地方。 虽然我可以随时告诉Alexa启动咖啡制作过程,但要达到这一点的准备工作完全是手动的。
I have to insert a coffee filter, fill the tank with water, measure and grind up the coffee beans, dump the beans into the coffee filter, and make sure the coffee pot is under the hopper and ready to receive the concoction that comes out the other end.
And after the coffee gets brewed and is ready for consumption, I have to pour the coffee into a mug and add cream and sugar. Then the process gets repeated the next morning.
在咖啡冲泡并准备饮用之后,我必须将咖啡倒入杯子中并添加奶油和糖。 然后第二天早上重复该过程。
So it’s hardly an automated process and more like a cool party trick that doesn’t save you much time. However, it does add a bit of convenience when the time comes to make coffee—you’re not going into the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker and then going in again to get the coffee after it’s made.
因此,这几乎不是一个自动化的过程,而更像是一个很酷的聚会技巧,不会为您节省很多时间。 但是,当需要煮咖啡时,它确实增加了一些便利-您无需进入厨房打开咖啡机,然后在煮咖啡后再次进场取咖啡。
仅购买可编程的咖啡壶该怎么办? (What About Just Getting a Programmable Coffee Maker?)

There’s always the programmable coffee maker route, and it’s perhaps the route that most coffee drinkers will choose, especially since most modern coffee makers are programmable anyway.
Of course, there is one downside to these compared to using a smart plug with a “dumb” coffee maker, and that is you have to set a specific time for the programmable coffee maker to start brewing the coffee. If you’re a creature of habit and tend to have the same morning routine and drink coffee at the same time every morning, then sure, this will work.
当然,与将智能插头与“哑”咖啡机一起使用相比,这些方法有一个缺点,那就是您必须为可编程咖啡机设置开始冲泡咖啡的特定时间。 如果您是一个习惯动物,并且倾向于每天早上有相同的例行活动,并且每天早晨都在同一时间喝咖啡,那么可以肯定,这会起作用。
However, if you’re like me and tend to have varying mornings and don’t drink your coffee at the same time every day, going the smart plug route will allow you to quickly turn on your coffee maker whenever you’re ready for it.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368316/how-i-got-alexa-to-make-me-coffee-and-why-that’s-not-as-cool-as-it-seems/