
2023-10-14 17:20





标题:姓名+职位+from Pivotal Wechat



Greenplum FullStack Engineer

Job Description

Work in an open, agile team, design and implement fast, stable, easy to use UI for distributed Greenplum database.

Required Skills

  • Proficient on JavaScript. Have rich experience to design large stable, scalable, flexible, extendable frontend/backend framework.

  • Proficient on HTML5 and CSS3. Have demonstrated experience to design nice look & feel frontend.

  • Proficient on one popular backend technologies, like Python or golang

  • Familiar with frontend trend. Has solid understanding/experience on some popular frontend frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, Mithril etc.

  • Solid on frontend UT/BT tools like Jasmine/Mocha. Good at frontend development environment and toolset like Grunt/Gulp, Bower, Yeoman.

  • Team player and self motivated for success

  • UX experience is a big plus

Greenplum Database Kernel Engineer

Company Background

Pivotal offers a modern approach to technology that organisations need in order to thrive in a new era of business innovation. Our solutions intersect cloud, big data and agile development, creating a framework that increases data leverage, accelerates application delivery and decreases costs, while providing enterprises with the speed and scale they need to compete.

Come join a driven, creative, smart and fun-loving company. At Pivotal, you can tackle the most challenging problems, unleash amazing opportunities and build technologies that have a real impact to businesses, people and the world. Every employee has a voice and the autonomy to make decisions and we work together to drive toward tough but rewarding achievements.

Job Summary

Be part of world class database development team, participate in design and develop next generation of MPP share nothing database


  • Participate in the architecture, design and development of feature to resolve real customer pain points and requirements.

  • Deliver robust, fault tolerant, production

  • Interact with members of the Greenplum team across US & China to better align with each other.

Desired Skills and Experience:

  • 5+ years of work experience.

  • Excellent C programming skills, good at [Python|Java|Golang]

  • Rich system level programming experiences, like signals, threads, memory, network, semaphores, IPC

  • Deep understanding on database principals. Rich experience with MPP database or distributed system are big plus.

  • Demonstrated trouble shooting skills

  • Team player and self motivated for success

  • Masters in Computer Science or related field

  • Experience with SQL on Hadoop, AWS etc are big plus

GPDB Kernel Principal Product Manager

Job Description:

Pivotal Greenplum Database (GPDB) is committed to pioneering massively parallel data-intensive analytic processing. Having successfully developed database technology for some of the world’s largest data warehouses, the product has now launched its data cloud initiative and also been on its path to open source. We are looking for a product manager to help define and build the future of the GPDB kernel, to drive customer adoption, and to guide the product through multiple releases. We believe that this is very much a unique opportunity to help in the creation of a revolutionary and important new technology.

The product manager will assist with the gathering of product requirements for GPDB, particularly on the kernel, and will then generate detailed product stories for guiding product development. He or she will then work closely with engineering on a daily basis to clarify requirements, to prioritize features and to monitor progress as the release proceeds, and to define acceptance criteria and tests to ensure that features are developed completely and at a high level of quality. The product manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring that features are working as specified and that they are fully documented and ready for release.

In addition, the product manager will assist with the creation of demos and other sales and marketing collateral, and will generally take part in the product launch and ongoing evangelism, including talking to analysts, customers and the development community.

This is an international and cross-functional initiative. The product manager will be based in China, and will work directly with engineering teams in Beijing, and remotely with the senior product manager and an additional engineering team in the United States.

Candidates should have proven experience defining complex software applications, and guiding successful products through multiple releases. Some familiarity with database technologies or analytics, as well as user interface design, is strongly preferred.


  • Gather product requirements from customers, from management, and from other Pivotal departments including sales, services and support.

  • Perform competitive analyses.

  • Define detailed product requirements, UI mock-ups, and use cases.

  • Attend regular engineering scrums and design meetings, and work with developers to clarify requirements and priorities.

  • Coordinate release schedules across multiple engineering groups in China and the United States.

  • Define acceptance criteria and tests, and verify feature completeness.

  • Assist with product testing.

  • Coordinate with documentation and training teams.

  • Assist with sales and marketing materials including product demonstrations.


  • Excellent communication and written skills

  • Bachelor’s or advanced degree, preferably in a technical field

  • 2-5 years of experience with some or all of the following technical areas:

  • Data warehousing, relational databases, ETL;

  • Business intelligence, data visualization, reporting;

  • Statistical modeling, data mining;

  • Collaboration and workflow applications;

  • n-tier enterprise applications.

  • Familiarity with open-source development

  • Sensitivity to appealing and intuitive user interface design

  • Ability to conduct independent research, and to collaborate with fast-moving teams of experienced developers

  • Experience with the software development lifecycle, and with agile development practices

  • Experience with complex software applications

  • Willingness to take on hard technical challenges

  • Willingness to travel to Pivotal’s headquarter in the U.S.

Customer Engineer

About The Job:

This is a Mid to Senior level Support Engineer position. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with an understanding of cloud computing, virtualization and system administration. As Pivotal continues to build out the product portfolio and offerings, you will be immersed in the most exciting time of the company’s history.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Analyze, diagnose, replicate, troubleshoot and resolve technical issues reported by customer using the Pivotal PaaS platform

  • Take ownership, manage and maintain status on support requests

  • Escalate unresolved issues that require more in-depth knowledge in a timely manner

  • Report and submit product defects and collaborate with Engineering to triage customer issues

  • Create and peer review knowledgebase articles and product documentation

  • Willing and able to learn new technologies


  • 4-7 years of Linux system and network administration

  • Good written and verbal communication skills

  • Strong analytical, troubleshooting, and problem solving skills

  • Strong professional demeanor with customers a must

  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to prioritize support requests

  • Self-motivated, team-oriented, responsible and must be a team player

  • Understand networking protocols and functions (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, SSL/TLS, SMTP, DNS).

  • Experience with one or more of the following Linux operating systems: Ubuntu, Centos, Suse, RHEL, Arch Linux, Windows

  • Ability to read, understand and make small changes to moderatelycomplex applications written in one of the following languages: Ruby, Python Rails, GO, NodeJS, .NET and/or Java is preferred

  • Familiar with AWS, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, or other IaaS/Cloud infrastructure


  • Knowledge of container technologies such as Docker or container orchestration tools like CoreOS, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, etc.

  • Working with automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Saltstack, Mesos or similar technologies

  • Familiarity with software development practices, git workflows, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery

  • Contributions to Open source projects

  • Prior experience working in an Enterprise environment

  • Prior experience with Zendesk, Jira, Desk.com, Salesforce Service Cloud, Freshdesk or other ticketing systems

本文分享自微信公众号 - Greenplum中文社区(GreenplumCommunity)。
如有侵权,请联系 support@oschina.cn 删除。







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