[中断]/proc/interrupts: Rescheduling Interrupts

2023-10-14 07:32

本文主要是介绍[中断]/proc/interrupts: Rescheduling Interrupts,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




What are Rescheduling Interrupts?

Troubleshooting ACPI and APIC problems

Troubleshooting misconfigured hardware

Troubleshooting applications




If you are using a laptop then powertop is a useful tool to help reduce power consumption. powertop examines system activity such as the reasons for processor wakeups and reports this periodically.

On some laptops users have seen alarming amounts of "Recheduling Interrupts" (Kernel IPI events) on Hardy systems, which can be caused by several reasons, from incorrect BIOS settings to misbehaving applications. This page will describe how to track down and reduce the amount of processor wakeups, and hopefully increase battery life on a laptop.




What are Rescheduling Interrupts?

With multi core machines, such as Intel Centrino Duos, the scheduler tries to spread processor activity across as many cores as possible. The general rule of thumb is that it is preferable to have as many processes running on all the cores in lower power (lower clock frequencies) rather than have one core really busy running at full speed while other cores are sleeping.

When the scheduler decides to offload work from one core to another sleeping core, a kernel IPI "message" is sent to a sleeping core to wake it up from a low power sleep to make it start running a process. These IPI events are reported by powertop as "Rescheduling Interrupts". The information is available by reading /proc/interrupts - the IPI events are reported as an interrupt.

Generally speaking wakeup events are caused by timer wakeups or interrupts from hardware and these causes processes to be woken up and get scheduled to run. The scheduler will generate IPIs when it deems it necessary to put these woken up processed onto a sleeping core, hence a system with lots of wakeups or interrupts may manifest many "Rescheduling Interrupts".

If powertop is reporting many hundreds or possibly thousands of "Rescheduling Interrupts" then there probably is a problem with a BIOS setting (misconfigured interrupt setup) or a misbehaving application (generating lots of wakeup from timer in threads).

对于Intel Centrino Duos等多核计算机,调度程序将尝试在尽可能多的核之间分配处理器活动。一般的经验法则是,最好让所有内核以更低的功率(更低的时钟频率)运行尽可能多的进程,而不是让一个内核真正忙于全速运行而其他内核处于睡眠状态。

当调度程序决定将工作从一个内核转移到另一个睡眠内核时,会将内核IPI“消息”发送到睡眠内核,以将其从低功耗睡眠唤醒,以使其开始运行进程。Powertop将这些IPI事件报告为“重新计划中断”。可通过读取/ proc / interrupts获得该信息-IPI事件报告为中断。




Troubleshooting ACPI and APIC problems

ACPI表示高级配置和电源管理接口(Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface)


The first thing to try is to see if the ACPI is not configured correctly causing the kernel to configure hardware sub-optimally.

1. Try booting with the "acpi=noirq" kernel parameter

  • This will disable IRQ configuration derived from ACPI. If there is no difference with noirq enabled or disabled, this may not be an ACPI IRQ configuration issue.

2. Try booting with the "noapic" kernel parameter

  • This will disable the IO-APIC configuration. Again, if there is no difference with it enabled or disabled, this is not an APIC problem.

3. Try booting with "nolapic" kernel parameter

  • This disables local APIC. Again, of there is no difference with it enabled or disabled, this is not a local APIC problem.

4. Try booting with the "acpi=off" kernel parameter

  • This disables ACPI totally. Again, of there is no difference with it enabled or disabled, this is not a local ACPI problem.

If any of the above solves the problem, then it is advisable to:

1. Check if there is a BIOS upgrade for your machine to see if this fixes the problem. 2. Failing this, one may need to fix one's ACPI configuration, see the ACPIBattery wiki page for more help on how to do this.


1.尝试使用“ acpi=noirq”内核参数启动

  • 这将禁用从ACPI派生的IRQ配置。如果启用或禁用noirq没什么区别,则可能不是ACPI IRQ配置问题。

2.尝试使用“ noapic”内核参数启动

  • 这将禁用IO-APIC配置。同样,如果启用或禁用它没有区别,则这不是APIC问题。

3.尝试使用“ nolapic”内核参数启动

  • 这将禁用本地APIC。同样,启用或禁用没有什么区别,这不是本地APIC问题。

4.尝试使用“ acpi=off”内核参数启动

  • 这将完全禁用ACPI。同样,启用或禁用它没有什么区别,这不是本地ACPI问题。


1.检查计算机是否有BIOS升级,以解决问题。 2.如果失败,则可能需要修复其ACPI配置,请参阅ACPIBattery Wiki页面,以获取有关执行此操作的更多帮助。


Troubleshooting misconfigured hardware

Of course, hardware maybe misconfigured, causing a device to cause many hundreds of interrupts a second which cause (spurious) wakeups.

Interrupts can be views by cat'ing /proc/interrupts and seeing which interrupt(s) are overly busy. It is worth taking two captures of /proc/interrupts with a 10 second interval between captures and then comparing the difference to find out the busy interrupt line.

Some may be very legitimate, for example, busy ethernet, audio and video hardware, so some judgment is called for to figure out if an interrupt is being correctly generated or not.

If some hardware is misbehaving and producing spurious interrupts it is worth seeing if a kernel module driver that handles the specific interrupt can be removed to see if this stops the problem or not. Failing this, it is worth filing a bug report.


可以通过设置/ proc / interrupts并查看哪些中断过于繁忙来查看中断。值得两次捕获/ proc / interrupts,两次捕获之间的间隔为10秒,然后比较差异以找出繁忙的中断行。




Troubleshooting applications

The final thing to check is to see if the problem is caused by an application that is doing (too many) frequent wakeups. Some applications such as media players have threads that feed the audio and video hardware with data frequently at precise periodic times and can cause many hundreds of wakeup events per second, for example, Amarok when playing back mp3s.

Other applications may have many threads doing animation, for example, the Opera web browser may have several pages open simultaneously, and on each page there may be flash based animations which all can contribute to many tens or hundreds of wakeups per second.


其他应用程序可能有许多执行动画的线程,例如,Opera Web浏览器可能同时打开了多个页面,并且在每个页面上可能有基于Flash的动画,这些动画均可以每秒促成数十或数百次唤醒。

There are several tools available to examine application behavior to pin point rogue programs:

1. Use vmstat 1 to see how busy the overall system is.


1.使用vmstat 1查看整个系统的繁忙程度。

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa0  0  15868  27716  58212 379880    0    0    38   106  143  529  7  1 90  20  0  15868  27528  58212 379904    0    0     0     0  167  354  1  0 99  00  0  15868  27596  58220 379904    0    0     0    52  398 1126 11  4 86  0

Look at the "in" column to see the number of interrupts a second. If this is very high, then go back and check the interrupts on your system as described in the previous steps above.

Look at the "cs" column to see the number of context switches a second - if this is high there may be (many) applications sleeping and waking causing the scheduler to generate IPI events which show up as "Rescheduling Interrupts".

You may see some tight coupling between 2 processes or threads, e.g. a producer/consumer arrangement where a process does some work and wakes up another to process something and then once this is done the consumer sleeps again waking for the producer. If this occurs very frequently you may see a high amount of context switches a high amount of legitimate "Rescheduling Interrupts" - which is a good sign as it means the scheduler is working to get a good spread of load across the processor cores.


查看“ cs”列以查看每秒的上下文切换次数-如果此数量很高,则可能有(许多)应用程序处于睡眠和唤醒状态,从而导致调度程序生成IPI事件,该事件显示为“重新调度中断”。


2. Use top to see the which are the busiest processes on your system and see if stopping these applications reduces the wakeups. Sometimes the busiest processes are causing the problem with frequent short sleeps and many hundreds of wakeups.


top -b -n 1top - 09:53:07 up  2:15,  4 users,  load average: 1.01, 0.53, 0.29
Tasks: 153 total,   1 running, 152 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  7.1%us,  1.3%sy,  0.1%ni, 89.7%id,  1.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1026056k total,  1010256k used,    15800k free,    49492k buffers
Swap:  3164764k total,    38048k used,  3126716k free,   251244k cachedPID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                  5889 root      20   0  447m 122m  12m S   14 12.2   6:20.88 Xorg                     
22541 joeuser   20   0 98196  77m 7580 S   12  7.7   0:20.34 frozen-bubble            6290 joeuser   20   0 28920 4584 3800 S    8  0.4   0:09.16 pulseaudio               
22266 joeuser   20   0  127m  30m  20m S    6  3.0   0:10.75 amarokapp                6384 joeuser   20   0 25832  18m 7420 S    4  1.8   0:38.22 compiz.real              
22588 root      20   0 84460  18m  10m S    4  1.8   0:01.46 etherape                 
22703 joeuser   20   0 94952  30m  19m S    2  3.1   0:02.51 ekiga                    1 root      20   0  2844 1664  520 S    0  0.2   0:01.50 init                     2 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd                 3 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.06 migration/0      

If you find an application generating far too many wakeups per second, it may be worth filing a bug report against it or trying to fix the problem yourself and supply a patch. Alternatively, finding an alternative application that is aggressive in wakeups may be worth pursuing.





这篇关于[中断]/proc/interrupts: Rescheduling Interrupts的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



第10章 中断和动态时钟显示

第10章 中断和动态时钟显示 从本章开始,按照书籍的划分,第10章开始就进入保护模式(Protected Mode)部分了,感觉从这里开始难度突然就增加了。 书中介绍了为什么有中断(Interrupt)的设计,中断的几种方式:外部硬件中断、内部中断和软中断。通过中断做了一个会走的时钟和屏幕上输入字符的程序。 我自己理解中断的一些作用: 为了更好的利用处理器的性能。协同快速和慢速设备一起工作


提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档 文章目录 前言一、Cortex-M 中断管理1.1 中断优先级分组1.2 相关寄存器1.3 相关宏定义1.4 FreeRTOS 开关中断 二、临界段及其保护2.1 taskENTER_CRITICAL( ) 和 taskEXIT_CRITICAL( )2.2 taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR( )


0 参考资料 ARM Cortex-A(armV7)编程手册V4.0.pdf ARM体系结构与编程第2版 1 前言 Cortex-M系列内核MCU中断硬件原生支持嵌套中断,开发者不需要为了实现嵌套中断而进行额外的工作。但在Cortex-A7中,硬件原生是不支持嵌套中断的,这从Cortex-A7中断向量表中仅为外部中断设置了一个中断向量可以看出。本文介绍ARM官方推荐使用的嵌套中断实现机


MCS-51单片机中的边缘触发是指当输入引脚电平由高到低发生跳变时,才引起中断。而电平触发是指只要外部引脚为低电平就引起中断。         在电平触发方式下,当外部引脚的低电平在中断服务返回前没有被拉高时(即撤除中断请求状态),会引起反复的不需要的中断,造成程序执行的错误。这类中断方式下,需要在中断服务程序中设置指令,清除外部中断的低电平状态,使之变为高电平。

【Java编程思想】线程的基本协作机制 与 线程的中断

wait/notify Java在Object类中定义了一些线程协作的基本方法,wait和notify public final void wait() throws InterruptedException;public final native void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException; 一个带时间参数,单位是毫秒,表示最


首先借助STM32我们需要了解中断系统是如何构成的         会有一个中断源,也就是能够向CPU发出中断请求的设备或事件。中断源不分硬件和软件,也就是产生中断信号,就会执行中断服务函数         但是CPU是如何知道中断源产生后就找到对应的中断服务函数呢,这个时候就要引入中断向量表,它的主要功能是描述中断对应的中断服务函数,每个中断源都有一个唯一的中断号(也称向量号),


服务器环境以及配置 【机型】虚机 处理器: Kunpeng-920 内存: 40G 【内核版本】 4.19.90-23.8.v2101.ky10.aarch64 【OS镜像版本】 银河麒麟操作系统 Kylin-Server-10-SP1-Release-Build20-20210518-arm64 【第三方软件】 智能运维系统、mysql数据集群 现象描述 环境描


一、概述 S3C2440A 中的中断控制器接受来自 60 个中断源的请求。提供这些中断源的是内部外设,如 DMA 控制器、 UART、IIC 等等。 在这些中断源中,UARTn、AC97 和 EINTn 中断对于中断控制器而言是“或”关系。 当从内部外设和外部中断请求引脚收到多个中断请求时,中断控制器在仲裁步骤后请求 ARM920T 内核的 FIQ 或 IRQ。 仲裁步骤由硬件优先级逻辑决定

Linux 一个简单的中断信号实现

1.查看手册,学习中断处理图 流程:(次级源->开关)到 源挂起 到 开关  到 处理优先级 到 中断挂起标志 到 CPSR里面的开关(图中未展现) 最后cpu处理 此次我们先使用k1按键实现中断,即是eint8 2.此次仅涉及一个中断挂起,步骤较简单,有的寄存器未涉及处理。 寄存器挂起后,通过写1清除对应位( 硬件设计逻辑: 中断标志位通常由硬件自动设置为 1,表示中断发生。

江协科技STM32学习- P11 中断系统,EXTI外部中断

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