Proguard 混淆之乱谈 2

2023-10-13 15:10
文章标签 混淆 proguard 之乱

本文主要是介绍Proguard 混淆之乱谈 2,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


《Proguard 混淆之乱谈1》




ProGuard is a Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier. The shrinking step detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods and attributes. The optimization step analyzes and optimizes the bytecode of the methods. The obfuscation step renames the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. These first steps make the code base smaller, more efficient, and harder to reverse-engineer. The final preverification step adds preverification information to the classes, which is required for Java Micro Edition and for Java 6 and higher.

Each of these steps is optional. For instance, ProGuard can also be used to just list dead code in an application, or to preverify class files for efficient use in Java 6.







In order to determine which code has to be preserved and which code can be discarded or obfuscated, you have to specify one or more entry points to your code. These entry points are typically classes with main methods, applets, midlets, activities, etc.In the shrinking step, ProGuard starts from these seeds and recursively determines which classes and class members  are used. All other classes and class members are discarded.The preverification step is the only step that doesn't have to know the entry points.In the optimization step, ProGuard further optimizes the code. Among other optimizations, classes and methods that are not entry points can be made private, static, or final, unused parameters can be removed, and some methods may be inlined.In the obfuscation step, ProGuard renames classes and class members that are not entry points. In this entire process, keeping the entry points ensures that they can still be accessed by their original names.



3.Proguard 使用语法


3.1 Input/Output Options

-inlude filename
-basedirectory 基本路径,之后可以作为相对路径根路径使用
-injars,-outjars 输入输出包
-libraryjars 作为库文件处理不会在outjar中包含
-skipnonpubliclibraryclasses    指定忽略非公共的库类。 
-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses    指定不去忽略非公共的库类。 
-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers    指定不去忽略包非公共的库类的成员。 
-keepdirectories  保留outjar中的路径,可能导致资源获取异常


3.2 Keep Options

-keep {Modifier} {class_specification} 保护指定的类文件和类的成员

-keepclassmembers {modifier} {class_specification} 保护指定类的成员,如果此类受到保护他们会保护的更好
-keepclassmembernames {class_specification} 保护指定的类的成员的名称(如果他们不会压缩步骤中删除)
-printseeds {filename} 列出类和类的成员-keep选项的清单,标准输出到给定的文件

-keepclasseswithmembers {class_specification} 保护指定的类和类的成员,但条件是所有指定的类和类成员是要存在。

-keepnames {class_specification} 保护指定的类和类的成员的名称(如果他们不会压缩步骤中删除)

-keepclasseswithmembernames {class_specification} 保护指定的类和类的成员的名称,如果所有指定的类成员出席(在压缩步骤之后)






  • 3.3 Shrinking Options



  •  -dontshrink 不压缩输入的类文件
  •  -printusage {filename} 输出未被压缩的文件列表到usage.txt中
  •  -whyareyoukeeping {class_specification} 打印为何保留指定class的原因



  • 3.4 Optimization Options

-dontoptimize 不优化输入的类文件

-optimizations 高手使用,进行部分优化

-assumenosideeffects {class_specification} 优化时假设指定的方法,没有任何副作用

-allowaccessmodification 优化时允许访问并修改有修饰符的类和类的成员




  • 3.5 Obfuscation Options



  •    -dontobfuscate 不混淆输入的类文件
  • -printmapping 输出映射关系
  • -applymapping 复用映射关系表
  • -obfuscationdictionary {filename} 使用给定文件中的关键字作为要混淆方法的名称
  • -classofuscationdictionary {filename}使用给定文件中的关键字作为要混淆类的名称
  • -packageofuscationdictionary {filename}使用给定文件中的关键字作为要混淆包的名称
  • -overloadaggressively 混淆时应用侵入式重载
  • -useuniqueclassmembernames 确定统一的混淆类的成员名称来增加混淆
  • -keeppackagenames 保留包名
  • -flattenpackagehierarchy {package_name} 重新包装所有重命名的包并放在给定的单一包中
  • -repackageclass {package_name} 重新包装所有重命名的类文件中放在给定的单一包中
  • -dontusemixedcaseclassnames 混淆时不会产生形形色色的类名
  • -keepattributes {attribute_name,...} 保护给定的可选属性,例如LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable, SourceFile, Deprecated, Synthetic, Signature, and InnerClasses.
  • -keepparameters 保留方法的参数名称和类型
  • -renamesourcefileattribute {string} 设置源文件中给定的字符串常量
  • -adaptclassstring
  • -adaptresourcesfilenames
  • -adaptresourcefilecontents





  • 3.6 Preverification Options



  • -dontpreverify 不进行预校验
  • -microedtion




  • 3.7 General Options



  • -verbose
  • -dontwarn 不警告
  • -dontnote 不提醒可能存在的错误
  • -ignorewarning 忽略warning
  • -printconfiguration 打印配置信息
  • -dump 输出文件结构




  • 3.8 Class Paths



  • 路径,可以加过滤条件




  • 3.9 File Names



  • 可带上相对路径或者绝对路径




  • 3.10 File Filters


?matches any single character in a file name.
*matches any part of a filename not containing the directory separator.
**matches any part of a filename, possibly containing any number of directory separators.



  • 3.11 Filters



  • 同上




  • 3.12 Keep Option Modifiers



  • -includdescriptorclass 输出文件包括描述类
  • -allowshrunk
  • -allowoptimization
  • -allowobfuscation




  • 3.13 Class Specifications

这篇关于Proguard 混淆之乱谈 2的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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minifyEnabled属性 和ProGuard配置文件

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#指定代码的压缩级别     -optimizationpasses 5          #包明不混合大小写     -dontusemixedcaseclassnames          #不去忽略非公共的库类     -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses          # 指定不去忽略包可见的库类的成员    -don