detox 测试_发布者资料:Detox Studios

2023-10-12 23:30

本文主要是介绍detox 测试_发布者资料:Detox Studios,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

detox 测试

We asked Scott Blinn of Detox Studios, the team behind the popular Asset Store product uScript, about their company, their products, and success!

我们询问了Detox Studios(流行的Asset Store产品 uScript 背后的团队)的Scott Blinn 关于他们的公司,他们的产品和成功的信息!

团结:你的 背景 是什么(Unity: What is your background?)

Scott: Detox Studios was founded just over a year ago by four veteran game developers. We have over 50 years of related experience between us, and have worked as developers on many award-winning video games, including System Shock 2, Thief: The Dark Project, The Bourne Conspiracy, Darkwatch, Red Faction, Pixar Cars, Deadly Creatures, and others. Our software’s design and architecture is based on many years of experience in creating custom game tools and technology as well as using that technology to create award-winning, multi-million dollar commercial products. Through Detox Studios, we wish to bring that experience to Unity developers and help them focus on making great products of their own.

斯科特(Scott): Detox Studios是由四名资深游戏开发商于一年前成立的。 我们之间已有50多年的相关经验,并曾在许多屡获殊荣的视频游戏中担任开发人员,包括System Shock 2,Thief:The Dark Project,The Bourne Conspiracy,Darkwatch,Red Faction,Pixar Cars,Deadly Creatures,和别的。 我们的软件的设计和体系结构基于在创建自定义游戏工具和技术以及使用该技术创建屡获殊荣的数百万美元商业产品方面的多年经验。 我们希望通过Detox Studios将这些经验带给Unity开发人员,并帮助他们专注于制作自己的出色产品。

Unity: Why did you decide to make uScript?


Scott: The uScript Visual Scripting Tool was designed to empower non-technical developers, such as game designers, artists, architects and others, to directly create and iterate on gameplay features in order to bring their visions to life. It is our belief that to be competitive and innovative, it is vital to put the power of creation and iteration directly into the hands of artists and designers. This also allows the technical folks on a team to focus on technical innovations instead of spending their time in an implementation support role. The end result is a higher quality final product. uScript was designed and developed with four major goals in mind at all times:

斯科特:uScript视觉脚本工具旨在使非技术开发人员(例如游戏设计师,美术师,建筑师等)能够直接创建并迭代游戏功能,以实现其愿景。 我们相信,要具有竞争力和创新性,至关重要的是将创作和迭代的力量直接交到艺术家和设计师手中。 这也使团队中的技术人员可以专注于技术创新,而不必花时间在实施支持角色上。 最终结果是更高质量的最终产品。 uScript在设计和开发时始终牢记四个主要目标:

  • Usability – It was our number one goal to take something as complex as programming game logic, and visualize it in a way best suited for non-technical people to be able to do what they want without having to worry about technical aspects getting in their way. This is a very challenging problem as the more technical aspects you hide the more flexibility is lost. A massive amount of time was spent making uScript the easiest to use solution available while maintaining the flexibility that allows advanced developers to do what they want with the tool. We continue to put a lot of our development efforts into constantly improving this aspect of the product.

    可用性 –我们的首要目标是采用像编程游戏逻辑这样复杂的事物,并以最适合非技术人员的方式可视化它,使其能够做自己想要的事情而不必担心技术方面的问题。 这是一个非常具有挑战性的问题,因为您隐藏的技术方面越多,失去的灵活性就越大。 花费大量时间使uScript成为最容易使用的解决方案,同时保持灵活性,使高级开发人员可以使用该工具完成他们想要的事情。 我们继续将大量的开发工作投入到不断改进产品的这一方面。

  • Iteration – Any developer worth their salt knows that the best ideas (and products) are ones that can be quickly iterated on during development. The flexibility to quickly try new ideas without fear is critical to inspiring innovation and being competitive. uScript allows you to visualize your ideas quickly and try different things in a very rapid, non-destructive development environment. Also, because uScript allows gameplay logic to be created by non-programming team members, it greatly increases productivity through parallel iteration and experimentation. This frees up a team’s engineers to focus on technical innovation and competitive advantages instead of implementing (and re-implementing) product design concepts.

    迭代 –任何精打细算的开发人员都知道,最好的想法(和产品)是可以在开发过程中快速迭代的想法。 快速地尝试新想法而无需担心的灵活性对于激发创新和竞争力至关重要。 uScript使您可以快速地形象化您的想法,并在非常快速,无损的开发环境中尝试不同的事情。 另外,由于uScript允许非编程团队成员创建游戏逻辑,因此通过并行迭代和实验大大提高了生产率。 这使团队的工程师得以腾出精力专注于技术创新和竞争优势,而无需实施(和重新实施)产品设计概念。

  • Expandability – Every product has unique needs and development pipelines, and it would be impossible for a visual scripting system to handle 100% of all needs “out of the box”. Because of this, uScript was designed to be extremely customizable and extensible for projects big and small. This extensibility is accomplished through several key features, including the ability to create custom visual nodes (logic blocks) using C# code or even through visual scripting with uScript itself, customizable editor UI and file names/locations, full “.Net Reflection” of Unity’s objects/components/properties/variables,and a user-supported uScript community portal.

    可扩展性 –每个产品都有独特的需求和开发流程,并且视觉脚本系统不可能“开箱即用”地满足所有需求的100%。 因此,uScript被设计为可定制的,并且可以针对大型和小型项目进行扩展。 这种可扩展性是通过几个关键功能实现的,包括使用C#代码创建自定义可视节点(逻辑块)的能力,甚至使用uScript本身的可视脚本,可自定义的编辑器UI和文件名/位置,以及Unity的完整“ .Net Reflection”对象/组件/属性/变量,以及用户支持的uScript社区门户。

  • Community – Because of uScript’s ability to be customized and expanded in many ways, it was important to us that its users had a place to go to share their nodes, creations, knowledge, and ideas. We also wanted to have a way to share uScript news and updates, and have open two-way dialog with our users regarding uScript. In support of that goal, we have created a community portal ( for uScript users, as well as future users looking to see what we are all about.

    社区 –由于uScript可以通过多种方式进行自定义和扩展,因此对我们而言,重要的是它的用户可以共享他们的节点,创作,知识和思想。 我们还希望有一种共享uScript新闻和更新的方法,并希望与用户就uScript打开双向对话。 为了实现该目标,我们为uScript用户以及希望了解我们的所有未来用户创建了一个社区门户(。

Unity: What motivated you to develop this product for Unity?


Scott: We are all very passionate about game development tools, pipelines and architecture. Two of our founding members had developed an extensible visual scripting system for an internal game engine that utilized Lua. Once we realized we were onto something pretty cool we thought it would be great to release it to the world. Unity was a natural fit, since the Unity Asset Store was just announced, and there was no visual scripting solution available at the time. Furthermore, Unity’s support of C# allowed us to implement a number of exciting “next generation” features that would place us far ahead of the competition and make uScript a great commercial product.

斯科特:我们都对游戏开发工具,管道和架构充满热情。 我们的两位创始成员已经为使用Lua的内部游戏引擎开发了可扩展的可视脚本系统。 一旦我们意识到自己处于一个非常酷的事物上,我们认为将其发布给世界将是很棒的。 自从Unity Asset Store刚刚宣布以来,Unity很自然,当时还没有可视化脚本解决方案。 此外,Unity对C#的支持使我们能够实现许多令人兴奋的“下一代”功能,这些功能将使我们远远领先于竞争对手,并使uScript成为出色的商业产品。

Unity: As one of the top-selling products, uScript clearly stands out. What do you think differentiates it from the rest?

团结:作为最畅销的产品之一,uScript显然很突出。 您认为它有什么区别吗?

Scott: As stated before, our whole philosophy with uScript is to empower the entire ndevelopment team, from artist to designer to programmer. Other visual scripting tools use a ‘black box’ to run their visual logic at runtime. The entire team is at the mercy (good or bad) of the tool’s creators when it comes to bugs, performance, and clarity on exactly what that black box is doing under the hood. One of our goals with uScript was to remove that ‘black box’. To achieve this, we’ve written uScript from the ground up to simply export C# code. uScript simply creates C# game scripts that are just like any other game script created by hand. This allows the developer to dive as deep as they wish into what uScript is doing behind the scene and to also allow us to take advantage of the same compiler optimizations as any other script written by a programmer directly. Another feature that makes uScript stand out is our data preservation and deprecation features built into uScript.

斯科特:如前所述,我们使用uScript的整个理念是授权整个ndevelopment团队,从艺术家到设计师再到程序员。 其他视觉脚本工具使用“黑匣子”在运行时运行其视觉逻辑。 当涉及到错误,性能以及黑匣子到底在做什么方面的清晰度时,整个团队都由该工具的创建者摆布(好坏)。 使用uScript的目标之一是删除“黑匣子”。 为了实现这一目标,我们从头开始编写了uScript,仅导出C#代码。 uScript只是创建C#游戏脚本,就像手工创建的任何其他游戏脚本一样。 这使开发人员可以按自己的意愿深入研究uScript在幕后所做的事情,还可以让我们利用与程序员直接编写的任何其他脚本相同的编译器优化。 使uScript脱颖而出的另一个功能是uScript内置的数据保存和弃用功能。

Many people are excited about the idea of visual scripting, but what they may not think about is what happens if you need to change existing visual nodes to add features or fix a bug half way through development? Doing so can easily cause data loss or invalidate potentially hundreds of visual graphs on a project. uScript has systems in place to allow for data preservation (restoring node links and properties for example) as well as a node update and deprecation system that will help you either update to a new version of an existing node or to entirely replace an obsolete node with a new one. Such systems are critical for professional game development in which you need to be flexible yet still ship a quality product on time and budget.

许多人对可视化脚本的想法感到兴奋,但是如果您需要更改现有可视化节点以添加功能或在开发过程中修复错误,他们会想到什么呢? 这样做很容易导致数据丢失或使项目上的数百个可视化图形无效。 uScript拥有可以保留数据的系统(例如,还原节点链接和属性)以及节点更新和弃用系统,可以帮助您更新到现有节点的新版本或用以下各项完全替换过时的节点:一个新的。 此类系统对于专业游戏开发至关重要,在这种游戏中,您需要灵活一些,但仍要按时,按预算交付高质量的产品。

Unity: What you like about the Unity game engine?

Unity: 您喜欢Unity游戏引擎吗?

Scott: Unity’s approach to development and its ability to quickly iterate on ideas have always been a strong pull for us. We’re also very pleased with how Unity’s architecture allows developers to easily extend the editor itself. uScript wouldn’t have been possible without it!

Scott: Unity的开发方法及其快速迭代想法的能力一直是我们的强大动力。 我们还对Unity的体系结构如何使开发人员轻松扩展编辑器本身感到非常满意。 没有它,就不可能实现uScript!

Unity: How does the Asset Store figure into your business?

Unity: 资产商店如何融入您的业务?

Scott: We have been following Unity development closely for years and when we heard the announcement at the Unite conference, we knew the Asset Store was going to be huge. The Asset Store plays a large role in our business. Currently over 90% of our revenue is generated through the Asset Store. The support staff has been very helpful in working with us and providing us with any help we need. It has also played a large role in our initial introduction to the Unity community. We hope to see the Asset Store continue to grow with Unity!

斯科特:多年来,我们一直密切关注Unity开发,当我们在Unite会议上听到这一消息时,我们知道Asset Store将会非常庞大​​。 资产商店在我们的业务中扮演着重要角色。 目前,我们超过90%的收入来自资产商店。 支持人员在与我们合作以及为我们提供所需的任何帮助方面都非常有帮助。 在我们最初介绍Unity社区时,它也发挥了重要作用。 我们希望看到Asset Store随着Unity的发展而不断发展!


Unity: Do you have any advice for middleware developers who might use the store?


Scott: Remember that when you are creating commercial software that the software itself is only part of the package! Spend some time coming up with branding for your software that will allow you to build recognition and excitement for your product through the name and logo. A well polished presentation on the Asset Store will go a long way to making potential customers confident that you are serious about what you are asking them to spend their hard-earned money on.

斯科特:请记住,当您创建商业软件时,该软件本身只是软件包的一部分! 花一些时间为您的软件打上商标,这将使您能够通过名称和徽标为您的产品树立知名度和激情。 在Asset Store上精心制作的演示文稿将大大帮助潜在客户确信您对您要求他们用辛苦赚来的钱认真对待。

You also need to be prepared to support your product as well. Creating the software is only half of the challenge, and you need to be prepared to foster a happy community of users. We recommend something interactive, such as a forum, which can act as your primary portal for supporting your software. This allows you to build up a history of answered questions and knowledgeable users who will also start helping new users. Support (done well) can take a massive amount of your time and impact future development, so you need to be prepared for that and approach support as efficiently as possible!

您还需要准备好支持您的产品。 开发软件只是挑战的一半,您需要做好准备以建立一个快乐的用户社区。 我们建议您使用交互式的内容(例如论坛)来充当支持软件的主要门户。 这使您可以建立回答问题和知识渊博的用户的历史记录,这些历史记录也将开始为新用户提供帮助。 支持(做得很好)可能会花费大量时间,并影响未来的发展,因此您需要为此做好准备,并尽可能有效地寻求支持!

Unity: What can developers look towards in the future from your company?

Unity: 开发人员将来会如何看待您的公司?

Scott: For now they can look forward to continued uScript development and world-class customer service. All our focus is on getting our software to its version 1 release (not far off now!) and taking a look at our roadmap for features and improvements for uScript’s first service pack. We listen closely to the feedback and suggestions provided by our users, and the decision to implement individual features and their order of prioritization is often heavily influenced by the community. Our uScript community forum is alive and flourishing with well over a thousand registered members, topics, and posts. We encourage everyone to jump into the community and share with us their thoughts and ideas. Our goal is to create the best possible product for our users, and with their feedback and support, we can make it happen.

Scott:目前,他们可以期待继续进行uScript开发和世界一流的客户服务。 我们的全部重点是将软件升级到版本1(现在已经不远了!),并了解我们针对uScript第一个Service Pack的功能和改进的路线图。 我们会认真听取用户提供的反馈和建议,而实施个性化功能及其优先级排序的决定通常会受到社区的严重影响。 我们的uScript社区论坛非常活跃并且蓬勃发展,有成千上万的注册成员,主题和帖子。 我们鼓励所有人跳入社区并与我们分享他们的想法。 我们的目标是为用户创造最好的产品,并在他们的反馈和支持下实现这一目标。

Unity: What is your vision for the future of game development and game developers?

Unity: 您对游戏开发和游戏开发商的未来有何看法?

Scott: In many ways I think the “future” is already here and we are seeing it everywhere! Everyday, we see small, independent developers creating amazingly innovative products, and self-publishing in a world of digital distribution on an ever-expanding number of target platforms. Unity is a great platform for this to happen, and is also why we are so excited and proud of uScript—it allows these small and nimble teams (or individuals!) to get things done and bring their visions into the world for us all to enjoy.

斯科特:从很多方面来说,我都认为“未来”已经来临,我们到处都能看到它! 每天,我们都会看到小型的独立开发人员创造出惊人的创新产品,并在数字发行世界中以不断扩大的目标平台自我发布。 Unity是实现这一目标的绝佳平台,也是我们对uScript感到如此兴奋和自豪的原因-它允许这些规模小巧的团队(或个人!)完成工作并将他们的愿景带给我们所有人请享用。


detox 测试

这篇关于detox 测试_发布者资料:Detox Studios的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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互联网中,软件工程师岗位会分前端工程师,后端工程师。这是由于互联网软件规模庞大,从业人员众多。前后端分别根据各自需求发展不一样的技术栈。那么上位机软件呢?它规模小,通常一个人就能开发一个项目。它还有必要分前后端吗? 有必要。本文从三个方面论述。分别是可测试,可维护,可移植。 可测试 软件黑盒测试更普遍,但很难覆盖所有应用场景。于是有了接口测试、模块化测试以及单元测试。都是通过降低测试对象


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