本文主要是介绍QCC300x --OTA步骤,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
import os, sys,time
os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())+'\\'
CUR_DIR = os.getcwd()+'\\'
TOOL_DIR = 'C:\\ProgramFilesUser\\Qualcomm\\ADK_QCC300x.WIN.1.0.167\\tools\\bin\\'#
# Source target file defination
TARGET_FILE = 'qcc3004.xuv'
UPG_FILE = 'qcc3004.upg'
UPG_XUV_File= 'qcc3004_upg.xuv'
KEY_FILE = 'oem.private.key'
SIGNED_FILE = 'qcc3004_upg_signed.xuv'
OTA_FILE = 'qcc3004_upg_signed.bin'
DUMP_FILE = 'qcc3004_dump.xuv'
AUDIO_FILE = 'audio_prompts.xuv'print('***********************************')
print(' Start ')
# check qcc3004.xuv file. if not exist in current folder, will check is in parent
# folder and copy it to current folder if exist. otherwise ,will exit with 1.
ret = os.path.exists(CUR_DIR + TARGET_FILE)
if not ret:ret = os.path.exists(SRC_DIR + TARGET_FILE)if not ret:print('can not find qcc3004.xuv file.')exit(1)else:os.system('XCOPY /Y /F ' + SRC_DIR + TARGET_FILE +' '+ CUR_DIR)#
# check audio_prompts.xuv file. if not exist in current folder, will check is in parent
# folder and copy it to current folder if exist. otherwise ,will exit with 1.
ret = os.path.exists(CUR_DIR + AUDIO_FILE)
if not ret:ret = os.path.exists(SRC_DIR + AUDIO_FILE)if not ret:print('can not find '+AUDIO_FILE+' file.')exit(1)else:os.system('XCOPY /Y /F ' + SRC_DIR + AUDIO_FILE + ' '+CUR_DIR)#
# generate setting files.
ret = os.system(TOOL_DIR+'upgradeFileGen.exe ' + CUR_DIR + UPG_FILE + ' ' + CUR_DIR + UPG_XUV_File)
ret = os.system(TOOL_DIR+'dfusign.exe -v -f -u -h '+CUR_DIR + UPG_XUV_File +' -o '+CUR_DIR + SIGNED_FILE+' -ka '+CUR_DIR + KEY_FILE)
ret = os.system(TOOL_DIR+'xuv2bin.exe -d '+CUR_DIR + SIGNED_FILE+' '+CUR_DIR + OTA_FILE)
print('*************END **********************')
这篇关于QCC300x --OTA步骤的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!