使用sequelize和postgresql设置Express api

2023-10-10 19:30

本文主要是介绍使用sequelize和postgresql设置Express api,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

In this tutorial I will be explaining how to set up a node-express API using sequelize and postgres. The API will have a many to many relationships which will be as follows:

在本教程中,我将解释如何使用sequelize和postgres设置node-express API。 该API将具有许多关系,如下所示:

An artist has many songs and many genres through songs


A genre has many songs and many artists through songs


A song belongs to an artist and a genre


Let us begin by creating our directory


mkdir node-express-api

and then


npm init -ynpm install sequelize nodemon express body-parser cors && npm install --save-dev sequelize-cli

Sequelize is a promise based ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL server.

Sequelize是针对Postgres,MySQL,MariaDB,SQLite和Microsoft SQL Server的基于承诺的ORM。

Sequelize-cli allows us to use the command line to access various commands that will be used throughout this tutorial. (It functions similarly to the cli commands that are included in Ruby on Rails)

Sequelize-cli允许我们使用命令行来访问将在本教程中使用的各种命令。 (它的功能类似于Ruby on Rails中包含的cli命令)

Nodemon will monitor node for any changes being made and automatically restart the server if there are changes.


Body-parser is body parsing middleware for node.js. It parses incoming request bodies before your handlers.

Body-parser是用于node.js的主体解析中间件。 它在处理程序之前解析传入的请求主体。

Cors can be read more about here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS as it is beyond the scope of this blog.

可以在以下位置进一步了解Cors: https : //developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS,因为它不在本博客的讨论范围之内。

Next, enter this into your terminal.


sequelize init
// if this and the below sequelize commands do not work properly, try typing sequelize-cli instead

This will create a number of folders into which we will be adding the files needed for the creation of the API.


At this point we will modify the config.json file to look like this:


The “dialect” corresponds to the database you want to use for the API. I have chosen to use PostgreSQL. You will notice that in addition to removing parts of the config.json file, I have also added “dialectOptions” along with “ssl” and “rejectUnauthorized”. Check https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html if you want to learn more about ssl.

“方言”对应于您要用于API的数据库。 我选择使用PostgreSQL。 您会注意到,除了删除config.json文件的一部分外,我还添加了“ dialectOptions”以及“ ssl”和“ rejectUnauthorized”。 如果要了解有关ssl的更多信息,请检查https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html 。

Next, run these commands to create a song, genre, and artist using sequelize-cli


sequelize model:generate --name Genre --attributes name:stringsequelize model:generate --name Artist --attributes name:string,bio:stringsequelize model:generate --name Song --attributes title:string,lyrics:string

in order to automatically create their corresponding model and migration files with the attributes listed above.


As I am demonstrating how to create a node-express API featuring a many to many relationship, you will now need to open the song migration file and add the following code.

当我演示如何创建具有多对多关系的node-express API时,您现在需要打开歌曲迁移文件并添加以下代码。

// migrations/create-songartistId: {   type: Sequelize.INTEGER,   onDelete: ‘CASCADE’,   references: {   model: ‘Artists’,   key: ‘id’,   as: ‘artistId’, }},genreId: {   type: Sequelize.INTEGER,   onDelete: ‘CASCADE’,   references: {   model: ‘Genres’,   key: ‘id’,   as: ‘genreId’,}

such that it looks like this inside your create-song migration file.


Image for post

If you create your migrations without these lines of code, the song table in your database will lack columns corresponding to artist and genre id.


Now, run


sequelize db:migrate

in order to set up the tables in our database. At this point, I would recommend checking your database to see if the tables and columns have been set up properly. In order to do this, you can use the below psql commands.

为了在我们的数据库中建立表格。 在这一点上,我建议您检查数据库以查看表和列是否已正确设置。 为此,可以使用以下psql命令。

psql db_development\dt

The above command displays all tables


\d “Artists”\d “Genres”\d “Songs”

and the above 3 commands describe the tables.


If everything is in order, you can proceed to the next step.


Now we will create our seed files for the database


sequelize seed:generate –-name artistssequelize seed:generate –-name genressequelize seed:generate –-name songs

You should now have 3 files within a folder named seeders. In each of these files, we will be creating seed data.

现在,在名为seeders的文件夹中应该有3个文件。 在每个文件中,我们将创建种子数据。

Image for post
Image for post
Image for post

Once your seed data has been created, run this command:


sequelize db:seed:all

Your database should now be seeded!


Make sure everything is in order with the below commands.


psql db_developmentselect * from “Artists”;select * from “Songs”;select * from “Genres”;

If the values displayed are to your liking, then move on to the next step.


Now create the following folders and files:


mkdir controllersmkdir routestouch server.js

It would also behoove us to modify the package.json file so as to more easily allow us to use nodemon.


Add line 8 into the “scripts” portion of your package.json file.


Now inside of the routes folder, create a new file called index.js


touch routes/index.js

This file will hold our API endpoints


And then add the following files to the controllers.js folder


touch controllers/artists.jstouch controllers/genres.jstouch controllers/songs.js

These files will give us access to CRUD actions once completed. Additionally, you have now created all the files and folders that will be used in this tutorial.

一旦完成,这些文件将使我们能够访问CRUD操作。 此外,您现在已经创建了将在本教程中使用的所有文件和文件夹。

Ensure that your file and folder structure looks like this:


Image for post

Inside of the server.js file, enter the following code:


const express = require(‘express’);const routes = require(‘./routes’);const bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’)const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;const app = express();app.use(bodyParser.json())app.use(‘/’, routes);app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on port: ${PORT}`))

Next, inside of the routes/index.js file, enter the following code:

接下来,在routes / index.js文件中,输入以下代码:

const { Router } = require(‘express’);
const controllers = require(‘../controllers’);const router = Router();router.get(‘/’, (req, res) => res.send(‘Server running!’))module.exports = router

to get the server up and running.


Now to check if the server is running type either


npm start



npx nodemon server.js

into your terminal and then open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

进入终端,然后在浏览器中打开http:// localhost:3000 / 。

If you see the message “Server running!” in the top left, then you have successfully created an express server.

如果看到消息“服务器正在运行!” 在左上角,那么您已经成功创建了快递服务器。

Begin filling out the files in your controllers folder so that the logic for handling your CRUD actions will be implemented.


Image for post
Image for post
Image for post

Make sure that you do the same for the genre and song controllers as well!


Now that you have finished with that, it is time to move on to the routes!


Copy the below lines of code into your routes/index.js file so that you can access the various crud actions you wrote in your controllers folder.

将以下代码行复制到route / index.js文件中,以便您可以访问在controllers文件夹中编写的各种crud操作。

// routes/index.js
const { Router } = require(‘express’);const artists = require(‘../controllers/artists’);const genres = require(‘../controllers/genres’);const songs = require(‘../controllers/songs’);const router = Router();
router.get(‘/’, (req, res) => res.send(‘Server running!’))router.get(‘/artists’, artists.getAllArtists)router.get(‘/artists/:id’, artists.getArtistById)router.patch(‘/artists/:id’, artists.updateArtist)router.delete(‘/artists/:id’, artists.deleteArtist)router.post(‘/artists’, artists.createArtist)
router.get(‘/genres’, genres.getAllGenres)router.get(‘/genres/:id’, genres.getGenreById)router.patch(‘/genres/:id’, genres.updateGenre)router.delete(‘/genres/:id’, genres.deleteGenre)router.post(‘/genres’, genres.createGenre)
router.get(‘/songs’, songs.getAllSongs)router.get(‘/songs/:id’, songs.getSongById)router.patch(‘/songs/:id’, songs.updateSong)router.delete(‘/songs/:id’, songs.deleteSong)router.post(‘/songs’, songs.createSong)
module.exports = router

At this point you should be able to access these routes using a REST client like Postman. Alternatively, you should also be able to access your API via localhost if you do not wish to utilize a REST client.

此时,您应该能够使用REST客户端(如Postman)访问这些路由。 另外,如果您不希望使用REST客户端,则还应该能够通过本地主机访问API。

As always, I hope this will be useful to you.


Github repository for the completed code: https://github.com/sdornel/node-many-to-many-relationship

Github存储库以获取完整代码: https : //github.com/sdornel/node-many-to-many-relationship

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/set-up-an-express-api-using-sequelize-and-postgresql-70d8c03cf928



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