
2023-10-09 09:20




While they’re never the snappiest devices, if your Kindle is feeling sluggish—or freezing altogether—we’re here to help. Let’s look at some troubleshooting tips.

尽管它们并不是最灵巧的设备,但如果您的Kindle感觉呆滞或完全冻结,我们将在这里为您提供帮助。 让我们看一些故障排除技巧。

检查看看您是否正在下载任何内容 (Check to See If You’re Downloading Anything)

Kindles are underpowered devices compared to…well, everything else. You just don’t need that much processing power to handle eBooks, and most of the time, that’s fine. But, if your Kindle is doing anything in the background, it will probably start running slowly.

相较于其他所有功能,Kindle的动力不足。 您只是不需要那么多的处理能力来处理电子书,并且在大多数情况下,这很好。 但是,如果您的Kindle在后台执行任何操作,则可能会开始缓慢运行。

The only real background task your Kindle is going to be doing for any length of time is downloading eBooks. If you’re using a slow internet connection or downloading a large number of eBooks at once (or just a single large book) then there’s a good chance your whole device will feel sluggish. Wait for a few minutes until everything’s finished downloading and it should start to run much better.

在任何时间段内,Kindle唯一要做的真正的后台任务就是下载电子书。 如果您使用慢速的互联网连接或一次下载大量的电子书(或仅下载一本大书),那么您的整个设备很可能会呆滞。 等待几分钟,直到所有内容下载完毕,它应该开始运行得更好。

Note that your Kindle will also have to do some processing immediately after downloading files so it may take a minute or two after the downloads have finished for you to see the difference.


阅读正确的书 (Read the Right Books)

Kindles are designed for small, light eBook files. They can handle PDFs, image heavy documents, and even comics, but they won’t do it as well as a more general purpose tablet.

Kindle是为小型轻量电子书文件设计的。 他们可以处理PDF,图像繁重的文档甚至是漫画 ,但是他们做不到通用平板电脑。

If you’re reading eBooks you acquired from non-Amazon sources, there’s a chance that they might be in a format with which your Kindle struggles. The worst example I’ve ever seen was someone trying to read a PDF scan of a book; every page was an image and the whole document weighed in at over 100MB. It’s no wonder their Kindle was having a fit.

如果您正在阅读从非亚马逊渠道购买的电子书,则可能是您的Kindle格式难以解决。 我见过的最糟糕的例子是有人试图阅读一本书的PDF扫描。 每页都是一张图像,整个文档的重量超过100MB。 难怪他们的Kindle很适合。

If you’re going to put different formats of eBook on your Kindle, you should use a program like Calibre to manage and convert them.

如果要在Kindle上放置不同格式的电子书,则应使用Calibre之类的程序来管理和转换它们 。

重新启动Kindle (Restart You Kindle)

You might not think about it, but you probably haven’t restarted your Kindle properly in months. When you “turn it off” after a good reading session, you’re actually just putting it into a low power standby mode. This means that if there are any crashes or the like going on behind the scenes, they can bug you for a long time. It’s also just good practice to restart your Kindle from time to time; turning things off and on again is pretty much a magic tech fix.

您可能没有考虑过,但是几个月后您可能还没有正确重启Kindle。 当您在良好的阅读会话后“关闭”时,实际上是在将其置于低功耗待机状态。 这意味着,如果在后台发生任何崩溃或类似事件,它们可能会长时间困扰您。 不时重新启动Kindle也是一种好习惯; 断断续续地打开东西几乎是一种神奇的技术修复。

To restart your Kindle, hold the power button down for about seven seconds, and then select the “Restart” option when the Power menu pops up.


If the screen has frozen and you can’t tap Restart, hold the power button down for—a comically long—40 seconds or until the screen goes black. This will also restart your Kindle.

如果屏幕冻结,并且您无法轻按“重新启动”,请按住电源按钮40分钟,直到屏幕变黑为止,这可笑的很长。 这也将重新启动您的Kindle。

更新软件 (Update the Software)

Your Kindle should automatically be updated to the latest version over the air, but sometimes that process fails. If you think you might not be on the latest firmware version, tap the Menu button, go to Settings, and then tap the Menu button again on the Settings page.

您的Kindle应该会自动通过空中更新为最新版本,但有时该过程会失败。 如果您认为您可能没有使用最新的固件版本,请单击“菜单”按钮,转到“设置”,然后再次在“设置”页面上单击“菜单”按钮。

If “Update Your Kindle” is dimmed, you’re on the latest version. If it’s not, then there’s an update waiting to be installed.

如果“更新您的Kindle”显示为灰色,则说明您使用的是最新版本。 如果不是,则有一个更新等待安装。

You can also try and manually update your Kindle.

您也可以尝试手动更新Kindle 。

重置您的Kindle (Reset Your Kindle)

If none of this has fixed your Kindle, the next step is to try a factory rest. This wipes your Kindle and returns it to the state it was in when it came off the production line. If there are any bugs or weird file errors going on, this will completely purge them.

如果以上方法都无法修复您的Kindle,则下一步是尝试恢复出厂状态。 这会擦拭您的Kindle,并将其恢复为出厂时的状态。 如果出现任何错误或奇怪的文件错误,这将彻底清除它们。

Go to Menu > Settings.


Tap the Menu button again on the Settings page, and then select the “Reset” option.


Tap “Yes” to confirm, and your Kindle will switch off. Give it a few minutes to reset and restart and then you’re good to go again. You’ll need to set your Kindle up like you did when it was new.

点击“是”确认,您的Kindle将关闭。 给它几分钟的时间来重置并重新启动,然后您就可以再次进行了。 您需要像全新时一样设置Kindle。

升级您的Kindle (Upgrade Your Kindle)

My Kindle has been running slow the last few months and, no matter what I’ve done, it hasn’t really fixed it for more than a few days. It was only when I dug a little deeper that I realized my Kindle is one of the original Paperwhites from 2012—almost six years old. It’s no wonder that it’s not at its best anymore.

过去几个月,我的Kindle运行缓慢,无论我做什么,都已经超过几天没有真正修复它。 直到我更深入地研究时,我才意识到我的Kindle是2012年的原始Paperwhites之一,将近6岁了。 难怪它不再是最好的了。

The reality is that all tech products have a lifespan and that my Kindle is probably approaching the end of its usefulness. If you’re still rocking a Kindle Keyboard or similarly old device, that’s probably a big part of the problem. Consider upgrading to a newer model. I’m seriously eyeing the Oasis.

现实情况是,所有高科技产品都有使用寿命,而我的Kindle可能已经用完了。 如果您仍在摇摆Kindle Keyboard键盘或类似的旧设备,则可能是问题的很大一部分。 考虑升级到较新的模型 。 我正认真地盯着绿洲 。

If nothing on this list has fixed your slow or freezing Kindle, or you only bought it recently, then it could be a hardware problem. Contact Amazon support and explain your problem to them. I’ve found they’re very good about replacing faulty Kindles.

如果此列表中的任何内容都不能解决您缓慢或冻结的Kindle,或者您是最近才购买的,则可能是硬件问题。 联系Amazon支持并向他们解释您的问题。 我发现它们非常适合替换有故障的Kindle。






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