570.What methods of point-in-time recovery are available? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Change-based
B. Cancel-based
C. Time-based
D. Sequence number-based
E. Transaction number-based
Answer: ABCD
untilClause | Specifies a past time, SCN, or log sequence number for termination of the RECOVER command. When used with one or more tablespaces, the clause indicates a tablespace point-in-time recovery (TSPITR) operation for the named tablespaces. The clause cannot be used with RECOVER DATAFILE . It should not be used for RECOVER DATABASE (see "Usage Notes" for details). After database point-in-time recovery (DBPITR), you must open the database with the RESETLOGS option. See Also: untilClause |
UNTIL SCN integer | Specifies an SCN as an upper, noninclusive limit. RMAN selects only files that it can use to restore or recover up to but not including the specified SCN (seeExample 4-38). For example, RESTORE DATABASE UNTIL SCN 1000 chooses only backups that could be used to recover to SCN 1000. |
UNTIL SEQUENCE integer | Specifies a redo log sequence number and thread as an upper, noninclusive limit. RMAN selects only files that it can use to restore or recover up to but not including the specified sequence number. For example, REPORT OBSOLETE UNTIL SEQUENCE 8000 reports only backups that could be used to recover through log sequence 7999. |
THREAD integer | Specifies the number of the redo thread. |
UNTIL TIME ' date_string ' | Specifies a time as an upper, noninclusive limit (see Example 4-39). RMAN selects only files that it can use to restore and recover up to but not including the specified time. For example, LIST BACKUP UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE-7' lists all backups that could be used to recover to a point one week ago. When specifying dates in RMAN commands, the date string must be either: -
A literal string whose format matches the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting. -
A SQL expression of type DATE , for example, 'SYSDATE-10' or "TO_DATE('01/30/2007', 'MM/DD/YYYY')" . The second example includes its own date format mask and so is independent of the currentNLS_DATE_FORMAT setting. Following are examples of typical date settings in RMAN commands: BACKUP ARCHIVELOG FROM TIME 'SYSDATE-31' UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE-14'; RESTORE DATABASE UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('09/20/06','MM/DD/YY')"; Note: The granularity of time-based recovery is dependent on time stamps in the redo log. For example, suppose that you specify the following command: RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIME '2007-07-26 17:45:00'; If no redo was written with a time stamp of 17:45:00 , then recovery proceeds until it finds the next redo time stamp that is higher. For example, the next redo time stamp may be 17:45:04 . You can check for the nearest time for a specific SCN by querying the FIRST_TIME and FIRST_CHANGE# columns in V$LOG_HISTORY TABLE . |
Begin cancel-based recovery by issuing the following command in SQL*Plus:
Issue the RECOVER
statement to begin recovery. If recovering to an SCN, then specify as a decimal number without quotation marks. For example, to recover through SCN 10034 issue:
If recovering to a time, then the time is always specified using the following format, delimited by single quotation marks: 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS'
. The following statement recovers the database up to a specified time:
RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIME '2000-12-31:12:47:30'