plex 音乐如何添加封面_如何将非官方应用商店添加到Plex

2023-10-08 12:59

本文主要是介绍plex 音乐如何添加封面_如何将非官方应用商店添加到Plex,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

plex 音乐如何添加封面

plex 音乐如何添加封面

If you use Plex, you’ve probably noticed that their Channel ecosystem is a little…lacking. A third party app store can help.

如果使用Plex,您可能已经注意到他们的Channel生态系统有点……不足。 第三方应用商店可以提供帮助。

Plex is emphasizing channels less and less lately, burying the option completely in the latest version of the Windows client. And a lot of the channels offered simply don’t work. In a way, this makes sense: most people use Plex on platforms like Apple TV or Roku, which offer their ways to watch content from major online providers. This means Plex is best served by focusing on things like offering live TV. But it’s a little disappointing if you were hoping to add a lot of streaming sites to your Plex setup.

Plex最近越来越少强调频道,将选项完全埋在最新版本的Windows客户端中。 而且提供的许多渠道根本行不通。 从某种意义上说,这很有意义:大多数人在Apple TV或Roku等平台上使用Plex,它们提供了观看主要在线提供商的内容的方式。 这意味着Plex最好专注于提供直播电视等服务。 但是,如果您希望在Plex设置中添加很多流式站点,这会有些令人失望。

Enter Webtools, a third-party plugin for Plex that adds an unofficial app store. It has over one hundred plugins, which you can manage from a web browser.

输入Webtools ,这是Plex的第三方插件,用于添加非官方应用程序商店。 它具有一百多个插件,您可以从Web浏览器进行管理。

安装WebTools和非官方App Store (Installing WebTools and the Unofficial App Store)

Installing WebTools is simple: download the latest release and unarchive it. Now head to the Plugins folder on your Plex server. If you’re running it on Windows or macOS, simply click the tray icon and choose the “Open Plugins Folder” command.

安装WebTools很简单:下载最新版本并取消存档。 现在转到Plex服务器上的Plugins文件夹。 如果您在Windows或macOS上运行它,只需单击任务栏图标,然后选择“打开插件文件夹”命令。

Drag the folder “WebTools.bundle” from your downloaded folder to Plex’s plug-ins folder and you’ve installed WebTools.

将文件夹“ WebTools.bundle”从下载的文件夹拖到Plex的插件文件夹中,并且您已经安装了WebTools。

You’ll find that you can’t use the plugin from inside Plex, however.


Instead, you have to open a web browser and go to a specific local URL. The URL shown inside Plex might not work, but if you’re configuring things on your server you can simply use localhost:33400.

相反,您必须打开Web浏览器并转到特定的本地URL。 Plex内显示的URL可能不起作用,但是如果要在服务器上配置内容,则只需使用localhost:33400

If you want to access this from another computer, simply find your server’s IP address and put :33400 at the end. Log in using your Plex account and you’re ready to go.

如果要从另一台计算机访问此地址,只需找到服务器的IP地址,并在末尾添加:33400 。 使用您的Plex帐户登录,即可开始使用。

使用通用应用商店 (Using The Universal App Store)

Now that you’ve logged into WebTools you can start browsing the Universal Web Store. Look for the “UAS” option it in the sidebar.

现在,您已经登录到WebTools,可以开始浏览Universal Web Store。 在边栏中查找“ UAS”选项。

You can start exploring right away. As of this writing there are over 170 channels available.

您可以立即开始探索。 截至撰写本文时,已有170多个频道可用。

There’s a lot to sort through, so here are a few highlights I noticed:


  • Common Sense Media: Adds age recommendations to TV and movie metadata.


  • TuneIn2017: lets you listen to local and international radio stations.

    TuneIn2017 :让您收听本地和国际广播电台。

  • Plexpod: adds podcast support to Plex. Official support for Podcasts in Plex is coming, but this is cool for now.

    Plexpod :向Plex添加播客支持。 对Plex中的Podcast的官方支持即将到来,但这暂时还不错。

  • Internet Archive: lets you watch old films from IA’s extensive collection.


  • Porn: I can’t get around this: there is so much porn here, you guys. Maybe don’t let your kids access this thing.

    色情:无法解决这个问题:你们这里的色情太多了。 也许不要让您的孩子接触这个东西。

One nice thing about this setup: you can quickly install updates using it. This means that if a plugin breaks you can quickly patch it from this interface, rather than having to download and install the update yourself.

关于此设置的一件好事:您可以使用它快速安装更新。 这意味着,如果插件损坏,您可以从此界面快速对其进行修补,而不必自己下载并安装更新。

扫描丢失的文件和当前未使用的文件 (Scan For Missing Files, and Files Not Currently Being Used)

The App Store is the banner feature in the WebTools plug-in, but another feature worth checking out is FindMedia. It scans your folders and points out any files currently not included in your Plex database. It also points out any missing files that are included in your database. It’s a useful tool for making sure all your stuff is showing up, so check it out if you’ve got a large collection.

App Store是WebTools插件中的横幅功能,但是另一个值得一看的功能是FindMedia。 它扫描您的文件夹并指出当前未包含在Plex数据库中的任何文件。 它还指出了数据库包含的所有丢失文件。 这是确保所有物品都显示出来的有用工具,因此请查看是否有大量收藏。

将字幕上传到您的Plex服务器 (Upload Subtitles To Your Plex Server)

Another tool work checking out: the subtitle browser. We’ve shown you how to automatically download subtitles in Plex, but WebTools lets you look at which files in your collection currently have subtitles, and even upload subtitles to your server.

检出的另一个工具是:字幕浏览器。 我们已经向您展示了如何在Plex中自动下载字幕,但是WebTools允许您查看集合中哪些文件当前带有字幕,甚至可以将字幕上传到服务器。

There are more features we could dig into here: access to your Plex logs, for example, and a few tools for managing playlists. If you’re an advanced Plex user there’s no reason not to give this a spin.

我们在这里可以挖掘更多功能:例如,访问Plex日志,以及一些用于管理播放列表的工具。 如果您是Plex的高级用户,那么没有理由不做这个尝试。


plex 音乐如何添加封面

这篇关于plex 音乐如何添加封面_如何将非官方应用商店添加到Plex的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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