tvos 安装kodi_如何将Apple TV更新到tvOS 11

2023-10-07 20:30
文章标签 安装 更新 apple tvos kodi tv

本文主要是介绍tvos 安装kodi_如何将Apple TV更新到tvOS 11,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

tvos 安装kodi

tvos 安装kodi

The latest version of tvOS is out now for the fourth-generation Apple TV (as well as the new Apple TV 4K). Here’s how to update the streaming box and get all the new features.

第四代Apple TV(以及新的Apple TV 4K )现已发布了最新版本的tvOS。 这是更新流媒体框并获取所有新功能的方法。

With the arrival of tvOS 11, users finally get some great features that they have been begging for, including home screen syncing, automatic night mode, AirPods support, and the addition of live sports in the TV app. If these features look enticing to you, give yourself about 15 minutes of free time and follow along below to update your Apple TV to tvOS 11.

随着tvOS 11的到来,用户终于获得了他们一直渴望的一些出色功能,包括主屏幕同步,自动夜间模式,AirPods支持以及电视应用程序中的直播体育节目。 如果这些功能吸引您,请给自己约15分钟的空闲时间,然后按照以下说明将Apple TV更新为tvOS 11。

Start off by opening up the Settings app on the home screen.


Scroll down and select “System”.


Click on “Software Updates”.


On the next screen, check to see if you already have tvOS 11 installed. This is likely the case if you have “Automatic Updates” enabled.

在下一个屏幕上,检查是否已经安装了tvOS 11。 如果您启用了“自动更新”,则可能是这种情况。

If not, select “Update Software”.


When the pop-up appears, click on “Download and Install”.


The update will begin downloading, with a progress bar shown in the bottom left.


After a few minutes, your Apple TV will automatically restart and continue with the update process.

几分钟后,Apple TV将自动重新启动并继续更新过程。

Once the update is complete, you’ll get to a welcome screen of sorts where it will tell you about some of the new features of tvOS 11. Hit “Continue”.

更新完成后,您将进入各种欢迎屏幕,它将在其中告诉您tvOS 11的一些新功能。单击“继续”。

On the next screen, you can enable or disable home screen syncing, which syncs your home screen layout across multiple Apple TV devices in your house.

在下一屏幕上,您可以启用或禁用主屏幕同步,该同步将在您家中的多个Apple TV设备之间同步主屏幕布局。

Next, if you’ve already enabled Single Sign-On with your cable provider, you can continue to use it with the latest version of tvOS, or disable it from here.

接下来,如果您已经通过电缆供应商启用了Single Sign-On ,则可以继续将其与最新版本的tvOS一起使用,或者从此处禁用它。

That’s all there is to it! You’ll now be running tvOS 11 on your Apple TV and can begin tinkering around with the new features right away. Be sure to update any other fourth-generation Apple TVs in your house so that you can take advantage of the home screen syncing feature.

这里的所有都是它的! 现在,您将在Apple TV上运行tvOS 11,并且可以立即开始修改新功能。 确保更新您家中的其他所有第四代Apple TV,以便您可以利用主屏幕同步功能。


tvos 安装kodi

这篇关于tvos 安装kodi_如何将Apple TV更新到tvOS 11的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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