
2024-09-08 08:32


刚装的,带有x window桌面,每次都是进的桌面,想改成自动进命令行的。记得以前是修改 /etc/inittab 但是这个版本inittab里的内容不一样了没有id:x:initdefault这一行而且我手动加上也不管用,这个centos 7下 /etc/inittab 的内容


systemd uses targets which serve a similar purpose as runlevels but act a little different. Each target is named instead of numbered and is intended to serve a specific purpose with the possibility of having multiple ones active at the same time. Some targets are implemented by inheriting all of the services of another target and adding additional services to it. There are systemd targets that mimic the common SystemVinit runlevels so you can still switch targets using the familiar telinit RUNLEVEL command.

Get current targets

The following should be used under systemd instead of running runlevel:

$ systemctl list-units --type=target

Create custom target

The runlevels that are assigned a specific purpose on vanilla Fedora installs; 0, 1, 3, 5, and 6; have a 1:1 mapping with a specific systemd target. Unfortunately, there is no good way to do the same for the user-defined runlevels like 2 and 4. If you make use of those it is suggested that you make a new named systemd target as /etc/systemd/system/your target that takes one of the existing runlevels as a base (you can look at /usr/lib/systemd/system/graphical.target as an example), make a directory /etc/systemd/system/your target.wants, and then symlink the additional services from /usr/lib/systemd/system/ that you wish to enable.

Targets table

SysV Runlevel systemd Target Notes
0runlevel0.target, poweroff.targetHalt the system.
1, s, singlerunlevel1.target, rescue.targetSingle user mode.
2, 4runlevel2.target, runlevel4.target, multi-user.targetUser-defined/Site-specific runlevels. By default, identical to 3.
3runlevel3.target, multi-user.targetMulti-user, non-graphical. Users can usually login via multiple consoles or via the network.
5runlevel5.target, graphical.targetMulti-user, graphical. Usually has all the services of runlevel 3 plus a graphical login.
6runlevel6.target, reboot.targetReboot
emergencyemergency.targetEmergency shell

Change current target

In systemd targets are exposed via target units. You can change them like this:

# systemctl isolate graphical.target

This will only change the current target, and has no effect on the next boot. This is equivalent to commands such as telinit 3 or telinit 5 in Sysvinit.

Change default target to boot into

The standard target is default.target, which is aliased by default to graphical.target (which roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 5). To change the default target at boot-time, append one of the followingkernel parameters to your bootloader:

Tip: The  .target extension can be left out.
  • systemd.unit=multi-user.target (which roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 3),
  • systemd.unit=rescue.target (which roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 1).

Alternatively, you may leave the bootloader alone and change default.target. This can be done using systemctl:

# systemctl set-default multi-user.target

To be able to override the previously set default.target, use the force option:

# systemctl set-default -f multi-user.target

The effect of this command is output by systemctl; a symlink to the new default target is made at /etc/systemd/system/default.target.





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