
2024-09-04 17:04
文章标签 c++ 系列 容器 map stl



  • map的基本概念
  • map的特点
  • map的构造
  • map的赋值
  • map的插入
  • map的删除
  • map的大小
  • map的交换查找,统计
  • map的排序

无题二首·其一 李商隐


  • map是一种关联容器,也被称为字典,底层结构是二叉树。
  • 它以键值对key,value的形式存储元素。其中key是唯一的,用于快速查找对应的value。
  • 如果尝试插入具有相同key的元素,旧的值将被新的覆盖。
  • map提供双向迭代器,可以遍历容器中的所有键值对。
  • 迭代器指向的是pair类型的对象,first成员属性是key,second成员属性是value
  • multimap的key值是可以重复的,其它的与map类似。


  • 有序性,map中的元素是按照key的特定顺序存储的,默认情况下是key的升序排列,可以按照顺序遍历map中的元素,并可以进行范围查询等操作。
  • map中的key有唯一性,multimap则无。
  • 高效的查找和插入。
  • map以键值对的方式存储元素,方便将相关的数据关联在一起。
  • 可以通过自定义的比较函数来改变key的排序规则。


map<type1, type2> mp1默认构造函数
map<type1, type2> mp2(mp1)拷贝构造
map<type1, type2> mp2{{},{}…}初始化列表构造
map<type1, type2> mp4(迭代器1, 迭代器2范围构造
map<type1, type2> mp5(move(mp1)直接移动,并不拷贝
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp: mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{// 默认构造map<string, int> mp1;pair<string, int> pr1 ("Lily", 9);pair<string, int> pr2 ("Lucy", 10);mp1.insert(pr1);mp1.insert(pr2);cout << "---------- mp1, mp1.size() ---------- " << mp1.size() << endl;print_map(mp1);cout << "value of key Lily: " << mp1["Lily"] << endl;	// 访问元素value的方式// 拷贝构造map<string, int> mp2(mp1);cout << "---------- map<string, int> mp2(mp1), mp2 ---------- " << mp2.size() << endl;print_map(mp2);// 初始化列表构造map<string, int> mp3{ {"Hanmeimei", 9}, { "Poly", 2 } }) cout << "---------- map<string, int> mp3({{},{},...}), mp3 ---------- " << mp3.size() << endl;print_map(mp3);// 范围构造vector<pair<string, int>> vec1 = { {"张三", 5}, {"李四", 6}, {"王五", 7} };map<string, int> mp4(vec1.begin(), vec1.begin() + 2);cout << "---------- map<string, int> mp4(vec1.begin(), vec1.begin() + 2), mp4 ---------- " << mp4.size() << endl;print_map(mp4);// 移动构造,move括号中的元素空间会直接移动cout << "---------- 移动构造前 ----------" << endl;cout << "mp3.size(): " << mp3.size() << endl;map<string, int> mp5(move(mp3));cout << "---------- 移动构造后 ----------" << endl;cout << "---------- map<string, int> mp5(move(mp3)) ---------- " << mp5.size() << endl;print_map(mp5);cout << "mp3.size(): " << mp3.size() << endl;print_map(mp3);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
---------- mp1, mp1.size() ---------- 2
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
value of key Lily: 9
---------- map<string, int> mp2(mp1), mp2 ---------- 2
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
---------- map<string, int> mp3({{},{},...}), mp3 ---------- 2
first: Hanmeimei, second: 9
first: Poly, second: 2
---------- map<string, int> mp4(vec1.begin(), vec1.begin() + 2), mp4 ---------- 2
first: 李四, second: 6
first: 张三, second: 5
---------- 移动构造前 ----------
mp3.size(): 2
---------- 移动构造后 ----------
---------- map<string, int> mp5(move(mp3)) ---------- 2
first: Hanmeimei, second: 9
first: Poly, second: 2
mp3.size(): 0


  • 使用=重载
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{// = 赋值map<string, int> mp1{{"Lily", 9}, { "Lucy", 10 }};cout << "---------- mp1, mp1.size() ---------- " << mp1.size() << endl;print_map(mp1);map<string, int> mp2 = mp1;cout << "---------- map<string, int> mp2 = mp1, mp2 ---------- " << mp2.size() << endl;print_map(mp2);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
---------- mp1, mp1.size() ---------- 2
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
---------- map<string, int> mp2 = mp1, mp2 ---------- 2
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10


pair<iterator, bool> insert(pair<type ,type2>(key, value))insert插入pair,返回值是pair,第一个元素时迭代器,迭代器所指值的第一个元素是key,第二个是value,pair中的second元素bool类型表示是否插入成功
pair<iterator, bool> insert(make_pair(key, value))insert插入pair,pair由make_pair产生,返回值同上
pair<iterator, bool> insert(map<type1, type2>::value_type(key, value))使用type_value函数产生pair对象,返回值同上
mapped_type& mp1[value]=value[]插入法, 如果插错了,比如key写错了,会自动创建一个对应这个key的元素,value设置为0,建议少用,但[]通过key访问value很方便
void insert({ val1, val2, … })一次向 map 容器中插入多个键值对
void insert (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)插入某map容器中的指定区域
iterator insert (const_iterator position, const value_type& val)会按照key自动排序,不按照position的指示
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{// pair<iterator, bool> insert(pair<type, type2>(key, value)map<string, int> mp1{{"Lily", 9}, { "Lucy", 10 }};//pair<map<string, int>::iterator, bool> pr1 = mp1.insert(pair<string, int>("Jim", 10));auto pr1 = mp1.insert(pair<string, int>("Jim", 10));	// 可以用auto,更简单cout << "----- pr1.first->first: " << pr1.first->first << ", pr1.first->second: " << pr1.first->second << ", pr1.second: " << pr1.second << endl;// pair<iterator, bool> insert(make_pair(key, value)auto pr2 = mp1.insert(make_pair("Poly", 2));cout << "----- pr2.first->first: " << pr2.first->first << ", pr2.first->second: " << pr2.first->second << ", pr2.second: " << pr2.second << endl;// iterator insert(map<type1, type2>::value_type(key, value))auto pr3 = mp1.insert(map<string, int>::value_type("Hanmeimei", 11));		// value_type返回是pair对象cout << "----- pr3.first->first: " << pr3.first->first << ", pr3.first->second: " << pr3.first->second << ", pr3.second: " << pr3.second << endl;// mapped_type& mp1[key]= valuemp1["MissGao"] = 33;// void insert({ val1, val2, ... });mp1.insert({ { "张三", 12 }, { "李四", 11 }, { "王五", 11 } });print_map(mp1);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
----- pr1.first->first: Jim, pr1.first->second: 10, pr1.second: 1
----- pr2.first->first: Poly, pr2.first->second: 2, pr2.second: 1
----- pr3.first->first: Hanmeimei, pr3.first->second: 11, pr3.second: 1
first: Hanmeimei, second: 11
first: Jim, second: 10
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: MissGao, second: 33
first: Poly, second: 2
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{cout << "---------- mp1 ----------" << endl;map<string, int> mp1{{"Lily", 9}, { "Lucy", 10 }};mp1.insert({ { "张三", 12 }, { "李四", 11 }, { "王五", 11 } });print_map(mp1);cout << "---------- mp2 ----------" << endl;map<string, int> mp2;auto it = mp1.find("王五");// void insert (InputIterator first, InputIterator last) //插入某map容器中的指定区域mp2.insert(mp1.begin(), it);print_map(mp2);cout << "---------- mp3 ----------" << endl;map<string, int> mp3{{"吴彦祖", 48}, { "金城武", 46 }};// iterator insert (const_iterator position, const value_type& val), 会按照key自动排序,不按照position的指示map<string, int>::iterator iter1 = mp3.insert(mp3.find("吴彦祖"), {"古天乐", 18});print_map(mp3);cout << "\nreturn value check" << endl;cout << "first: " << iter1->first << ", second: " << iter1->second << endl;
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
---------- mp1 ----------
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12
---------- mp2 ----------
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
---------- mp3 ----------
first: 古天乐, second: 18
first: 金城武, second: 46
first: 吴彦祖, second: 48return value check
first: 古天乐, second: 18


iterator erase(const_iterator position)有的版本是返回删除的元素的迭代器,有的是返回其下一个
size_type erase (const key_type& k)返回删除了几个元素,map只能为0和1,multimap可以有多个
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)有的版本是返回删除的元素的迭代器,有的是返回其下一个
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{cout << "---------- mp1 ----------" << endl;map<string, int> mp1{{"Lily", 9}, { "Lucy", 10 }};mp1.insert({ { "张三", 12 }, { "李四", 11 }, { "王五", 11 } });print_map(mp1);//iterator erase(const_iterator position); 有的版本是返回删除的元素的迭代器,有的是返回其下一个map<string, int>::iterator it = mp1.erase(mp1.find("张三"));cout << "it->first: " << (--it)->first << endl;// size_type erase (const key_type& k)		返回删除了几个元素,map只能为0和1,multimap可以有多个int st1 = mp1.erase("李四");cout << "int st1 = mp1.erase(key)" << endl;cout << "---------- mp1 ----------" << endl;print_map(mp1);// iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)it = mp1.erase(mp1.begin(), --mp1.end());cout << endl;cout << "mp1.erase(mp1.begin(), --mp1.end())" << endl;		//返回指向下一个元素的迭代器print_map(mp1);cout << "it->first: " << it->first << endl;mp1.clear();cout << "mp1.clear(), mp1.size(): " << mp1.size() << endl;print_map(mp1);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
---------- mp1 ----------
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12
it->first: 王五
int st1 = mp1.erase(key)
---------- mp1 ----------
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 王五, second: 11mp1.erase(mp1.begin(), --mp1.end())
first: 王五, second: 11
it->first: 王五
mp1.clear(), mp1.size(): 0




|find() |如果查找到,返回查找到的迭代器,否则返回end() |
|count()|map的统计count(),map返回0或者1 |
|sort()|map的排序 |

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
void test01()
{map<string, int> mp1{{"Lily", 9}, { "Lucy", 10 }};mp1.insert({ { "张三", 12 }, { "李四", 11 }, { "王五", 11 } });cout << "---------- mp1.size() ----------, " << mp1.size() << endl;print_map(mp1);// map的交换map<string, int> mp2;mp2["1"] = 111;mp2["2"] = 222;mp2["3"] = 333;cout << "---------- swap前----------, " << endl;print_map(mp1);print_map(mp2);cout << "---------- swap后----------, " << endl;mp1.swap(mp2);print_map(mp1);print_map(mp2);// map的查找iterator find(const key_type& _Keyval),如果查找到,返回查找到的迭代器,否则返回end()map<string, int>::iterator it = mp2.find("2");cout << "---------- mp2.find(\"2\")----------, " << endl;cout << "it->first: " << (--it)->first << endl;// size_type count(const key_type& _Keyval) map的统计count(),map返回0或者1int mp_count = mp1.count("3");cout << "---------- mp1.count(\"1\")----------, " << endl;cout << "mp_count: " << mp_count << endl;
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;
---------- mp1.size() ----------, 5
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12
---------- swap前----------,
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12
first: 1, second: 111
first: 2, second: 222
first: 3, second: 333
---------- swap后----------,
first: 1, second: 111
first: 2, second: 222
first: 3, second: 333
first: Lily, second: 9
first: Lucy, second: 10
first: 李四, second: 11
first: 王五, second: 11
first: 张三, second: 12
---------- mp2.find("2")----------,
it->first: 张三
---------- mp1.count("1")----------,
mp_count: 1


  • map的排序都是按照key来排序的,在创建map容器时就要指定好排序方式。
  • 对于普通数据类型会自动按照升序,如果要改变,可以自己写排序方式。
  • 自定义类型在创建时需要指定好排序规则,不然系统不知道怎么给排序,无法创建
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;class Person
{friend class MyComparePerson;template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>friend void print_map(const map<T1, T2, T3>& mp);template<typename Person, typename T2>friend void print_map(const map<Person, T2, MyComparePerson>& mp);public:Person(string name, int age){m_name = name;m_age = age;}
private:string m_name;int m_age;
template<class T>
class MyCompare
public:bool operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2) const		// 这是需要用const限定,不然报错{return v1 > v2;}
};class MyComparePerson
public:bool operator()(const Person &p1, const Person &p2) const		// 这是需要用const限定,不然报错{return p1.m_age > p2.m_age;}
};template<typename T1, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<T1, T2, MyCompare<string>>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "first: " << i_mp.first << ", second: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
}template<typename Person, typename T2>
void print_map(const map<Person, T2, MyComparePerson>& mp)
{for (auto i_mp : mp){cout << "key.m_name: " << i_mp.first.m_name << ", key.m_age: " << i_mp.first.m_age << ", value: " << i_mp.second << endl;}
}void test01()
{// 普通数据类型会自动按照升序,如果要改变,可以自己写排序方式// 在创建时就要指定排序方式map<string, int, MyCompare<string>> mp2{ {"1", 20}, { "2", 30 }, { "3", 60 } };print_map(mp2);
}void test02()
{// 自定义类型在创建时需要指定好排序规则,不然系统不知道怎么给排序,无法创建// 在创建时就要指定排序方式//map<Person, int, MyComparePerson> mp1;map<Person, int, MyComparePerson> mp1;Person p1("lily", 12);Person p2("Lucy", 15);Person p3("Jim", 17);mp1.insert({{p1, 33}, {p2, 22}, {p3, 77} });print_map(mp1);
}int main()
{test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;
first: 3, second: 60
first: 2, second: 30
first: 1, second: 20
key.m_name: Jim, key.m_age: 17, value: 77
key.m_name: Lucy, key.m_age: 15, value: 22
key.m_name: lily, key.m_age: 12, value: 33





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