给定二叉树和一个数sum,如果从树的根开始到叶节点的值等于sum,则返回true。 如果没有找到这样的路径,则返回false。
21 - > 10 - 8 - 3
23 - > 10 - 8 - 5
14 - > 10 - 2 - 2
因此,返回的值应该只对数字21,23和14. true。对于任何其他数字,返回值应该为false。
// Java program to print to print root to leaf path sum equal to
// a given number/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left childand a pointer to right child */
class Node
{int data;Node left, right;Node(int item) {data = item;left = right = null;}
}class BinaryTree {Node root;/*Given a tree and a sum, return true if there is a path from the rootdown to a leaf, such that adding up all the values along the pathequals the given sum.Strategy: subtract the node value from the sum when recurring down,and check to see if the sum is 0 when you run out of tree.*/boolean haspathSum(Node node, int sum) {if (node == null)return (sum == 0);else{boolean ans = false;/* otherwise check both subtrees */int subsum = sum - node.data;if (subsum == 0 && node.left == null && node.right == null)return true;if (node.left != null)ans = ans || haspathSum(node.left, subsum);if (node.right != null)ans = ans || haspathSum(node.right, subsum);return ans;}}/* Driver program to test the above functions */public static void main(String args[]) {int sum = 21;/* Constructed binary tree is10/ \8 2/ \ /3 5 2*/BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();tree.root = new Node(10);tree.root.left = new Node(8);tree.root.right = new Node(2);tree.root.left.left = new Node(3);tree.root.left.right = new Node(5);tree.root.right.left = new Node(2);if (tree.haspathSum(tree.root, sum))System.out.println("There is a root to leaf path with sum " + sum);elseSystem.out.println("There is no root to leaf path with sum " + sum);}