
2024-08-29 22:58




  Laws are designedchiefly to ( protect public health…

  It is a precariouslyshout leap from…to…then to…一步之遥

  Physical disobedience身体侵害

  Infliction ofproperty damage 财产受损

  Potential murder 可能的谋杀

  Legal right



  Criminal law can deal with murder, theft, adultery通奸,or the like; economical law providesa rule for economic activity and settles the dispute between both sides of thetrade; tax law makes sure that taxis handed in according to the tax standard.

  tax law

  Governments haveto Maintain tax rates at high levels in order to ensure adequate revenues forthe various programs in its budget.

  In a democraticsociety the chief function of laws is to strike a balance among competinginterests.


  Lawsand regulations are set up along with the entrenchment of a government servingas a means to control the country.


  人流 abortion , 死刑 execution,安乐死 euthanasia

  Individual with particularreligious beliefs tend to view laws allowing mothers an abortion choiceas unjust, while individuals with other value system might view such law asjust.


  One need look no further than theapplication of euthanasia. To deprive other's lives is widely recognized asillegal and criminal behavior; however, euthanasia is not crime butbenevolence. From time to time some patients are hopeless as their diseases arecureless at that time, they can not bear the afflictions of the disease anyfurther, and their families are also on the brink of collapse mentally andeconomically. Therefore, peaceful death is the most helpful choice both to thepatients and to their family. Under this circumstance, the doctors should helptheir poor patients with euthanasia, and these behaviors should never be judgedguilty.


  取决于 one’s personal value system, one’spersonal interest,

  The fairness of thelaw is subjective, depending largely on how one’s personal interests areaffected by it.

  We found ourselves on a slippery slope towards (走下坡路sanctioning认可all typesof illegal behavior, including egregious criminal conduct.惊人的犯罪行为

  Because theinherent function o our laws is to balance competing interests, reasonable peoplewith different priorities will always disagree about the fairness of specificlaws.

  Facingunjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to resist them.

  No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust ornot, one point is important that we should put forward our opinions towardunjust laws.


  Sincelaws are built up under the power of government, which represents the publicinterest whereas run by a few individuals, it is quite possible that laws areconstituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in afew individuals favor.

  解决方法,一个公司 lay off employees or shut down altogetheror increase the price of its products to compensate for the cost of compliance.弥补守法的损失

  at stake冒风险 Our children's education is at stake. 我们孩子的教育好坏无法预料


  People mustcontinually question the fairness and relevance关联ofcurrent laws, otherwise, our laws would not evolve to reflect changingsocietal values and to address new legal issues arising from our ever-evolvingtechnologies.






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【python 走进NLP】句子相似度计算--余弦相似度

余弦相似度,又称为余弦相似性,是通过计算两个向量的夹角余弦值来评估他们的相似度。余弦相似度将向量根据坐标值,绘制到向量空间中,如最常见的二维空间。 github 参考链接:https://github.com/ZhanPwBibiBibi/CHlikelihood # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import jiebaimport numpy as npimpor


论文真题 在如今信息爆炸的时代,企业、组织和个人面临着大量的数据。这些数据来自不同的渠道和资源,包括传感器、社交媒体、销售记录等,它们各自具有不同的数据格式、分布和存储方式。因此如何收集、整理和清洗数据,以建立一个一致、完整的数据集尤为重要。多源数据集成可以提供更全面的数据视角,将来自不同渠道的数据结合起来,通过这种方式整合多个数据源,从而减少单一数据源带来的误差和不准确性。此外,多源数据集


论文真题 面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA) 是一种应用框架,将日常的业务应用划分为单独的业务功能服务和流程,通过采用良好定义的接口和标准协议将这些服务关联起来。通过实施基于SOA的系统架构,用户可以构建、部署和整合服务,无需依赖应用程序及其运行平台,从而提高业务流程的灵活性,帮助企业加快发展速度,降低企业开发成本,改善企业业务流程的组织和资




国开(电大)2024秋《文献检索与论文写作》综合练习2 一、单选题(14题) 1.什么数据库为用户提供深入到图书章节和内容的全文检索(C) A、知网 B、万方 C、读秀知识库 D、维普 解析:“读秀”是由海量全文数据及资料基本信息组成的超大型数据库,为用户提供深入到图书章节和内容的全文检索。 2.信息检索根据检索对象不同,一般分为:(D) A、二次检索、高级检索

句子相似 BM25 python 实现

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import mathclass BM25(object):def __init__(self, docs):""":param docs: 分好词的list"""self.D = len(docs)self.avgdl = sum([len(doc)+0.0 for doc in docs]) / self.Dself.docs =


引言 英文评测示例通过对用户语音输入的英文单词进行精准识别,提供 单词、短语、句子 三种类型,用户在选择好类型后,可根据屏幕上的提示进行语音输入,评测算法将对输入的英文语音进行精准识别,并对单词的发音、错读、漏读、多读等方面进行评估。 本文将详细介绍在聆思CSK6大模型语音视觉开发板上,如何替换英文评测示例中的单词、短语和句子,从而让您有更好的AI应用体验。 ·· 获取英文评测SDK 部


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【HDU】4117 GRE Words AC自动机+线段树优化DP

传送门:【HDU】4117 GRE Words 题目分析:水不了啊狸的打字机就来水这题了= =。。。 首先建立ac自动机,然后用fail指针的反向关系建边,构造fail指针树。fail指针树中每个结点u表示的串都是其子节点v的后缀(同时该后缀是所有串中最长的)。对fail指针树dfs一次得到时间戳,当要求以串i结尾的最大价值,首先我们需要知道以串i的子串j结尾的最大价值val。因为在树中