
2024-08-29 20:32










  TIPS:点击查看更多鲜活实例 SAT写作过程中切记:SAT作文例子一定要鲜活

  Assignment: Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?

  Memories act as both a help and a hinderance to the success of someone. Many people advise you to learn from the past and apply those memories so that you can effectively succeed by avoiding repeating your past mistakes. On the other hand, people who get too caught up with the past are unable to move on to the future.Elie Wiesel's memoir Night perfectly exemplifies the double nature of memories. Wiesel, a Jewish man, suffered heavily throughout the Holocaust and Night is rife with horrific descriptions of his experience. These memories help to spread the view of what life was like. Through recounting these memories, Wiesel is able to educate world readers about the atrocities committed in hopes that the same blatant violations of human rights are never repeated again.


  TIPS:比较推荐的方法就是修辞法,在阐述个人观点的时候最好适当使用,使用一些修辞手法就显得尤为重要。比如我们描述爱情的时候,talking is also a device full of rhetoric, 通过修辞手法可以使我们的描述根据生动。

  Assignment: Is talking the most effective and satisfying way of communicating with others?

  Talking, which is the most used communication device in life, seems to be genuine and personal. However, talking is also a device full of rhetoric, which makes things complicated. On the other hand, some other communications are much more effective and satisfying than what we perceive. Singing is sometimes referred to the poems with voices and rhythm, and it helps us to give out all kinds of emotion through every single patch of our voice, accentuation, and things like that. Take Susan Boyle as an example. She was diagnosed to have difficulty in learning when she was born.


  TIPS:最好能够在文章的开头就能够引用一些具有说服性的名人名言,例如Aristotle says to his teacher, “Plato is dear to me, but dearer is still truth”毕竟,考官一天读了这么多相同题目和写法的文章后可能会产生“审美疲劳”。因为SAT考官判卷的时间每篇不超过2分钟,因此,让考官一开始就对你的文章感兴趣是十分必要的。

  Assignment: Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?

  Aristotle says to his teacher, “Plato is dear to me, but dearer is still truth”, indicating his determination to chase for truth rather than to readily believe in the ideas of people in positions of authority. With the development of our society, people’s ideas are changing rapidly in order to adapt to the new society where the conventions may be out-of-date. Thus, the courage to question what the authority thinks plays a vital role in this rapidly changing society, making our life more colorful as well as broadening our horizons.


  TIPS:我在写SAT作文开头的时候用一些大家普遍关注的话题点切入例如:Success can be disastrous when people are kept in ignorance by the favorable outcome,引出文章的后续讨论,这就是大众共同的“心理效应法”。因为考官都很喜欢看不同的人去怎样深入阐述用一个作文题目。

  Assignment: Can success be disastrous?

  Success can be disastrous when people are kept in ignorance by the favorable utcome. Who would have guessed that Industrial Revolution can not only improve the productivity, but also led to series of environmental problems? Someone even asserts that Industrial Revolution is mentioned in the same breath with the Meteorites Impact which wiped out a large fraction of life. We can exemplify this through history.



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在生物信息学领域,DNA条形码分析是一种非常常见的研究方法,用于物种鉴定、生态学和进化生物学研究。今天要介绍的工具就是专为此设计的——OBItools。这个工具集专门用于处理生态学和进化生物学中的DNA条形码数据,在Linux环境下运行。无论你是本科生还是刚入门的科研人员,OBItools都能为你提供可靠的帮助。 OBItools的功能亮点 OBItools是一个强大的工具包,特别适合DNA条形


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Python基础—Python 中pip的8个必备命令

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