
2024-08-29 20:32



  Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general?

  Although some people don’t want to or don’t have the ability to solve problems that affect their communities or the nation, a great deal of people together can do something for other people. Through the examples of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, we see that people should have the good conscience to do charity and improve society to the best of their ability. Bill Gates is the CEO of Microsoft, and he knows how to make money and then use that money to help for others. He was ranked as the world’s richest man from 1995 to 2006 according to the Forbes list of “The world’s richest people.” Gates sold some of his Microsoft stock in order to create the William H. Gates Foundation in 1994, and then combined it with his wife to create the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest transparently operated charitable foundation in the world. As of 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates were the second most generous philanthropists in America, having giving $28 billion to charity. Bill Gates philanthropy has been used in AIDS prevention and other diseases prevalent in third world countries. Time Magazine named Gates and his wife Melinda as the 2005 Persons of the Year for their efforts. Had Bill Gates not contributed his money, thousands of people would be suffering or dying from disease.

  Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the entire world. In June 2006, Buffett announced his plans to contribute 10 million of his Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The estimated total of such funds is approximately $36 billion. Buffett said "When I buy business, it's the same as investing in philanthropy." He said fund raisers are more likely to find willing donors by seeking out donors who already have shown interest in a specific cause. As a philanthropist, Mr. Buffett is most known for giving more than $30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and supporting the philanthropic work of his three children. In August 2010, Buffett and Bill Gates spearheaded the Giving Pledge by inviting the wealthy to donate 50% or more of their wealth to charity. After that he began to travel around world and suggest the wealthy elite from other countries contribute money to this cause. So both Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can solve problems that affect their communities and nation by contributing their money to those in need. If we want to succeed in the future, we should have the good conscience to help other people to the best of our ability.




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1. 光速写作 传送入口: AI打工神器,一键生成文章&ppt 2. 讯飞写作 传送入口: 3. 讯飞绘文 传送入口: 4. AI排版助手 传送入口: 5. Kim

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力扣 739. 每日温度【经典单调栈题目】

1. 题目 理解题意: 1.1. 给一个温度集合, 要返回一个对应长度的结果集合, 这个结果集合里面的元素 i 是 当前 i 位置的元素的下一个更高温度的元素的位置和当前 i 位置的距离之差, 若是当前元素不存在下一个更高温度的元素, 则这个位置用0代替; 2. 思路 本题用单调栈来求解;单调栈就适用于来求当前元素左边或者右边第一个比当前元素大或者小的元素;【单调栈:让栈中的元素保持单调