
2024-08-28 09:28





        此源码位于othertest目录,需要自行编译。(chomd 755 *.sh;rebuild.sh;run.sh) 






4.1 不兼容之处

4.2 测试代码

4.3 运行结果











      Start 46: chacha20
46/53 Test #46: chacha20 .........................   Passed    0.00 secStart 47: sm4_cbc_mac
47/53 Test #47: sm4_cbc_mac ......................   Passed    0.00 secStart 48: sm3_commands
48/53 Test #48: sm3_commands .....................   Passed    0.02 secStart 49: sm2_commands
49/53 Test #49: sm2_commands .....................   Passed    0.17 secStart 50: cert_commands
50/53 Test #50: cert_commands ....................   Passed    0.62 secStart 51: tlcp_commands
51/53 Test #51: tlcp_commands ....................***Exception: Child terminated  7.07 secStart 52: tls12_commands
52/53 Test #52: tls12_commands ...................***Exception: Child terminated  7.11 secStart 53: tls13_commands
53/53 Test #53: tls13_commands ...................***Exception: Child terminated  7.10 sec94% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 53Total Test time (real) =  25.16 secThe following tests FAILED:51 - tlcp_commands (Child terminated)52 - tls12_commands (Child terminated)53 - tls13_commands (Child terminated)
Errors while running CTest
Makefile:82: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 8



user@vm-ubuntu:~/gmssl$ gmssl version
GmSSL 3.1.2 Dev





4.1 不兼容之处

  • 头文件目录不同。
  • 库文件名不同。
  • Aes_encrypt函数名和参数顺序不同,此库为aes_encrypt,且参数key为第一个
  • Aes_decrypt类似
  • Rand_bytes函数名不同,此库为rand_bytes
  • Aes_set_encrypt_key函数名和参数不同,此库为aes_set_encrypt_key,且参数为字节长度而不是位长度(不然会coredump啊)
  • AES_set_decrypt_key类似

4.2 测试代码

//myGmSSL.h 文件编码:UTF-8无签名#pragma once#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gmssl/aes.h>
#include <gmssl/rand.h>
#include <vector>
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "mimetype.h"
using namespace std;namespace ns_my_std
{class CMyGmSSL{private:static unsigned char getVer() { return 1; }static void show_buf(char const* title, unsigned char const* buf, int len){cout << title << " ";for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){cout << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (unsigned int)buf[i] << " ";}cout << endl;}//需要一个从用户密码生成密钥的函数public:class IV{private:unsigned char iv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 5];public:IV(){memset(iv, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 5);}//执行异或static void XOR(unsigned char const* iv, unsigned char* data){//show_buf("IV  ", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);//show_buf("DATA", data, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);for (int i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i){data[i] ^= iv[i];}//show_buf("DATA", data, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);}int size()const{return AES_BLOCK_SIZE;}//用随机数设置void Create(){time_t t = time(NULL);srand(t);for (int i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i += sizeof(int)){int a = rand();memcpy(iv + i, &a, sizeof(int));}}void Set(unsigned char const* a){memcpy(iv, a, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);}//注意,会修改内容unsigned char* Get(){//show_buf("", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 2);return iv;}};//由于网上的例子也一样无法解密,所以自行实现CBCstatic void my_AES_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out, size_t length, const AES_KEY* key, unsigned char* ivec, bool isEnc){//AES_cbc_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, enc);for (int i = 0; i < (int)length; i += AES_BLOCK_SIZE){if (isEnc){unsigned char tmpin[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memcpy(tmpin, in + i, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);IV::XOR(ivec, tmpin); thelog << endi;aes_encrypt(key, tmpin, out + i); thelog << endi;memcpy(ivec, out + i, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);}else{unsigned char tmpiv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memcpy(tmpiv, in + i, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);aes_decrypt(key, in + i, out + i);IV::XOR(ivec, out + i);memcpy(ivec, tmpiv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);}}}static int my_aes_encrypt(unsigned char const* userpasswd, int userpasswd_len, vector<unsigned char> const& in_plain, vector<unsigned char>& out_ciphertext, IV& iv){out_ciphertext.clear();unsigned char userkey[32];//必须是16/24/32memset((void*)userkey, '\0', 32);memcpy(userkey, userpasswd, (userpasswd_len > 32 ? 32 : userpasswd_len));/*设置加密key及密钥长度*/AES_KEY key;if (aes_set_encrypt_key(&key, userkey, 32) < 0){return __LINE__;}int len = 0;/*循环加密,每次只能加密AES_BLOCK_SIZE长度的数据*/out_ciphertext.reserve(in_plain.size() + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);while (len < (int)in_plain.size()){if (0 == len){//第一个块是明文长度out_ciphertext.resize(out_ciphertext.size() + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);unsigned char tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memset((void*)tmp, '\0', AES_BLOCK_SIZE);uint64_t tmp_len = in_plain.size();memcpy(tmp, &tmp_len, sizeof(uint64_t));//show_buf("明文长度加密前 ", tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(tmp, &out_ciphertext[out_ciphertext.size() - AES_BLOCK_SIZE], AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv.Get(), true);//show_buf("明文长度加密后", &out_ciphertext[out_ciphertext.size() - AES_BLOCK_SIZE], AES_BLOCK_SIZE);}out_ciphertext.resize(out_ciphertext.size() + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);if (in_plain.size() - len < AES_BLOCK_SIZE){unsigned char tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memset((void*)tmp, '\0', AES_BLOCK_SIZE);memcpy(tmp, &in_plain[len], in_plain.size() - len);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(tmp, &out_ciphertext[out_ciphertext.size() - AES_BLOCK_SIZE], AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv.Get(), true);}else{my_AES_cbc_encrypt(&in_plain[len], &out_ciphertext[out_ciphertext.size() - AES_BLOCK_SIZE], AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv.Get(), true);}len += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;}return 0;}static int my_aes_decrypt(unsigned char const* userpasswd, int userpasswd_len, vector<unsigned char> const& in_ciphertext, vector<unsigned char>& out_plain, IV& iv){out_plain.clear();unsigned char userkey[32];//必须是16/24/32memset((void*)userkey, '\0', 32);memcpy(userkey, userpasswd, (userpasswd_len > 32 ? 32 : userpasswd_len));/*设置解密key及密钥长度*/AES_KEY key;if (aes_set_decrypt_key(&key, userkey, 32) < 0){return __LINE__;}int len = 0;/*循环解密*/out_plain.reserve(in_ciphertext.size());uint64_t out_len = 0;//原始长度,放在第一个加密块while (len < (int)in_ciphertext.size()){if (0 == len){//第一个块是明文长度unsigned char tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];//show_buf("明文长度解密前", &in_ciphertext[len], AES_BLOCK_SIZE);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(&in_ciphertext[len], tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv.Get(), false);//show_buf("明文长度解密后", tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);memcpy(&out_len, tmp, sizeof(uint64_t));//thelog << "明文长度应该是 " << out_len << endi;len += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;}out_plain.resize(out_plain.size() + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(&in_ciphertext[len], &out_plain[out_plain.size() - AES_BLOCK_SIZE], AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv.Get(), false);len += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;}//恢复原始长度if ((uint64_t)out_plain.size() > out_len)out_plain.resize(out_len);return 0;}//保护数据,用密码加密并做格式转换static bool protect_encode(string const& _passwd, string const& _input, string& _output){CUnsignedBuffer passwd;CUnsignedBuffer input;CUnsignedBuffer output;passwd.SetData(_passwd.c_str(), _passwd.size());input.SetData(_input.c_str(), _input.size());if (protect_encode(passwd, input, output)){_output = (char *)output.data();return true;}return false;}static bool protect_encode(CUnsignedBuffer const& passwd, CUnsignedBuffer const& input, CUnsignedBuffer& output){output.setSize(0);IV iv;iv.Create();CUnsignedBuffer tmp;unsigned char ver = getVer();tmp.AddData(&ver, 1);//第一个字节是版本tmp.AddData(iv.Get(), iv.size());//然后是IV,必须在加密之前保存,加密之后会改变//加密vector<unsigned char> in_plain;in_plain.resize(input.size());memcpy(&in_plain[0], input.data(), input.size());vector<unsigned char> out_ciphertext;my_aes_encrypt(passwd.data(), passwd.size(), in_plain, out_ciphertext, iv);//thelog << out_ciphertext.size() << endi;//添加加密后数据tmp.AddData(&out_ciphertext[0], out_ciphertext.size());//thelog << tmp.size() << endi;output.reserve(tmp.size() * 4 / 3 + 4 + 1);//三字节转为4字节,编码函数在最后还会加上一个字符串结束符//thelog << output.capacity() << " " << output.size() << endi;int n = CBase64::Base64Enc(output.lockBuffer(), tmp.data(), tmp.size());output.releaseBuffer();if (n > (int)output.capacity())thelog << "长度不足" << ende;output.setSize(n);//thelog << output.size() << " [" << output.data() << "]" << endi;return true;}//保护数据,用密码加密并做格式转换static bool protect_decode(string const& _passwd, string const& _input, string& _output){CUnsignedBuffer passwd;CUnsignedBuffer input;CUnsignedBuffer output;passwd.SetData(_passwd.c_str(), _passwd.size());input.SetData(_input.c_str(), _input.size());if (protect_decode(passwd, input, output)){_output = (char*)output.data();return true;}return false;}static bool protect_decode(CUnsignedBuffer const& passwd, CUnsignedBuffer const& input, CUnsignedBuffer& output){output.setSize(0);CUnsignedBuffer tmp;//这里导致了奇怪的内存错误,实际并不需要这么长tmp.reserve(input.size() + 100);//实际需要的是4转3,解码函数最后会加上一个字符串结束符//thelog << input.size() << " " << tmp.capacity() << " " << tmp.size() << endi;int n = CBase64::Base64Dec((char*)tmp.lockBuffer(), (char*)input.data(), input.size());tmp.releaseBuffer();if (n<0 || n >(int)tmp.capacity())thelog << "长度不足" << ende;tmp.setSize(n);unsigned char ver = getVer();if (tmp.data()[0] != ver){thelog << "加密版本错误" << ende;return false;}else{//thelog << "加密版本 " << (int)tmp.data()[0]<<" " << (int)ver << ende;}IV iv;iv.Set(tmp.data() + 1);vector<unsigned char> in_plain;in_plain.resize(tmp.size() - 1 - iv.size());memcpy(&in_plain[0], tmp.data() + 1 + iv.size(), tmp.size() - 1 - iv.size());//thelog << tmp.size() << " " << in_plain.size() << endi;vector<unsigned char> out_ciphertext;my_aes_decrypt(passwd.data(), passwd.size(), in_plain, out_ciphertext, iv);output.AddData(&out_ciphertext[0], out_ciphertext.size());return true;}// a simple hex-print routine. could be modified to print 16 bytes-per-linestatic void hex_print(const void* pv, size_t len){const unsigned char* p = (const unsigned char*)pv;if (NULL == pv){printf("NULL");}else{size_t i = 0;for (; i < len; ++i){printf("%02X ", *p++);}}printf("\n");}// main entrypointstatic int a(){int const keylength = 128;/* generate a key with a given length */unsigned char aes_key[keylength / 8];memset(aes_key, 0, keylength / 8);if (!rand_bytes(aes_key, keylength / 8)){return __LINE__;}char const* input = "12345678901234567890";size_t const inputslength = 32;/* generate input with a given length */unsigned char aes_input[inputslength];memset(aes_input, 0, inputslength);memcpy(aes_input, input, strlen(input));/* init vector */unsigned char iv_enc[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], iv_dec[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];rand_bytes(iv_enc, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);memcpy(iv_dec, iv_enc, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);// buffers for encryption and decryptionunsigned char enc_out[inputslength];unsigned char dec_out[inputslength];memset(enc_out, 0, sizeof(enc_out));memset(dec_out, 0, sizeof(dec_out));// so i can do with this aes-cbc-128 aes-cbc-192 aes-cbc-256AES_KEY enc_key, dec_key;aes_set_encrypt_key(&enc_key, aes_key, keylength/8);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(aes_input, enc_out, inputslength, &enc_key, iv_enc, true);aes_set_decrypt_key(&dec_key, aes_key, keylength/8);//本函数是网上代码,但是在linux下一样失败,在win下则导致异常(解密正确但退出时异常),原因是此段代码错误使用了长度参数//此函数并不处理padding,所以输出长度和输入长度是相同的,只不过加上了cbc操作而已(正如我自己写的那个替代品)//此处原来的输入比需要的长,导致堆栈异常,按理多解密一个无意义的块有什么危害呢?my_AES_cbc_encrypt(enc_out, dec_out, inputslength, &dec_key, iv_dec, false);printf("original(%d):\t", static_cast<int>(sizeof(aes_input)));hex_print(aes_input, sizeof(aes_input));printf("encrypt(%d):\t", static_cast<int>(sizeof(enc_out)));hex_print(enc_out, sizeof(enc_out));printf("decrypt(%d):\t", static_cast<int>(sizeof(dec_out)));hex_print(dec_out, sizeof(dec_out));return 0;}static bool aes_test(){if (true){constexpr int keybits = 128;thelog << "keybits " << keybits <<" bytes "<< keybits / 8 << endi;unsigned char userkey[keybits/8];//必须是16/24/32memset((void*)userkey, '\0', keybits / 8);memcpy(userkey, "12345", 5);AES_KEY key;if (aes_set_encrypt_key(&key, userkey, keybits/8) < 0){return __LINE__;}unsigned char iv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];unsigned char data[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memset(data, 1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);unsigned char data2[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];memset(data2, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);unsigned char data3[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 3];memset(data3, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 3);memset(iv, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);show_buf("简单输入 ", data, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);show_buf("iv ", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(data, data2, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv, true);show_buf("加密后   ", data2, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);show_buf("iv ", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);if (aes_set_decrypt_key(&key,userkey, keybits/8) < 0){return __LINE__;}memset(iv, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);show_buf("解密前   ", data2, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);show_buf("iv ", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);my_AES_cbc_encrypt(data2, data3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &key, iv, false);show_buf("简单输出 ", data3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 3);show_buf("iv ", iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);a(); thelog << "网上代码测试完成" << endi;}if (true){string passwd = "13579";vector<unsigned char> plaintext;for (int i = 0; i < 65; ++i){plaintext.push_back(i);}vector<unsigned char> out;IV iv;iv.Create();IV iv2;iv2.Set(iv.Get());//show_buf("初始IV", iv.Get(), iv.size());my_aes_encrypt((unsigned char*)passwd.c_str(), passwd.size(), plaintext, out, iv);vector<unsigned char> plaintext2;//show_buf("初始IV", iv2.Get(), iv2.size());my_aes_decrypt((unsigned char*)passwd.c_str(), passwd.size(), out, plaintext2, iv2);thelog << plaintext.size() << " " << out.size() << " " << plaintext2.size() << ENDI;printf("plantext2: \n");for (int i = 0; i < (int)plaintext2.size(); i++){printf("%.2x ", plaintext2[i]);if ((i + 1) % 32 == 0){printf("\n");}}printf("\n");}if (true){try{char const* plaintext = "1234567890";CUnsignedBuffer pass;CUnsignedBuffer in;CUnsignedBuffer out;pass.SetData("123");in.SetData(plaintext);thelog << in.data() << endi;protect_encode(pass, in, out);thelog << out.size() << " [" << out.data() << "]" << endi;CUnsignedBuffer out2;if (!protect_decode(pass, out, out2))thelog << "解码失败" << ende;thelog << out2.data() << endi;if (0 == strcmp(plaintext, (char*)out2.data())){thelog << "匹配成功" << endi;}else{thelog << "匹配失败" << ende;}//out2.lockBuffer();//out2.setSize(10240);}catch (...){thelog << "异常发生" << ende;}}return true;}};

4.3 运行结果

[08-26 12:31:18][应用][信息][CommandSet.h            : 236(doCommandSet)][  0.00]
命令 组           名称      命令 说明
---- ------------ --------- ---- --------
a    未命名命令组 TestGmSSL a    国密测试
---- ------------ --------- ---- --------请选择命令:(--group选择命令组 b=break)(q=exit default=a):[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息] 用户输入的是:a
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 373(aes_test)][  0.00]keybits 128 bytes 16
简单输入  01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
iv  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
加密后    ee a2 aa 8d 92 fd 10 be 22 03 fe 08 52 6a 57 d1
iv  ee a2 aa 8d 92 fd 10 be 22 03 fe 08 52 6a 57 d1
解密前    ee a2 aa 8d 92 fd 10 be 22 03 fe 08 52 6a 57 d1
iv  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
简单输出  01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
iv  ee a2 aa 8d 92 fd 10 be 22 03 fe 08 52 6a 57 d1
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
original(32):   31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
encrypt(32):    7D 36 62 28 9A C8 3B 22 1B CC B8 B7 79 13 CA C4 C9 26 43 A6 D3 23 17 02 7A 93 30 A3 34 63 1A 84
decrypt(32):    31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 408(aes_test)][  0.00]网上代码测试完成
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 429(aes_test)][  0.00]65 96 65
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 452(aes_test)][  0.00]1234567890
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  95(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               :  96(my_AES_cbc_encrypt)][  0.00]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 454(aes_test)][  0.00]68 [AVPRQGy8Aj5Dlmc7LhtTAgNr4B6769ZxXBhK9K09zWkvHawenVr5/pDgHINXiD8lHA==]
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 457(aes_test)][  0.00]1234567890
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][myGmSSL.h               : 460(aes_test)][  0.00]匹配成功
[08-26 12:31:19][应用][信息][CommandSet.h            : 129(doCommand)][  0.00]
命令 TestGmSSL 执行完毕 返回码 0





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《Windows系统下如何查找JDK的安装路径》:本文主要介绍Windows系统下如何查找JDK的安装路径,文中介绍了三种方法,分别是通过命令行检查、使用verbose选项查找jre目录、以及查看... 目录一、确认是否安装了JDK二、查找路径三、另外一种方式如果很久之前安装了JDK,或者在别人的电脑上,想

Spring Cloud之注册中心Nacos的使用详解

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Java springBoot初步使用websocket的代码示例

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