[英语单词] out of

2024-08-28 06:36
文章标签 英语单词

本文主要是介绍[英语单词] out of,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Most modern cryptographic devices are implemented using semiconductor logic gates, which are constructed out of transistors.
这里的out of是下面词典释义的第五个:“5 by using (sth); from 用, 以(某事物)”。也就是由某些小的/成分析的东西制造出来的,比如最近很火的小学生玩具“水晶的种植”也是水晶由水晶材料组成形成长出来。而这里的逻辑门也是由晶体管制作然后展示出来的。


out of
在…外, 离开…, 从…里面, 出于, 由于, 因为, 缺乏, 没有, 放弃, 丧失
<— 牛津现代英汉双解词典 —>
prep 1 (situated) at a distance from (a place seen as an enclosed area or volume); not in (位于)离(某处)一段距离; 不在内; 在外: Mr Green is out of town this week. 格林先生本星期不在伦敦. * Fish can survive for only a short time out of water. 鱼离开水後活得时间很短. Cf 参看 in2 1.
2 (moving) away from (a place seen as an enclosed area or volume) 离开(某处); 从里面; 出来: jump out of bed 跳下床 * go out of the shop 走出商店 * fly out of the cage 飞出笼子.
3 (indicating motive or cause 表示动机或原因): do sth out of mischief, spite, malice, etc 出于恶作剧、怨恨、恶意等而做某事 * help sb out of pity, kindness, generosity, etc 出于怜悯、好意、慷慨等帮助某人 * ask out of curiosity 因好奇而问.
4 from among (a number) 从(若干)中: Choose one out of the six. 从六个里挑一个. * To give you only one example out of several… 从几个例子中仅给你举出一例…
5 by using (sth); from 用, 以(某事物): The hut was made out of pieces of wood. 这小屋是用木板建造的. * She made a skirt out of the material I gave her. 她用我给她的料子做了一条裙子. Cf 参看 from 8, of 5.
6 lacking (sth); without 缺乏(某物); 无: I’m beginning to feel out of patience. 我觉得有些不耐烦了. * He’s been out of work for six months. 他已失业六个月了. * be out of (ie have no) flour, sugar, tea, etc 没有面粉、糖、茶叶等.
7 not in the condition specified by the following n 不处于out of後之名词所示的情况: These books are out of order. 这些书都乱了. * He’s still in hospital but out of danger. 他仍在住院, 但已脱离了危险. (See n entries for similar examples. 类似示例见有关名词词条. )
8 having (sth) as its origin or source; from 以(某事物)为起源或来源; 从: a scene out of a play by Pinter 品特的剧作中的一场 * copy a recipe out of a book 从书上抄下一份菜谱 * drink beer out of the can 持罐装啤酒对嘴儿喝 * pay for a new car out of one’s savings 拿储蓄的钱买新汽车.
9 (indicating the loss of sth, esp as a result of dishonesty 表示失去某事物, 尤指被骗): cheat sb out of his money 骗走某人的钱 (See v entries for similar examples. 类似示例见有关动词词条. )
10 at a specified distance from (sth) 在离(某地)某距离处: The ship sank 10 miles out of Stockholm. 船在离斯德哥尔摩10英里处沉没了.
11 not concerned with (sth); not involved in 与(某事物)无关; 不牵连在内: It’s a dishonest scheme and I’m glad to be out of it. 那是个骗局, 我幸而置身事外. * Brown is out of the England team. 布朗与英格兰球队无关. 12 (idm 习语) `out of it (infml 口) sad because excluded from a group of people or a community 因被排斥在某集体之外而难过: We’ve only just moved here so we still feel a bit out of it. 我们刚刚搬到这里, 和别人不熟感到仍有些冷清. * She looks rather out of it – perhaps she doesn’t speak English. 她看上去像是局外人–大概是她不会说英语的缘故吧.

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[英语单词] paste

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[英语单词] quorum

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[英语单词] infamous

famous 出名的好。是一个褒义词。 famous *['feimәs] a. 出名的, 极好的 <— 牛津现代英汉双解词典 —> /ˈfeɪməs; `feməs/ adj 1 ~ (for sth) known to very many people; celebrated 出名的; 着名的: Paris is a famous city. 巴黎是着名的城市. * New York is f


一、问题的缘起 最近,有网友在我的视频下面留言,问我可否把英语单词进行音节的划分?我以前也有同样的想法,但是始终没有得到解决。但是,我想使用python,学习英语的人都很多,说不定有人已经编写了类似的模块供我们调用呢? 问题截图 于是,我就抱着试试看的心情,在网上搜了一下,果然,某搜索引擎上,已经给出了答案,经过测试,我发现这个pyphen是一个不错的模块,它可以自动把任意单词按照音

[英语单词] feedback

Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice versa. https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs

[英语单词] spectrum

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[英语单词] ellipsize,动词化后缀 -ize

openvswitch manual里的一句话:里面有使用ellipsize,但是查字典是没有这个单词,这就是创造出来的动词。将单词ellipsis,加动词化后缀,-ize。 Often we ellipsize arguments not important to the discussion, e.g.: <--- 朗道英汉字典5.0 --->ellipsis*[i'lipsis]n.


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[英语单词] lineup
