
2024-08-27 22:32
文章标签 英语 三分钟 alicha




   This material is very simple ,even it is maybe easy for you but thetruth is also very  

very  useful!Especially for the English learners whosemother tongue is different 

from English,I believe this one will be your appetite!


   In this material each part just take you about three minutes, That’sthe reason what 

we call it “English inThree Minutes”, in this series ,you’re going to learn some easy 

ways to askand answer common questions in English,and it’s really useful ,and it 

onlytakes three minutes! in this lesson you are going to learn new and more 

commonways to ask and answer the question: like ”How are you?” in English and 

it’stotal just 25 plays.



16.Asking about How People know each other?

So,how do you know each other?

We met at school/party/through friend

We have friend in common

17.What sports they like?


Do you follow sports?

What sports do you follow?

I follow/like soccer

I like soccer

I’m a fan of soccer

Continue:what team do you support?

18:what are doing in the city?

=what do you do ?=what’s your job?

Change slighty

How did you get  there?

What circumstance brought you here?

Do you grown up here?

Were you born here?

19,Asking about movie

Do you see+movie?

Have you seen + movie?

What do you think ?
Tips:you don’t need to say something about the movie hurry up before the other 

person saying. All you gonna do is to be a listener and to try create a happy situation..

   If other people don’t  know that’s a good way to talk about topic and talk to other 

person about the  movie point/plot.



How older are you? 

Really unpolit,  maybe understand you, but the truth is they will unhappy.

Do you mind me asking,,, ,,,?

For instance: do you mind me asking how old you are?

How old do you think I am?

Answers tips: say lower is better.

21:did you hear about,,, ,,,?

Did you hear about the earthquake in Asia?

Did you hear about the earthquake in Asia last night?

Yeah ,I saw it on TV
Yeah ,I heard it on the radio
Yeah, I heard it from friends

How terrible/sad/awful
How great/relief/amaze


You go to travel’s motivation:

Food you ate

Sight you saw

Places you vistited

Things you did

Have you even been to ,,, ,,,
I loved it ,it was so exciting/vibrant
I loved it, The food was delicious

Unlike=It wasn’t really my type of place.


Do you have a dog?

Are you a cat or dog person?

Do you have ang pets?

What’s its/their name?

What breed is it?
What breed are they?

Dislike: I’m not really an animal person.

I’m allergic to animals

My building doesn’t allow pets

Tips:say “he/she”better to say “it” ,cause people who  have a pet which people most 

love pet that means they want pet will part of their family ,so they will happy if you say 


24.Weekend plan

Do you want to ,,, ,,, 
Do you feel like to ,,, ,,, 

Take the pressure off ,,, ,,, 

25.Filler word

a)um,,, ,,, 
b)er,,, ,,,
c)uh,,, ,,,
d)you know
g)I guess
h) of course

j)if you don’t know what I mean

I’m ,you know , worried about you !


Summary :


              As you  can see, This material is very simple ,even it is maybe easy 

for you but the truth is also very  very  useful!Especially for the English 

learners whosemother tongue is different from English,I believe this one 

will be your appetite!



    If  you have any question or any help I can do for 

you ,please contact me :




                       E-mail address:   fenyunqr@163.com 






英语每日一段 195

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如果喜欢看如《24小 时》这样的动作片, 那你基本会讲一口流利的"呯""轰""啊"之类的开枪爆炸声英语.如果你喜欢看如《豪斯医生》这种专业性很强的片子,那你基本会讲一些如 MRI,CT,Tumor之类的连自己都不明白的江湖郎中英语.如果看的是《越狱》,基本不用举手,别人就知道你是黑手党的了.不是所有剧都合适的,用来学习的美剧,是要有一定对话量,生活化的,平民化的片子. 2. 开着字幕看是没有


一、背景 我们可以利用python中的tkinter框架创建一个简单的英语单词猜词游戏。用户将看到一个缺少几个字母的单词,并需要填写出正确的字母,填写正确后会提醒correct,错误则提示:try again. 本代码全程利用VScode中的ChatGPT插件来完成。 二、实现过程 步骤 1:导入必要的库 我们需要导入 tkinter 库来创建图形用户界面(GUI),还需要导入 rando


1.健康 生理健康 physical health 心理健康 mental/psychological health/fitness 健康问题 health concern 亚健康 sub-health 公共卫生 public health 心态 state of mind 体育锻炼 physical exercises 均衡饮食 well-balanced diet 垃圾食品


1.错题判断: 可以通过第一讲中的时态,来进行错题判断 2.一般现在时深度讲解: 1)平常习惯于真理使用一般现在时 2)延续时间比较长的,不强调以前,不强调以后,那就是一般现在时 例如:你爱我吗?不强调你以前爱我吗。不强调以后。就是一般现在时。 3.结构成立+中文意思 = 正确的句子   一般现在时的总结: 4.一般现在时和一般过去时的特殊性,疑问词与相同