能量英语(四) 之 “信念”

2024-08-27 22:32
文章标签 英语 能量 信念

本文主要是介绍能量英语(四) 之 “信念”,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


               能量英语(四)  之 "信念"



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听到一个词, 他们常常跟我说,我英语不好,英语说不好,因为我有英语的创伤。






























































































一个事实,你可以想一些小例子,比如,一些Mini 小故事,这不是真实,但它们很有

趣,很搞笑,或许很疯。每天都要记得告诉自己, “英语应该是有趣的、快乐的、轻松





    我想给你讲一个我最喜欢的例子:Steve Kaufman,他能够讲十二门语言,我希望你



















   最后,我给你一个小小的作业,我希望你自己拿起笔,写下两个、三个、四个,,, ,,, 能激励你自己的信念,这些信念能持续的燃起你学习英语的激情。比如“我的大


轻松愉快的。“或是”我真的很爱英语。“写下两个、三个、四个,,, ,,,我不知




  我记得美国汽车大王福特先生就说过:if you think you can ,you can ; if 

youthing you can’t ,you can’t ,in either case, you are right!”如果你每天给










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            Power、Effortless English

 Hello, welcome to the fourth lesson.


 This one is called “Beliefs.”

 Let’s get started.Beliefs are another important part of managing 

yourpsychology, of strengthening your psychology so that you will 

learn English, oranything in fact, much faster.And there are two kinds 

of beliefs to generalcategories of beliefs. Limiting and empowering.


  Let’s talk about limiting beliefs first.Now limiting means, limit 

is something that stopsyou. It’s like a boundary.It stops you from 

going ahead.So a limiting belief is a belief that stops youfrom 

improving, a belief that stops you from getting better.


  And I’d say most English students have limitingbeliefs and many 

English students have very strong limiting beliefs.I call these 

beliefs English trauma and I got thatname from a few of my Japanese 

students. They would tell me “AJ, I can’t speakEnglish well because 

I have English trauma.”


  What is English trauma? What is that, what are theytalking about? 

Well, trauma means some kind of injury, some kind of hurt.Emotional 

hurt, deep emotional hurt.So what they mean is that they had some 

verynegative, painful experiences with English in the past.


  In other words, when they were in school in Englishclasses, even as 

adults going to other English schools, they had very 

negativeexperiences.And all these negative experiences have 

createdsome very negative beliefs, some very limiting beliefs.


  For example, they say “I am not good at English. ”Well, that’s a 

belief.It may be true, it may not be true. But it’s anopinion, it’s 

a belief that they have.Another belief, a very common belief, English 

is difficult. Or, English is complicated.


  Well, that’s just a belief.For me English is very easy, because 

I’m a native speaker,just like your native language for you is very 

easy.Tomoe can speak Japanese fluently because she’sJapanese, so I 

might say “Japanese is difficult,” and she would say “No,Japanese 

is super easy.”


  These are just beliefs that come from our experiences.

The problem is these limiting beliefs limit us.They in fact do limit 

us. They stop us from getting better.They cause a lot of problems for 

us as students, aslearners. I have them, too. As I try to learn 

Japanese, for example, I have alot of these limiting beliefs I realize.

 I think “Oh, Japanese is so difficult.” Japanese iscomplicated, 

just look at the writing system. It’s so different from English.And 

these beliefs hurt my motivation. They lower myenergy, and in fact 

they’re wrong. They’re not true.Japanese does not have to be 

difficult, it does nothave to be complicated.


  A small child, even a small American child, couldlearn Japanese very 

effortlessly, very easily.And the reason is, the number one reason is, 

they don’t have the limiting beliefs.They can sing songs and play 

games and enjoy thelanguage, and they’ll learn it so quickly, so 

easily, they’ll say “Japanese iseasy.”


 Well, it’s the same with English with you. Youlearned in a very 

painful, difficult way in the past.And so you developed, you created 

these beliefs inyour head.English is difficult. English is boring. 

English ispainful. I’m not good at English. I’ll never speak 

excellent English. These arejust beliefs.



      So how do you eliminate these beliefs?


  Okay, you have these beliefs. You know they’renegative, you know they’re 

not helping you.But we have to figure out, how can we get rid ofthe limiting 

beliefs? That’s the first step, you have to weaken them. You haveto make 

them weaker and weaker and weaker. You have to cut them down.


  Well beliefs get stronger from references.And reference is just an 

experience or a memory.Sometimes it’s just something you imagine, actually.

But it’s a specific experience or a specificimagination, a specific moment, 

that makes the belief stronger or weaker. So,for example, you have this idea 

“English is painful and boring.”


  And when you thinkof this belief, where does it come from? Well, you think 

of all these pastexperiences. You think of the time in middle school where 

your teachercorrected your mistake and you felt terrible.


  And you think of maybe the bad grades you got onthe test or all the red 

marks on your English papers.And you start adding more and more and 

morememories, more of these negative experiences, these negative references.


  And if you get enough, you will develop a very,strong, deep, powerful 

belief “English is difficult. English is painful. I’mnot good at 

English.”So to weaken these, you just have to question thereferences.You 

have to question the experiences. Take thepower away from the experiences.


  And an easy way to do that is just to ask questionsabout them.For example, 

let me ask this question.Your past English schools, were they excellent?


  Were they just fantastic English schools withfantastic, amazing, fun, 

positive English teachers?Did you have a great time every day?Well, I know 

for most of you the answer is no.So that’s interesting, so if your schools 

were notexcellent, maybe the school was the problem.Maybe it’s not you.


  Maybe your English is not great because you did notgo to great schools.

And did those schools that you went to, or thebooks you used, did they use 

proven methods? Did they use research‑based methods?Did they know a lot 

about the research aboutEnglish learning, English teaching? Did they only 

use the best methods?


  Or did they just use the textbook that everybodyelse uses?Well, I know 

from my experience as a teacher, mostschools just use the same textbooks. 

They don’t know why.Maybe the boss tells them “We must use this book.”


  But they’re not choosing the very, very bestmethods. They’re not 

choosing the very, very best books.And so maybe the reason you believe 

English isdifficult is because you used difficult methods in the past, or 

your teachersdid.Maybe you think English is boring because in thepast you 

used boring methods. You went to boring schools. You had boring 

teachers.Maybe English isn’t the problem. Maybe it was thesepast 

experiences. Maybe it was the way you did it or where you did it.


  Ask yourself these questions. Think about them indetail. Weaken your 

limiting beliefs. Challenge your limiting beliefs.


  Another question, in school did you learn deeply?


  For example, did you take one chapter in your bookand learn it for a long 

time so that you totally mastered it, so that you knewit completely, 100% 

and never forgot it?

  Probably not, most schools I have seen and the onesI have taught in, it’s 

quite the opposite.The teachers go very, very, very quickly. You learnone 

chapter in your book, boom, after one week on to the next one, and the 

nextone.Each chapter has so many new words, so much newgrammar.For example, 

my experience with Spanish in highschool and university, I took Spanish, 

I’ve had a total of maybe two years ofSpanish, but I forgot it all. Because 

we never learned deeply.



  They just tried to make us learn as many words aspossible, a lot of words, 

a lot of words, a lot of grammar, very, very fast.And then, of course, I 

forgot everything.How about you? Did you learn deeply in yourschools?


  If not, maybe that was one of the problems. MaybeEnglish feels difficult 

because you never learned deeply.Maybe English is not the problem.

  Finally, did you learn with a grammar translationmethod?Did you study a 

lot of grammar rules? Did you takea lot of tests?Did you feel good about 

that?Again, maybe the method was the problem.


  Maybe the school is the problem, not English.


   So think about these questions and think about themevery day. Think about 

them a lot, especially this week as you listen to LessonNumber 4. I want you 

to think about these questions again and again and again.And really be 

honest about it.


  And start to destroy these limiting beliefs. Getrid of them. They’re 

wrong. English is not difficult. English is not painful.English is not 

boring.It’s only a belief. It’s only a past experience. Youcan change that 

now and in the future.

  So let’s do that. Let’s talk now about empoweringbeliefs, the positive 

side.So to empower, the verb, to empower means to makestronger. It means to 

give power to another person.Or in this case, it means the beliefs give 

youpower.An empowering belief is a belief that makes youfeel powerful, that 

gives you power.


  That’s the kind of beliefs you want and you need tochoose them。You must 

decide which beliefs will make youstronger.For example, here’s an 

empowering belief. You canreplace your old limiting belief, add this one 



    You can say “My brain is a natural languagelearning machine. ”


  Because that’s what all of the scientific researchshows, our brain 

naturally learns languages. It is designed to learn language.It should be 

easy. It should be effortless. Itshould feel good.You learned your native 

language that way.It wasn’t difficult was it?

   English was easy for me to learn, because I did itin a totally natural 

way.And the more naturally I tried to learn Japanese,for example, or 

Spanish, the easier it feels.So this is a new belief and you should write 

it down, think about it.


  Write down this idea, this belief “My brain is anatural language learning 

machine.”Think about it every day.Decide to choose that belief.Here’s 

another belief you might decide to choose“English can be fun and 

effortless.”English can be fun and effortless.That’s an empowering belief 

and it’s also true.


  You can think of a lot of examples for this.

Some of these mini-stories you’re listening to,right? They’re fun. 

They’re stupid, sometimes. They’re crazy, sometimes. Butthey’re not 




  English can be fun and effortless.

  That’s an empowering belief you want to choose andyou want to remember it 

every day.And to make these beliefs stronger, you needexperiences. Remember, 

you need references, you need examples that prove thebelief.


  So I’m going to give you some examples and you canfind more. Go find people who speak English very well.Or maybe even that have learned another 

languagevery well. I’ll give you one of my favorite examples, Steve Kaufman 

of TheLinguist speaks, I believe, twelve languages now.I want you to find 

these people and look at theirbeliefs.


   I’ll tell you some of his beliefs because he’s afriend, I’ve talked to 

him a number of times, and Steve believes, for example,that language 

learning is easy and effortless. That’s his belief.


  He’s a native English speaker, he speaks Cantonese,he speaks Mandarin, he 

speaks Japanese, he speaks Russian. These are all,supposedly, difficult 

languages.For him they’re not difficult. They’re easy andeffortless.

  That’s a very strong belief he has.Another belief he has is that you must 

learnlanguage naturally and you must focus on meaning.So in other words, he 

doesn’t focus on the grammar.He’s not focusing on boring textbooks. He’s 

readinginteresting things that he enjoys.


  He’s listening to interesting things that heenjoys. So, for him, language 

learning is interesting.What’s really interesting for me is that these 

arethe same beliefs that all of my best students have. They all have these 



   The best students, the ones who learn the fastest,the ones who have the 

best test scores, the ones with the best speaking, theyall believe these 

things. They all believe that English is fun, interesting andeffortless.


  They all believe that language learning is natural.They all believe that 

they should focus on themeaning, not on the grammar and the little pieces of 

the language.So if you want to be like these successful people,you need to 

think like them. You need to have the same beliefs as them.


  So here’s what I want you to do. Here’s yourhomework. This is the last 

thing, the last part of this lesson.What I want you to do is write down two, 

three,four empowering beliefs, beliefs that give you power about 

English.Maybe “My brain is a natural language learningmachine. ”

   Maybe “English can be fun and effortless.Maybe “I love English.”I 

don’t know, write down, two, three, fourempowering beliefs about English.

And every day you’re going to do an incantation.That’s a good word, 

that’s a new word, incantation.An incantation is a phrase or sentence that 

you sayagain and again.


   It has almost a magic idea, it comes from magic. Anincantation is a 

magical sentence.It’s a sentence, if you say the sentence somethingwill 

happen. That’s where it comes from.But for us an incantation is just a 

belief you aregoing to repeat again and again and again every day.


  So here’s what you’re going to do. For example“English can be fun and 

effortless.”You’re going to say that out loud every day whileyou’re 

walking along and you’re doing your posture. And you’re breathing 

andyou’re smiling.Well, you’re going to add one more thing. As youwalk, as 

you’re getting ready for the lesson, you’re going to repeat this outloud. 

You’re going to say “English can be fun and effortless.”


  You’re going to say it with some emotion. Say itwith feeling so you’re 

smiling, you’re breathing deep, you’re moving your body,you have good 

posture and now you’re also saying these strong beliefs.English can be fun 

and effortless. You repeat itagain. English can be fun and effortless. And 

then you say it again. Englishcan be fun and effortless.


  You can do this in your room and its fine. You cando it outside and make 

everyone look at you and think you’re crazy.Why not?It’s better than 

feeling powerless, right? It’sbetter than being bored.I promise you will 

learn so much faster if you do this.So do these incantations every day just 

before you do a lesson.


   Get your body strong, peak emotional state, andthen say these 

incantations. English can be fun and effortless. English can befun and 



   Now your body, your mind, your beliefs, they’re alltogether, very strong.

 Then you’re ready to learn.Okay, that is the end of the main story 



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1.错题判断: 可以通过第一讲中的时态,来进行错题判断 2.一般现在时深度讲解: 1)平常习惯于真理使用一般现在时 2)延续时间比较长的,不强调以前,不强调以后,那就是一般现在时 例如:你爱我吗?不强调你以前爱我吗。不强调以后。就是一般现在时。 3.结构成立+中文意思 = 正确的句子   一般现在时的总结: 4.一般现在时和一般过去时的特殊性,疑问词与相同