本文主要是介绍arcgis API for javascript 4.x GeoJSONLayer 加载方法,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
1.引入GeoJSONLayer import GeoJSONLayer from '@arcgis/core/layers/GeoJSONLayer' 或者 require(["esri/layers/GeoJSONLayer"], function(GeoJSONLayer){ const geojsonlayer = new GeoJSONLayer({ url: "https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.geojson", copyright: "USGS Earthquakes" }); map.add(geojsonlayer); // adds the layer to the map });
// create a geojson layer from geojson feature collection const geojson = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [ { type: "Feature", id: 1, eometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ] ] }, properties: { type: "single", recordedDate: "2018-02-07T22:45:00-08:00" } } ] }; // create a new blob from geojson featurecollection const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(geojson)], { type: "application/json" }); // URL reference to the blob const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // create new geojson layer using the blob url const layer = new GeoJSONLayer({ url });this.map.add(layer) // 加载至当前地图
这篇关于arcgis API for javascript 4.x GeoJSONLayer 加载方法的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!