using namespace std;typedef struct student
{int data;struct student *next;struct student *pre;
dnode *create()
{dnode *head, *p, *s;int x;head = (dnode *)malloc(sizeof(dnode));p = head;cout<<"\nInput the data : ";while(1){if(scanf("%d", &x) != EOF && x != 0){s = (dnode *)malloc(sizeof(dnode));s->data = x;p->next = s;s->pre = p;p = s;}else break;}head = head->next;head->pre = NULL;p->next = NULL;return head;
dnode *del(dnode *head, int num)
{dnode *p1;p1 = head;while(num != p1->data && p1->next != NULL)p1 = p1->next;if(num == p1->data){if(head == p1){head = head->next;head->pre = NULL;}/*此处的处理与单链表不同,因为双链表有两个方向,所以在定义时仅定义一个指针,这使得当出现删除链表尾部时,由于NULL没有前驱,导致无法连接,所以要分开讨论。*/else if(p1->next == NULL) p1->pre->next = NULL;else{//p1为最后一个节点,如没有上一个分支,则第二个语句会出错。p1->pre->next = p1->next;p1->next->pre = p1->pre;}free(p1); //释放}else cout<<"There is no %d "<<num;return head;
dnode *insert(dnode *head, int num)
{dnode *p0, *p1;p1 = head;p0 = (dnode *)malloc(sizeof(dnode));p0->data = num;while(num > p1->data && p1->next != NULL)p1 = p1->next;if(num <= p1->data){if(head == p1){p0->next = p1;p1->pre = p0;head = p0;}else{p1->pre->next = p0;p0->pre = p1->pre;p0->next = p1;p1->pre = p0;}}else{//插入尾部~p1->next = p0;p0->next = NULL;p0->pre = p1;}return head;
int length(dnode *head)
{int n = 0;while(head != NULL){head = head->next;n++;}return n;
void print(dnode *head)
{int n = length(head);cout<<"Output the DoubleList ("<<n<<" records~) : ";while(head != NULL){if(head->next == NULL) cout<<head->data<<endl;else cout<<head->data<<"<->";head = head->next;}
int main()
{dnode *head;//创建head = create();print(head);//删除int numD;cout<<"\nDelete : ";cin>>numD;print(del(head, numD));//插入int numS;cout<<"\nInsert : ";cin>>numS;print(insert(head, numS));return 0;