
2024-06-24 03:20
文章标签 源码 安装 odoo


The source ‘installation’ is not about installing Odoo but running it directly from the source instead.

Using the Odoo source can be more convenient for module developers as it is more easily accessible than using packaged installers.

It makes starting and stopping Odoo more flexible and explicit than the services set up by the packaged installers. Also, it allows overriding settings using command-line parameters without needing to edit a configuration file.

Finally, it provides greater control over the system’s setup and allows to more easily keep (and run) multiple versions of Odoo side-by-side.

Fetch the sources

There are two ways to obtain the source code of Odoo: as a ZIP archive or through Git.


Community edition:

  • Odoo download page

  • GitHub Community repository

  • Nightly server

Enterprise edition:

  • Odoo download page

  • GitHub Enterprise repository



It is required to have Git installed, and it is recommended to have a basic knowledge of Git commands to proceed.

To clone a Git repository, choose between cloning with HTTPS or SSH. In most cases, the best option is HTTPS. However, choose SSH to contribute to Odoo source code or when following the Getting Started developer tutorial.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

Clone with HTTPSClone with SSH

$ git clone https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git
$ git clone https://github.com/odoo/enterprise.git


The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code. It is only a collection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community edition. Running the Enterprise version means running the server from the Community version with the addons-path option set to the folder with the Enterprise edition. It is required to clone both the Community and Enterprise repositories to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation.



Odoo requires Python 3.10 or later to run.

Changed in version 17: Minimum requirement updated from Python 3.7 to Python 3.10.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

Use a package manager to download and install Python 3 if needed.


If Python 3 is already installed, make sure that the version is 3.10 or above, as previous versions are not compatible with Odoo.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

$ python3 --version

Verify that pip is also installed for this version.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

$ pip3 --version


Odoo uses PostgreSQL as its database management system.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

Use a package manager to download and install PostgreSQL (supported versions: 12.0 or above). It can be achieved by executing the following:

$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client

By default, the only user is postgres. As Odoo forbids connecting as postgres, create a new PostgreSQL user.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

$ sudo -u postgres createuser -d -R -S $USER
$ createdb $USER


Because the PostgreSQL user has the same name as the Unix login, it is possible to connect to the database without a password.


LinuxWindowsMac OS

Using distribution packages is the preferred way of installing dependencies. Alternatively, install the Python dependencies with pip.

Debian/UbuntuInstall with pip

On Debian/Ubuntu, the following commands should install the required packages:

$ cd odoo #CommunityPath
$ sudo ./setup/debinstall.sh

The setup/debinstall.sh script will parse the debian/control file and install the found packages.


For languages using a right-to-left interface (such as Arabic or Hebrew), the rtlcss package is required.

LinuxWindowsMac OS

  1. Download and install nodejs and npm with a package manager.

  2. Install rtlcss:

    $ sudo npm install -g rtlcss


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.6 for it to support headers and footers. Check out the wkhtmltopdf wiki for more details on the various versions.

Running Odoo

Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running odoo-bin, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Odoo Community directory.

To configure the server, either specify command-line arguments or a configuration file.


For the Enterprise edition, add the path to the enterprise add-ons to the addons-path argument. Note that it must come before the other paths in addons-path for add-ons to be loaded correctly.

Common necessary configurations are:

  • PostgreSQL user and password.

  • Custom addon paths beyond the defaults to load custom modules.

A typical way to run the server would be:

LinuxWindowsMac OS

$ cd /CommunityPath
$ python3 odoo-bin --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Odoo Community installation, and mydb is the name of the PostgreSQL database.

After the server has started (the INFO log odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded. is printed), open http://localhost:8069 in a web browser and log into the Odoo database with the base administrator account: use admin as the email and, again, admin as the password.


  • From there, create and manage new users.

  • The user account used to log into Odoo’s web interface differs from the --db_user CLI argument.

 See also

The list of CLI arguments for odoo-bin





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