本文主要是介绍你才是自己生活的主宰者!——Are we having fun yet,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 人各有不同,不同的人适合做不同的事。某人喜欢做特定的某件事,这并不意味着你也要去喜欢。判断一件事情是否该去做,不能只凭它能否带来物质利益等,而应看此事是否能够带给我们乐趣并使我们获得满足感。你的工作带给你自豪感和满足感了吗?你是在执行“应该”指令,还是依照“想做”的意愿呢?
- we are all very different and different things appeal to each one of us. Just because someone else enjoys a particular thing does not mean that you must.We can break away from the rule of thumb that judges things by whether they bring money or career advancement. We can change that to making our decisions based on whether an action will bring us pleasure and personal satisfaction.Does the work you do leave you feeling proud and pleased with yourself? Are you following the voice of “should” or the one of “want to”?
- 勉强自己做事的结果就是能拖则拖,没完没了。你留意过吗?做自己不喜欢的事情,似乎总也做不完,反之,则如俗语所云:“乐在其中,浑然不知所谓何日。”
- I find myself struggling over a task and it ends up dragging itself out.Have you noticed that the things that you dislike doing are the ones that seem to take forever to get done?As for the opposite viewpoing, well as the saying goes,“Time files when you’re having fun!”
- 不论何时,你都不能忽视这种内在激励。否则,你会日益陷入自厌与自责的泥潭,再次感到消沉没落。每一次失望都会强化心中的那个信念:别人的愿望比自己的更加重要。于是,你内在的欲求便会再次被压抑到最低的位置。
- Anytime you ignore that inner prompting,you accumulate self-loathing and disappointment in your being.Your inner child once again feels letdown and unimportant.Each letdown reinforce the inner child’s belief that everybody else’s wishes are more important than its own.Once again its desires are relegated to the lowest priority on the list.
- 但是,生活是你自己的!为什么要让他人指示你“应该”怎样生活呢?问问你自己,你想怎样规划自己的人生!聆听自己内心的声音,它会告诉你,什么会真正充实和满足你。要知道,你才是自己生活的主宰者!毕竟,这是你的生活!
- Yet,it’s your life!Why let someone else dictate how you "should"live it? Ask yourself what steps you want to take! Listen to the voice within which will tell you what would really make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. You are the boss of your life! After all, it’s yours, isn’t it?
- appeal to …对某人有吸引力
- each one of us…我们每个人
every one of us…我们都
Every one of us appreciates your gift…我们都非常感谢您的礼物。
Each one of us can get a gift …每个人都能得到一份礼物。- judges
v:判断;认为;评判;裁判;断定;估计,猜测(大小、数量等);担任裁判;- break away from …打破,脱离
这篇关于你才是自己生活的主宰者!——Are we having fun yet的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!