Android 使用cmd wifi命令操作wifi

2024-06-20 10:44

本文主要是介绍Android 使用cmd wifi命令操作wifi,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

cmd wifi 命令完整的说明说下。

console:/ # cmd wifi                                                       
Wi-Fi (wifi) commands:help or -hPrint this help text.get-country-codeGets country code as a two-letter stringset-wifi-enabled enabled|disabledEnables/disables Wifi on this device.set-scan-always-available enabled|disabledSets whether scanning should be available even when wifi is off.list-scan-resultsLists the latest scan resultsstart-scanStart a new scanlist-networksLists the saved networksforget-network <networkId>Remove the network mentioned by <networkId>- Use list-networks to retrieve <networkId> for the networkstatusCurrent wifi statusset-verbose-logging enabled|disabled Set the verbose logging enabled or disabledis-verbose-loggingCheck whether verbose logging enabled or disabledstart-restricting-auto-join-to-subscription-id subIdtemporarily disable all wifi networks except merged carrier networks with the given subIdstop-restricting-auto-join-to-subscription-idUndo the effects of start-restricting-auto-join-to-subscription-idadd-suggestion <ssid> open|owe|wpa2|wpa3 [<passphrase>] [-u] [-o] [-p] [-m]  [-s] [-d] [-b <bssid>] [-e] [-i] [-a <carrierId>] [-c <subscriptionId>]Add a network suggestion with provided paramsUse 'network-suggestions-set-user-approved yes' to approve suggestions added via shell (Needs root access)<ssid> - SSID of the networkopen|owe|wpa2|wpa3 - Security type of the network.- Use 'open' or 'owe' for networks with no passphrase- 'open' - Open networks (Most prevalent)- 'owe' - Enhanced open networks- Use 'wpa2' or 'wpa3' for networks with passphrase- 'wpa2' - WPA-2 PSK networks (Most prevalent)- 'wpa3' - WPA-3 PSK networks-u - Mark the suggestion untrusted.-o - Mark the suggestion oem paid.-p - Mark the suggestion oem private.-m - Mark the suggestion metered.-h - Mark the network hidden.-s - Share the suggestion with user.-d - Mark the suggestion autojoin disabled.-b <bssid> - Set specific BSSID.-r - Enable non_persistent randomization (disabled by default)-a - Mark the suggestion carrier merged-c <carrierId> - set carrier Id-i <subscriptionId> - set subscription Id, if -a is used, this must be setremove-suggestion <ssid> [-l]Remove a network suggestion with provided SSID of the network-l - Remove suggestion with lingering, if not set will disconnect immediately remove-all-suggestionsRemoves all suggestions added via shelllist-suggestionsLists the suggested networks added via shellset-coex-cell-channels [lte|nr <bandNumber 1-261> <downlinkFreqKhz or UNKNOWN: -1> <downlinkBandwidthKhz or UNKNOWN: 0> <uplinkFreqKhz or UNKNOWN: -1> <uplinkBandwidthKhz or UNKNOWN: 0>] ...Sets a list of zero or more cell channels to use for coex calculations. Actual device reported cell channels will be ignored until reset-coex-cell-channels is called.reset-coex-cell-channelsRemoves all cell channels set in set-coex-cell-channels and returns to listening on actual device reported cell channelsget-coex-cell-channelsPrints the cell channels being used for coex.set-connected-score <score>Set connected wifi network score (to choose between LTE & Wifi for default route).This turns off the active connected scorer (default or external).Only works while connected to a wifi network. This score will stay in effect until you call reset-connected-score or the device disconnects from the current network.<score> - Integer score should be in the range of 0 - 60reset-connected-scoreTurns on the default connected scorer.Note: Will clear any external scorer set.start-softap <ssid> (open|wpa2|wpa3|wpa3_transition|owe|owe_transition) <passphrase> [-b 2|5|6|any|bridged]Start softap with provided paramsNote that the shell command doesn't activate internet tethering. In some devices, internet sharing is possible when Wi-Fi STA is also enabled and isassociated to another AP with internet access.<ssid> - SSID of the networkopen|wpa2|wpa3|wpa3_transition|owe|owe_transition - Security type of the network.- Use 'open', 'owe', 'owe_transition' for networks with no passphrase- Use 'wpa2', 'wpa3', 'wpa3_transition' for networks with passphrase-b 2|5|6|any|bridged - select the preferred band.- Use '2' to select 2.4GHz band as the preferred band- Use '5' to select 5GHz band as the preferred band- Use '6' to select 6GHz band as the preferred band- Use 'any' to indicate no band preference- Use 'bridged' to indicate bridged AP which enables APs on both 2.4G + 5GNote: If the band option is not provided, 2.4GHz is the preferred band.The exact channel is auto-selected by FW unless overridden by force-softap-channel command-x - Specifies the SSID as hex digits instead of plain text (T and above)stop-softapStop softap (hotspot)pmksa-flush <networkId>- Flush the local PMKSA cache associated with the network id. Use list-networks to retrieve <networkId> for the networkreload-resourcesReset the WiFi resources cache which will cause them to be reloaded next time they are accessed. Necessary if overlays are manually modified.launch-dialog-simple [-t <title>] [-m <message>] [-l <url> <url_start> <url_end>] [-y <positive_button_text>] [-n <negative_button_text>] [-x <neutral_button_text>] [-c <timeout_millis>]Launches a simple dialog and waits up to 15 seconds to print the response.-t - Title-m - Message-l - URL of the message, with the start and end index inside the message-y - Positive Button Text-n - Negative Button Text-x - Neutral Button Text-c - Optional timeout in millisecondslaunch-dialog-p2p-invitation-sent <device_name> <pin> [-i <display_id>]Launches a P2P Invitation Sent dialog.<device_name> - Name of the device the invitation was sent to<pin> - PIN for the invited device to inputlaunch-dialog-p2p-invitation-received <device_name> [-p] [-d <pin>] [-i <display_id>] [-c <timeout_millis>]Launches a P2P Invitation Received dialog and waits up to 15 seconds to print the response.<device_name> - Name of the device sending the invitation-p - Show PIN input-d - Display PIN <pin>-i - Display ID-c - Optional timeout in millisecondsquery-interface <uid> <package_name> STA|AP|AWARE|DIRECT [-new]Query whether the specified could be created for the specified UID and package name, and if so - what other interfaces would be destroyed-new - query for a new interfaces (otherwise an existing interface is okinterface-priority-interactive-mode enable|disable|defaultEnable or disable asking the user when there's an interface priority conflict, |default| implies using the device default behavior.set-one-shot-screen-on-delay-ms <delayMs>set the delay for the next screen-on connectivity scan in milliseconds.set-ipreach-disconnect enabled|disabledSets whether CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST events should trigger disconnects.get-ipreach-disconnectGets setting of CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST events triggering disconnects.connect-network <ssid> open|owe|wpa2|wpa3 [<passphrase>] [-x] [-m] [-d] [-b <bssid>] [-r auto|none|persistent|non_persistent]Connect to a network with provided params and add to saved networks list<ssid> - SSID of the networkopen|owe|wpa2|wpa3 - Security type of the network.- Use 'open' or 'owe' for networks with no passphrase- 'open' - Open networks (Most prevalent)- 'owe' - Enhanced open networks- Use 'wpa2' or 'wpa3' for networks with passphrase- 'wpa2' - WPA-2 PSK networks (Most prevalent)- 'wpa3' - WPA-3 PSK networks-x - Specifies the SSID as hex digits instead of plain text-m - Mark the network metered.-d - Mark the network autojoin disabled.-h - Mark the network hidden.-p - Mark the network private (not shared).-b <bssid> - Set specific BSSID.-r auto|none|persistent|non_persistent - MAC randomization scheme for the networkadd-network <ssid> open|owe|wpa2|wpa3 [<passphrase>] [-x] [-m] [-d] [-b <bssid>] [-r auto|none|persistent|non_persistent]Add/update saved network with provided params<ssid> - SSID of the networkopen|owe|wpa2|wpa3 - Security type of the network.- Use 'open' or 'owe' for networks with no passphrase- 'open' - Open networks (Most prevalent)- 'owe' - Enhanced open networks- Use 'wpa2' or 'wpa3' for networks with passphrase- 'wpa2' - WPA-2 PSK networks (Most prevalent)- 'wpa3' - WPA-3 PSK networks-x - Specifies the SSID as hex digits instead of plain text-m - Mark the network metered.-d - Mark the network autojoin disabled.-h - Mark the network hidden.-p - Mark the network private (not shared).-b <bssid> - Set specific BSSID.-r auto|none|persistent|non_persistent - MAC randomization scheme for the networkset-poll-rssi-interval-msecs <int>Sets the interval between RSSI polls to <int> milliseconds.get-poll-rssi-interval-msecsGets current interval between RSSI polls, in milliseconds.force-hi-perf-mode enabled|disabledSets whether hi-perf mode is forced or left for normal operation.force-low-latency-mode enabled|disabledSets whether low latency mode is forced or left for normal <package name> yes|noSets whether network suggestions from the app is approved or <package name>Queries whether network suggestions from the app is approved or not.imsi-protection-exemption-set-user-approved-for-carrier <carrier id> yes|noSets whether Imsi protection exemption for carrier is approved or notimsi-protection-exemption-has-user-approved-for-carrier <carrier id>Queries whether Imsi protection exemption for carrier is approved or notimsi-protection-exemption-clear-user-approved-for-carrier <carrier id>Clear the user choice on Imsi protection exemption for carriernetwork-requests-remove-user-approved-access-points <package name>Removes all user approved network requests for the app.clear-user-disabled-networksClears the user disabled networks list.send-link-probeManually triggers a link probe.force-softap-band enabled <int> | disabledForces soft AP band to 2|5|6force-softap-channel enabled <int> | disabledSets whether soft AP channel is forced to <int> MHzor left for normal   operation.force-country-code enabled <two-letter code> | disabled Sets country code to <two-letter code> or left for normal valueor '00' for forcing to world mode country codeset-wifi-watchdog enabled|disabledSets whether wifi watchdog should trigger recoveryget-wifi-watchdogGets setting of wifi watchdog trigger recovery.get-softap-supported-featuresGets softap supported features. Will print 'wifi_softap_acs_supported'and/or 'wifi_softap_wpa3_sae_supported',and/or 'wifi_softap_bridged_ap_supported',and/or 'wifi_softap_bridged_ap_with_sta_supported',each on a separate line.settings-resetInitiates wifi settings resetadd-request [-g] [-i] [-n] [-s] <ssid> open|owe|wpa2|wpa3 [<passphrase>] [-b <bssid>] [-d <band=2|5|6|60>]Add a network request with provided paramsUse 'network-requests-set-user-approved android yes' to pre-approve requests added via rooted shell (Not persisted)-g - Marks the following SSID as a glob pattern<ssid> - SSID of the network, or glob pattern if -g is presentopen|owe|wpa2|wpa3 - Security type of the network.- Use 'open' or 'owe' for networks with no passphrase- 'open' - Open networks (Most prevalent)- 'owe' - Enhanced open networks- Use 'wpa2' or 'wpa3' for networks with passphrase- 'wpa2' - WPA-2 PSK networks (Most prevalent)- 'wpa3' - WPA-3 PSK networks-b <bssid> - Set specific BSSID.-i Set internet capability.-d Specify the band of access point: 2, 5, 6, or 60-s No SSID provided, to be chosen by network selection.-n - Prevent auto-selection of BSSID and force it to be null so that the request matches all BSSIDs.remove-request <ssid>Remove a network request with provided SSID of the networkremove-all-requestsRemoves all active requests added via shelllist-requestsLists the requested networks added via shellnetwork-requests-set-user-approved <package name> yes|noSets whether network requests from the app is approved or not.Note: Only 1 such app can be approved from the shell at a timenetwork-requests-has-user-approved <package name>Queries whether network requests from the app is approved or not.Note: This only returns whether the app was set via the 'network-requests-set-user-approved' shell commandlist-all-suggestionsLists all suggested networks on this devicelist-suggestions-from-app <package name>Lists the suggested networks from the appset-emergency-callback-mode enabled|disabledSets whether Emergency Callback Mode (ECBM) is enabled.Equivalent to receiving the TelephonyManager.ACTION_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE_CHANGED broadcast.set-emergency-call-state enabled|disabledSets whether we are in the middle of an emergency call.
Equivalent to receiving the TelephonyManager.ACTION_EMERGENCY_CALL_STATE_CHANGED <packageName> yes|noSet the <packageName> work as carrier provider or <packageName>Queries whether the <packageName> is working as carrier provider or not.remove-app-from-suggestion_database <packageName>Remove <packageName> from the suggestion database, all suggestions and user approval will be deleted, it is the same as uninstalling this app.trigger-recoveryTrigger Wi-Fi subsystem restart.start-faking-scansStart faking scan results into the framework (configured with 'add-fake-scan'), stop with 'stop-faking-scans'.stop-faking-scansStop faking scan results - started with 'start-faking-scans'.add-fake-scan [-x] <ssid> <bssid> <capabilities> <frequency> <dbm>Add a fake scan result to be used when enabled via `start-faking-scans'.Example WPA2: add-fake-scan fakeWpa2 80:01:02:03:04:05 "[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][ESS]" 2412 -55Example WPA3: add-fake-scan fakeWpa3 80:01:02:03:04:06 "[RSN-SAE+FT/SAE-CCMP][ESS]" 2412 -55Example Open: add-fake-scan fakeOpen 80:01:02:03:04:07 "[ESS]" 2412 -55Example OWE: add-fake-scan fakeOwe 80:01:02:03:04:08 "[RSN-OWE-CCMP]" 2412 -55Example WPA2/WPA3 transition mode: add-fake-scan fakeWpa2t3 80:01:02:03:04:09 "[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK+SAE-CCMP][ESS][MFPC]" 2412 -55Example Open/OWE transition mode: add-fake-scan fakeOpenOwe 80:01:02:03:04:0A "[RSN-OWE_TRANSITION-CCMP][ESS]" 2412 -55Example Passpoint: add-fake-scan fakePasspoint 80:01:02:03:04:0B "[WPA2-EAP/SHA1-CCMP][RSN-EAP/SHA1-CCMP][ESS][MFPR][MFPC][PASSPOINT]" 2412 -55-x - Specifies the SSID as hex digits instead of plain textreset-fake-scansResets all fake scan results added by 'add-fake-scan'.enable-scanning enabled|disabled [-h]Sets whether all scanning should be enabled or disabled-h - Enable scanning for hidden networks.set-passpoint-enabled enabled|disabledSets whether Passpoint should be enabled or disabledstart-lohs <ssid> (open|wpa2|wpa3|wpa3_transition|owe|owe_transition) <passphrase> [-b 2|5|6|any]Start local only softap (hotspot) with provided params<ssid> - SSID of the networkopen|wpa2|wpa3|wpa3_transition|owe|owe_transition - Security type of the network.- Use 'open', 'owe', 'owe_transition' for networks with no passphrase- Use 'wpa2', 'wpa3', 'wpa3_transition' for networks with passphrase-b 2|5|6|any|bridged - select the preferred band.- Use '2' to select 2.4GHz band as the preferred band- Use '5' to select 5GHz band as the preferred band- Use '6' to select 6GHz band as the preferred band- Use 'any' to indicate no band preference- Use 'bridged' to indicate bridged AP which enables APs on both 2.4G + 5GNote: If the band option is not provided, 2.4GHz is the preferred band.stop-lohsStop local only softap (hotspot)set-multi-internet-mode 0|1|2Sets Multi Internet use case mode. 0-disabled 1-dbs 2-multi apset-pno-request <ssid> [-f <frequency>]Requests to include a non-quoted UTF-8 SSID in PNO scansclear-pno-requestClear the PNO scan request.start-dpp-enrollee-responder [-i <info>] [-c <curve>]Start DPP Enrollee responder mode.-i - Device Info to be used in DPP Bootstrapping URI-c - Cryptography Curve integer 1:p256v1, 2:s384r1, etcstart-dpp-configurator-initiator <networkId> <netRole> <enrolleeURI>Start DPP Configurator Initiator mode.netRole - 0: STA, 1: APenrolleeURI - Bootstrapping URI received from Enrolleestop-dppStop DPP session.255|console:/ # 


cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled enabled


cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled disabled


cmd wifi status


  • 已关闭:
Wifi is disabled
Wifi scanning is always available
  • 已打开,未连接
Wifi is enabled
Wifi scanning is always available
==== ClientModeManager instance: ConcreteClientModeManager{id=8163428 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY} ====
Wifi is not connected
  • 已打开并连接到网络
Wifi is enabled
Wifi scanning is always available
==== ClientModeManager instance: ConcreteClientModeManager{id=8163428 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY} ====
Wifi is connected to "Project2"


cmd wifi start-scan


cmd wifi list-scan-results


console:/ # cmd wifi list-scan-resultsBSSID              Frequency      RSSI           Age(sec)     SSID                                 Flags98:97:cc:50:f6:bf       5240        -90              4.404    NW-DQA-FYH_5G1                    [WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][WPA-PSK-CCMP][ESS]54:75:95:ff:f2:ec       5805        -89              4.404    WCS-DQA6-ZR-5G                    [ESS]54:75:95:ff:f2:ea       2412        -69              4.403    WCS-DQA6-ZR                       [WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][ESS]a8:15:4d:3f:01:22       2472        -72              4.403    znrj3z                            [WPA-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][WPA2-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][RSN-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][ESS][WPS]50:eb:f6:ad:f5:80       2412        -77              4.403    Cswsl_2.4G                        [RSN-SAE-CCMP][ESS]80:ea:07:d8:c8:2f       2462        -49              4.404    AI                                [WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][ESS]98:97:cc:50:f6:bd       2462        -70              4.403    NW-DQA-FYH                        [WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][WPA-PSK-CCMP][ESS]50:eb:f6:ad:f5:84       5220        -91              4.404    Cswsl_5G                          [RSN-SAE-CCMP][ESS]50:64:2b:79:6d:64       2437        -70              4.404    HYZY28                            [WPA-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][WPA2-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][RSN-PSK-TKIP+CCMP][ESS][WPS]b8:3a:08:95:a9:05       5765        -55              4.403    Project2                          [WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][ESS][WPS]

SSID 就是wifi名称。


使用密码 12345678 连接 名称为 Project2 、wpa2 类型的 wifi , 密码正确才能连接上噢 😄

cmd wifi connect-network Project2 wpa2 12345678

怎么知道 wifi 是 wpa2 还是 wpa3 类型的? 从wifi扫描结果里看~


cmd wifi list-networks


console:/ # cmd wifi list-networks
Network Id      SSID                         Security type
1            Project2                         wpa2-psk
1            Project2                         wpa3-sae^


cmd wifi forget-network <networkId>

<networkId> 通过 查看已保存的网络 得到。


console:/ # cmd wifi forget-network 1                                          
Forget successful


开启 wpa2 类型、名称为 hotpot11 、密码是 12345678 的 wifi热点

cmd wifi start-softap hotpot11 wpa2 12345678


console:/ # cmd wifi start-softap hotpot11 wpa2 12345678
onStateChanged with state: 11 failure reason: 0SAP is disabled
onConnectedClientsOrInfoChanged, infos: {}, clients: {}, isBridged: false
onCapabilityChanged SupportedFeatures=106 MaximumSupportedClientNumber=16 SupportedChannelListIn24g[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] SupportedChannelListIn5g[] SupportedChannelListIn6g[] SupportedChannelListIn60g[] mCountryCodeFromDriverCN
onStateChanged with state: 12 failure reason: 0
onStateChanged with state: 13 failure reason: 0SAP is enabled successfully
onConnectedClientsOrInfoChanged, infos: {}, clients: {}, isBridged: false
onConnectedClientsOrInfoChanged, infos: {wlan0=SoftApInfo{bandwidth= 2, frequency= 2447,bssid=98:03:cf:74:9c:1c, wifiStandard= 4, mApInstanceIdentifier= wlan0, mIdleShutdownTimeoutMillis= 600000}}, clients: {wlan0=[]}, isBridged: false


cmd wifi stop-softap


console:/ # cmd wifi stop-softap
Soft AP stopped successfully

打开/关闭 自动开启wifi

cmd wifi set-scan-always-available enabled|disabled


console:/ # cmd wifi status
Wifi is enabled
Wifi scanning is always available
==== ClientModeManager instance: ConcreteClientModeManager{id=8163428 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY} ====
Wifi is not connected
console:/ # 
console:/ # cmd wifi set-scan-always-available disabled
console:/ #  cmd wifi status
Wifi is enabled
Wifi scanning is only available when wifi is enabled
==== ClientModeManager instance: ConcreteClientModeManager{id=8163428 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY} ====
Wifi is not connected
console:/ #

这篇关于Android 使用cmd wifi命令操作wifi的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



本文编辑整理自: 一、前言 “联合体”(union)与“结构体”(struct)有一些相似之处。但两者有本质上的不同。在结构体中,各成员有各自的内存空间, 一个结构变量的总长度是各成员长度之和。而在“联合”中,各成员共享一段内存空间, 一个联合变量


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没有太复杂的使用的话,功能实现比较简单粗暴。 在www.mob.com网站中可以申请使用免费短信验证功能。 步骤: 1.注册登录。 2.选择“短信验证码SDK” 3.下载对应的sdk包,我这是选studio的。 4.从头像那进入后台并创建短信验证应用,获取到key跟secret 5.根据技术文档操作(initSDK方法写在setContentView上面) 6.关键:在有用到的Mo


为什么叫做部分实现呢,其实是我只实现一部分的分享。如新浪微博,那还有没去实现的是微信分享。还有一部分奇怪的问题:我QQ分享跟QQ空间的分享功能,我都没配置key那些都是原本集成就有的key也可以实现分享,谁清楚的麻烦详解下。 实现分享功能我们可以去www.mob.com这个网站集成。免费的,而且还有短信验证功能。等这分享研究完后就研究下短信验证功能。 开始实现步骤(新浪分享,以下是本人自己实现


最近在研究下二维码扫描功能,跟据从网上查阅的资料到自己勉强已实现扫描功能来一一介绍我的二维码扫描功能实现的发展历程: 首页通过网络搜索发现做android二维码扫描功能看去都是基于google的ZXing项目开发。 2、搜索怎么使用ZXing实现自己的二维码扫描:从网上下载ZXing-2.2.zip以及core-2.2-source.jar文件,分别解压两个文件。然后把.jar解压出来的整个c