CP1 What is MongoDB?

2024-06-18 23:08
文章标签 mongodb cp1

本文主要是介绍CP1 What is MongoDB?,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

What is the MongoDB Database?

Collection - an organized store of documents in MongoDB usually with common fields between documents. There can be many collections per database and many documents per collection.

Why is MongoDB a NoSQL database?

Because it uses a structured way to store  and access data

Because it does not utilize tables,rows and columns to organize data

What is a Document in MongoDB?

Document - a way to organize and store data as a set of field-value pairs

Field - a unique identifier for a datapoint

Value - data related to a given identifier

Collection - an organized store of documents in MongoDB,usually with common fields between documents. There can be many collections per database and many documents per collection.

Select the statement that together help build the most complete definition of the MongoDB database:

The MongoDB database is an organized way to store and access data.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that use documents to store data in an organized way.

What is a Document?

In MongoDB how does a document relate to a collection?

Collections consist of one or many documents

In a MongoDB Document what is the role of fields and values?

Each fields has a value associated with it

A filed is a unique identifier for a specific datapoint.

What is MongoDB Atlas?

Replica Set - a few connected machines that store the same data to ensure that if something happens to one of the machines the data will remain intact.Comes from the word replicate - to copy something.

Instance - a single machine locallyu or  in the cloud , running a certain software, in our case it is the MongoDB database.

Cluster - group of servers that store your data.

How is MongoDB Altas related to MongoDB the Database?

Atlas has many tools and services within in that are built specifically for the MongoDB Database.

They both are MongoDB products.

With Username and Password selected, create a user for your database with the following username and password:

  • username: m001-student
  • password: m001-mongodb-basics

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1.Mongo3.2 java API示例:http://www.cnblogs.com/zhangchaoyang/articles/5146508.html 2.MongoDB基本命:http://www.cnblogs.com/xusir/archive/2012/12/24/2830957.html 3.java MongoDB查询(一)简单查询: http://www.cnblogs


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一篇较好的mongodb常用操作命令:http://www.cnblogs.com/hoojo/archive/2011/06/01/2066426.html mongodb的java操作:http://www.cnblogs.com/cyhe/p/5451421.html


可粘贴文本(不全): #!/bin/sh##chkconfig: 2345 80 90#description:mongodb#processname:mongodbif test -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; thenecho never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/e


首先,先通过以下函数向BookList集合中插入10000条数据 function insertN(obj,n){var i=0;while(i<n){obj.insert({id:i,name:"bookNumber"+i,publishTime:i+2000})i++;}}var BookList=db.getCollection("BookList")调用函数,这样,BookList


通过db.help()可以查询到关于数据库的操作,一查询发现有很多方法 其中有一个方法为db.getCollection(cname),即通过这一个函数,传入数据库中的一个集合的名称来获取到该集合的一个对象,我们可以编写函数   function insertTenRecord(obj){ var i=0; while(i++<10){ obj.insert({id:i+1,a