
2024-06-18 22:38






 * \brief

 *    Mode Decision for a macroblock

 *    //+++该函数的作用是编码一个宏块(包括帧间、帧内、帧内预测的方式)。

 *    NOTE:从上面程序段中可以看出JM8.5中对种宏块模式是采用全部遍历的方式,所以导致的计算复杂度很高。



 void encode_one_macroblock ()


   static const int b8_mode_table[6] = {0, 4, 5, 6, 7};         // DO NOT CHANGE ORDER !!!  

   // //++ B片子宏块类型。:Direct_8*8,:*8,:*4,:*8,:*4

   static const int mb_mode_table[7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, P8x8I16MBI4MB}; // DO NOT CHANGE ORDER !!!

    //+++//    0:16X16 Direct模式,B帧中有效                  

        //        1:Inter16X16,在帧间有效                             

        //        2:Inter16X8,在帧间有效                                 

        //        3:Inter8X16,在帧间有效                                         

        // P8X8:帧间有效:包括Inter8x8,Inter8x4,Inter4x8,Inter4x4                                              

        // I16MB:Intra16X16帧内有效                                                     

        // I4MB:Intra有效                                                 

        // I8MB:Intra有效                                                     

        // IPCM:Intra有效,不要预测,直接对RAW数据编码.   

   int         valid[MAXMODE];

   int         rerunblockindexmodei0i1j0j1pdirrefijkctr16x16dummy;

   double      qplambda_modelambda_motionmin_rdcostrdcost = 0, max_rdcost=1e30;

   int         lambda_motion_factor;

   int         fw_mcostbw_mcostbid_mcostmcostmax_mcost=(1<<30);

   int         curr_cbp_blk/*+++当前宏块每个4*4 块是否有非零系数,跟CBP功能类似,CBP 是表示的每个*8 */,

               cnt_nonz = 0, best_cnt_nonz = 0, best_fw_ref = 0, best_pdir;

   int         cost=0;

   int         min_cost = max_mcostmin_cost8x8cost8x8cost_direct=0, have_direct=0, i16mode;










   int         intra1 = 0; 

   int         intra       = (((img->type==P_SLICE||img->type==SP_SLICE) && img->mb_y==img->mb_y_upd &&img->mb_y_upd!=img->mb_y_intra) || img->type==I_SLICE);

   int         spframe     = (img->type==SP_SLICE);

   int         siframe     = (img->type==SI_SLICE);

   int         bframe      = (img->type==B_SLICE);

   int         runs        = (input->RestrictRef==1 && input->rdopt==2 && (img->type==P_SLICE || img->type==SP_SLICE || (img->type==B_SLICE && img->nal_reference_idc>0)) ? 2 : 1);


   int         checkref    = (input->rdopt && input->RestrictRef && (img->type==P_SLICE || img->type==SP_SLICE));

   MacroblockcurrMB      = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];

   MacroblockprevMB      = img->current_mb_nr ? &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr-1]:NULL ;


   int     **ipredmodes = img->ipredmode;//+++ipredmode帧内预测模式

   int     best_bw_ref = -1;

   int     ******allmvs = img->all_mv;


   int l,list_offset;


   int curr_mb_field = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(currMB->mb_field)); 

   // find out the correct list offsets

   if (curr_mb_field)



       list_offset = 4; // bottom field mb


       list_offset = 2; // top field mb




     list_offset = 0; // no mb aff or frame mb






   intra |= RandomIntra (img->current_mb_nr);    // Forced Pseudo-Random Intra


   //===== SET VALID MODES =====

   valid[I4MB]   = 1;    //++ 宏块可以采用intra4*4模式编码

   valid[I16MB] = 1;    //++ 宏块可以采用intra16*16模式编码


   valid[0]      = (!intra );    //++ 宏块是否采用inter模式编码

   valid[1]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch16x16);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter16*16模式编码

   valid[2]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch16x8);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter16*8模式编码

   valid[3]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x16);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter8*16模式编码

   valid[4]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x8);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter8*8模式编码

   valid[5]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x4);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter8*4模式编码

   valid[6]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch4x8);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter4*8模式编码

   valid[7]      = (!intra && input->InterSearch4x4);    //++ 宏块是否采用inter4*4模式编码

   valid[P8x8]   = (valid[4] || valid[5] || valid[6] || valid[7]);    //++ 宏块是否采用亚宏块模式编码 +++P8x8=8

   valid[12]     = (siframe);    //++ 宏块是否采用SI模式编码


   if (!img->MbaffFrameFlag)//+++//在非宏块级帧场自适应且是场模式下进行色度矢量校正


     for (l=0+list_offset;l<(2+list_offset);l++)


       for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)


         listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;

         if(img->structure == TOP_FIELD && img->structure != listX[l][k]->structure)

           listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = -2;

         if(img->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD && img->structure != listX[l][k]->structure)

           listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = 2;






     if (curr_mb_field)


       for (l=0+list_offset;l<(2+list_offset);l++)


         for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)


           listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;

           if(img->current_mb_nr % 2 == 0 && listX[l][k]->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD)

             listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = -2;

           if(img->current_mb_nr % 2 == 1 && listX[l][k]->structure == TOP_FIELD)

             listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = 2;






       for (l=0+list_offset;l<(2+list_offset);l++)


         for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)


           listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;






//+++ 设置RDO与非RDO下的lambda系数


   if (input->rdopt)


     qp = (double)img->qp - SHIFT_QP;    //++ ???


     if (input->successive_Bframe>0)

       lambda_mode   = 0.68 * pow (2, qp/3.0) * (img->type==B_SLICEmax(2.00,min(4.00,(qp / 6.0))):spframe?max(1.4,min(3.0,(qp / 12.0))):1.0);


       lambda_mode   = 0.85 * pow (2, qp/3.0) * (img->type==B_SLICE? 4.0:spframe?max(1.4,min(3.0,(qp / 12.0))):1.0);


     lambda_motion = sqrt (lambda_mode);




     lambda_mode = lambda_motion = QP2QUANT[max(0,img->qp-SHIFT_QP)];


   lambda_motion_factor = LAMBDA_FACTOR (lambda_motion);    //++ 使用该变量的原因主要是为了在运算过程中使用定点运算但又能提高精度



   for (rerun=0; rerun<runsrerun++)    //++ runs=2是针对loss rdo模式,其余的情况runs=1


     if (runs==2)


       if (rerun==0)   input->rdopt=1;

       else            input->rdopt=2;



     // reset chroma intra predictor to default

     currMB->c_ipred_mode = DC_PRED_8;




     if (!intra)



       //===== set direct motion vectors =====

       if (bframe)//+++P帧无direct模式但有skip模式


         Get_Direct_Motion_Vectors ();//+++不返回direct模式代价



       //===== MOTION ESTIMATION FOR 16x16, 16x8, 8x16 BLOCKS =====

       for (min_cost=1<<20, best_mode=1, mode=1; mode<4; mode++)


         if (valid[mode])//+++//对应于程序外部(即CFG文件中)的设置



           for (cost=0, block=0; block<(mode==1?1:2); block++)    //++ 16*16 分割方式只需要计算一次,*8 8*16分割方式需要计算两次



             PartitionMotionSearch (modeblocklambda_motion);    //++ 16*16*8*16 分割方式进行ME


             //--- set 4x4 block indizes (for getting MV) ---

             j = (block==1 && mode==2 ? 2 : 0);    //++ 如果现在处理的是16*8 分割方式的第个分割,则j=2

             i = (block==1 && mode==3 ? 2 : 0);    //++ 如果现在处理的是8*16 分割方式的第个分割,则i=2



             //--- get cost and reference frame for forward prediction ---

             for (fw_mcost=max_mcostref=0; ref<listXsize[LIST_0+list_offset]; ref++)


               if (!checkref || ref==0 || CheckReliabilityOfRef (blockLIST_0refmode))


                    //++ 参考帧索引号编码所需要使用的比特数作为编码代价的一部分



                 mcost = (input->rdopt ? REF_COST (lambda_motion_factorrefLIST_0 + list_offset) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(ref,1)));


                 //+++so 此时motion_cost就是保存的相应的运动搜索代价


                 mcost += motion_cost[mode][LIST_0][ref][block];//+++可以发现motion_cost数组的参数mode,block







                 if (mcost < fw_mcost)//+++根据参考代价选出该模式下的最佳参考帧



                   fw_mcost    = mcost;

                   best_fw_ref = ref;





             if (bframe)


               //--- get cost for bidirectional prediction ---

               for (bw_mcost=max_mcostref=0; ref<listXsize[LIST_1 + list_offset]; ref++)


                 mcost = (input->rdopt ? REF_COST (lambda_motion_factorrefLIST_1 + list_offset) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(ref,1)));

                 mcost += motion_cost[mode][LIST_1][ref][block];

                 if (mcost < bw_mcost)


                   bw_mcost    = mcost;

                   best_bw_ref = ref;




               // search bidirectional between best forward and ref_idx=0 backward

               bid_mcost = (input->rdopt ? (REF_COST (lambda_motion_factor,best_fw_ref,LIST_0+list_offset)+REF_COST (lambda_motion_factor, 0,LIST_1+list_offset)) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(best_fw_ref,1)));

               bid_mcost += BIDPartitionCost (modeblockbest_fw_ref, 0, lambda_motion_factor);


               //--- get prediction direction ----

               if (fw_mcost<=bw_mcost && fw_mcost<=bid_mcost)


                 best_pdir = 0;

                 best_bw_ref = 0;

                 cost += fw_mcost;


               else if (bw_mcost<=fw_mcost && bw_mcost<=bid_mcost)


                 best_pdir = 1;

                 cost += bw_mcost;

                 best_fw_ref = 0;




                 best_pdir = 2;

                 cost += bid_mcost;

                 best_bw_ref = 0;



             else // if (bframe)


               best_pdir = 0;//+++best_pdir是最佳预测方向,对于非B(P)预测方向就一个直接设置为,而对于


               cost      += fw_mcost;



             //+++:下一宏块的运动向量等信息也用当前宏块的运动向量预测吗?答:ME 算法是开放部分,你想怎么做就怎么做。JM ME时会用到相邻块的MV


             if (mode==1)//+++16x16


               if (best_pdir==1)//+++后向参考


                 for (j=0; j<4; j++)


                   for (i=0; i<4; i++)



                   //+++enc_picture 中好像是最终数据,img 中存的是中间数据

                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][0] = 0;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][1] = 0;






                 for (j=0; j<4; j++)


                   for (i=0; i<4; i++)


                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] =best_fw_ref;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j]];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][0] =img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][0];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][1] =img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][1];





               if (bframe)


                 if (best_pdir==0)


                   for (j=0; j<4; j++)


                     for (i=0; i<4; i++)


                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = -1;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = -1; 

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][0] = 0;

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][1] = 0;






                   for (j=0; j<4; j++)


                     for (i=0; i<4; i++)


                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = best_bw_ref;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j]];



                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][0] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][0];

                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j][1] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][1];







             else if (mode==2)//+++16x8


               for (j=0; j<2; j++)


                 for (i=0; i<4; i++)


                   if (best_pdir==1)


                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][0] = 0;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][1] = 0;




                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = best_fw_ref;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] =enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j]];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][0] = img->all_mv[i][j+block*2][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][0];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][1] = img->all_mv[i][j+block*2][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][1];



                   if (bframe)


                     if (best_pdir==0)


                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = -1;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = -1;

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][0] = 0;

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][1] = 0;




                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] = best_bw_ref;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j] =enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j]];



                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][0] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][0];

                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+i][img->block_y+block*2+j][1] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][1];









               for (j=0; j<4; j++)


                 for (i=0; i<2; i++)


                   if (best_pdir==1)


                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = -1;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][0] = 0;

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][1] = 0;




                     enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = best_fw_ref;

                     enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] =enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j]];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][0] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][0];

                     enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][1] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode][1];



                   if (bframe)


                     if (best_pdir==0)


                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = -1;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = -1;

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][0] = 0;

                       enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][1] = 0;




                       enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] = best_bw_ref;

                       enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j] =enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j]];



                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][0] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][0];

                         enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][img->block_x+block*2+i][img->block_y+j][1] = img->all_mv[i][j][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode][1];










             //----- set reference frame and direction parameters -----

             if (mode==3)//+++两个x8:如果以x8为单位,分别拥有(0,2)(1,3)


               best8x8fwref   [3][block] = best8x8fwref   [3][block+2] = best_fw_ref;

               best8x8pdir    [3][block] = best8x8pdir    [3][block+2] = best_pdir;

               best8x8bwref   [3][block] = best8x8bwref   [3][block+2] = best_bw_ref;


             else if (mode==2)//+++两个x16:如果以x8为单位,分别拥有(0,1)(2,3)


               best8x8fwref   [2][2*block] = best8x8fwref   [2][2*block+1] = best_fw_ref;

               best8x8pdir    [2][2*block] = best8x8pdir    [2][2*block+1] = best_pdir;

               best8x8bwref   [2][2*block] = best8x8bwref   [2][2*block+1] = best_bw_ref;




               best8x8fwref   [1][0] = best8x8fwref   [1][1] = best8x8fwref   [1][2] = best8x8fwref   [1][3] = best_fw_ref;

               best8x8pdir    [1][0] = best8x8pdir    [1][1] = best8x8pdir    [1][2] = best8x8pdir    [1][3] = best_pdir;

               best8x8bwref   [1][0] = best8x8bwref   [1][1] = best8x8bwref   [1][2] = best8x8bwref   [1][3] = best_bw_ref;



             //--- set reference frames and motion vectors ---

             if (mode>1 && block==0) //+++mode>1,说明mode=2和的时候执行,block==0,说明是对第一个分块.




               SetRefAndMotionVectors (blockmodebest_pdirbest_fw_refbest_bw_ref);


          } // for (block=0; block<(mode==1?1:2); block++)





          if (cost < min_cost)


            best_mode = mode;

            min_cost = cost;


        } // if (valid[mode])

      } // for (mode=1; mode<4; mode++)//+++宏块级模式结束



      if (valid[P8x8])


        cost8x8 = 0;


        //===== store coding state of macroblock =====

        store_coding_state (cs_mb);


        //===== LOOP OVER 8x8 SUB-PARTITIONS (Motion Estimation & Mode Decision) =====

        for (cbp8x8=cbp_blk8x8=cnt_nonz_8x8=0, block=0; block<4; block++)



          //--- set coordinates ---

          j0 = ((block/2)<<3);    j1 = (j0>>2);

          i0 = ((block%2)<<3);    i1 = (i0>>2);




          for (min_cost8x8=(1<<20), min_rdcost=1e30, index=(bframe?0:1); index<5; index++)


            if (valid[mode=b8_mode_table[index]])//+++b8_mode_table[6] = {0, 4, 5, 6, 7};


                curr_cbp_blk = 0;//+++初始化当前cbp_blk


              if (mode==0)


                //--- Direct Mode ---

                if (!input->rdopt)


                  cost_direct += (cost = Get_Direct_Cost8x8 ( blocklambda_mode ));

                  if (cost==1<<30)

                    cost_direct = (1<<30);

                  have_direct ++;//+++记录是否做过direct模式的标记


                best_fw_ref = direct_ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2][img->block_y+(block&2)];

                best_bw_ref = direct_ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2][img->block_y+(block&2)];

                best_pdir   = direct_pdir[img->block_x+(block&1)*2][img->block_y+(block&2)];

              } // if (mode==0)



                //--- motion estimation for all reference frames ---

                PartitionMotionSearch (modeblocklambda_motion);


                //--- get cost and reference frame for forward prediction ---

                for (fw_mcost=max_mcostref=0; ref<listXsize[LIST_0+list_offset]; ref++)


                  if (!checkref || ref==0 || CheckReliabilityOfRef (blockLIST_0refmode))



                    mcost = (input->rdopt ? REF_COST(lambda_motion_factor,ref,LIST_0+list_offset) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(ref,1)));


                    mcost += motion_cost[mode][LIST_0][ref][block];

                    if (mcost < fw_mcost)


                      fw_mcost    = mcost;

                      best_fw_ref = ref;





                //store forward reference index for every block

                for (j=0; j<2; j++)

                  for (i=0; i<2; i++)


                    enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] =best_fw_ref;

                    enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j]];



                if (bframe)



                  for (bw_mcost=max_mcostref=0; ref<listXsize[LIST_1+list_offset]; ref++)


                    mcost = (input->rdopt ? REF_COST(lambda_motion_factor,ref,LIST_1+list_offset) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(ref,1)));


                    mcost += motion_cost[mode][LIST_1][ref][block];

                    if (mcost < bw_mcost)


                      bw_mcost    = mcost;

                      best_bw_ref = ref;




                  // bidirectional uses best forward and zero backward reference

                  bid_mcost = (input->rdopt ? (REF_COST (lambda_motion_factorbest_fw_refLIST_0 +list_offset)+REF_COST (lambda_motion_factor, 0, LIST_1 + list_offset)) : (int)(2*lambda_motion*min(best_fw_ref,1)));

                  bid_mcost += BIDPartitionCost (modeblockbest_fw_ref, 0, lambda_motion_factor );


                  //--- get prediction direction ----

                  if      (fw_mcost<=bw_mcost && fw_mcost<=bid_mcost)


                    best_pdir = 0;

                    cost = fw_mcost;

                    best_bw_ref = -1;


                  else if (bw_mcost<=fw_mcost && bw_mcost<=bid_mcost)


                    best_pdir = 1;

                    cost = bw_mcost;

                    best_fw_ref = -1;




                    best_pdir = 2;

                    cost = bid_mcost;

                    best_bw_ref = 0;


                    //store backward reference index for every block

                  for (j=0; j<2; j++)

                    for (i=0; i<2; i++)


                      enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] =best_fw_ref;

                      enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] =best_bw_ref;

                      //enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_x+(block&1)*2+i][img->block_y+(block&2)+j]];


                } // if (bframe)



                  best_pdir = 0;

                  cost      = fw_mcost;


              } // if (mode!=0)


              //--- store coding state before coding with current mode ---

              store_coding_state (cs_cm);



              if (input->rdopt)




                //--- get and check rate-distortion cost ---

                rdcost = RDCost_for_8x8blocks (&cnt_nonz, &curr_cbp_blklambda_mode,







                cost += (REF_COST (lambda_motion_factorB8Mode2Value (modebest_pdir), list_offset + (best_pdir<1?0:1)) - 1);



              //--- set variables if best mode has changed ---

              if (( input->rdopt && rdcost < min_rdcost) ||

                  (!input->rdopt && cost   < min_cost8x8 )   )


                min_cost8x8                  = cost;//+++RDO代价

                min_rdcost                   = rdcost;//+++RDO代价

                best8x8mode          [block] = mode;//最佳的亚宏块模式

                best8x8pdir    [P8x8][block] = best_pdir;

                best8x8fwref   [P8x8][block] = best_fw_ref;

                best8x8bwref   [P8x8][block] = best_bw_ref;



                //--- store number of nonzero coefficients ---

                best_cnt_nonz = cnt_nonz;


                if (input->rdopt)


                  //--- store block cbp ---

                  cbp_blk8x8    &= (~(0x33 << (((block>>1)<<3)+((block%2)<<1)))); // delete bits for block

                  cbp_blk8x8    |= curr_cbp_blk;


                  //--- store coefficients ---

                  for (k=0; k< 4; k++)

                    for (j=0; j< 2; j++)

                      for (i=0; i<65; i++) cofAC8x8[block][k][j][i] = img->cofAC[block][k][j][i]; // 18->65 for ABT


                      //--- store reconstruction and prediction ---

                  for (j=j0j<j0+8; j++)

                    for (i=i0i<i0+8; i++)


                      rec_mbY8x8[j][i] = enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i];

                      mpr8x8    [j][i] = img->mpr[i][j];




                //--- store coding state ---

                store_coding_state (cs_b8);

              } // if (rdcost <= min_rdcost)


              //--- re-set coding state as it was before coding with current mode was performed ---

              reset_coding_state (cs_cm);

            } // if (valid[mode=b8_mode_table[index]])

          } // for (min_rdcost=1e30, index=(bframe?0:1); index<6; index++)//+++5x8模式循环结束





          cost8x8 += min_cost8x8;


//          if (!input->rdopt) cost8x8+= min_cost8x8;

//          else cost8x8 += min_rdcost;        


          if (!input->rdopt)


            mode = best8x8mode[block];

            pdir = best8x8pdir[P8x8][block];


            curr_cbp_blk = 0;


            best_cnt_nonz = LumaResidualCoding8x8 (&dummy, &curr_cbp_blkblockpdir,





            cbp_blk8x8   &= (~(0x33 << (((block>>1)<<3)+((block%2)<<1)))); // delete bits for block

            cbp_blk8x8   |= curr_cbp_blk;


            //--- store coefficients ---

            for (k=0; k< 4; k++)

              for (j=0; j< 2; j++)

                for (i=0; i<65; i++) cofAC8x8[block][k][j][i] = img->cofAC[block][k][j][i]; // 18->65 for ABT


                //--- store reconstruction and prediction ---

            for (j=j0j<j0+8; j++)

              for (i=i0i<i0+8; i++)


                rec_mbY8x8[j][i] = enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i];

                mpr8x8    [j][i] = img->mpr[i][j];




          //----- set cbp and count of nonzero coefficients ---

          if (best_cnt_nonz)


            cbp8x8        |= (1<<block);

            cnt_nonz_8x8 += best_cnt_nonz;




          //===== reset intra prediction modes (needed for prediction, must be stored after 8x8 mode dec.) =====

          j0 = img->block_y+2*(block/2);

          i0 = img->block_x+2*(block%2);

          for (j=j0j<j0+2; j++)

            for (i=i0i<i0+2; i++)

              ipredmodes[i][j]         = DC_PRED;

          i0 = 4*block;

          for (i=i0i<i0+4; i++)    currMB->intra_pred_modes[i] = DC_PRED;


          if (block<3)


            //===== re-set reconstructed block =====

            j0   = 8*(block/2);

            i0   = 8*(block%2);

            for (j=j0j<j0+8; j++)

              for (i=i0i<i0+8; i++)

                enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i] = rec_mbY8x8[j][i];

          } // if (block<3)


          //===== set motion vectors and reference frames (prediction) =====

          SetRefAndMotionVectors (blockmodebest8x8pdir[P8x8][block], best8x8fwref[P8x8][block],best8x8bwref[P8x8][block]);

          //===== set the coding state after current block =====

          reset_coding_state (cs_b8);

        } // for (cbp8x8=cbp_blk8x8=cnt_nonz_8x8=0, block=0; block<4; block++)



        //===== store intra prediction modes for 8x8+ macroblock mode =====

        for (k=0, j=img->block_yj<img->block_y+4; j++)


          for (     i=img->block_xi<img->block_x+4; i++, k++)


            b8_ipredmode       [k] = ipredmodes    [i][j];

            b8_intra_pred_modes[k] = currMB->intra_pred_modes[k];




        //--- re-set coding state (as it was before 8x8 block coding) ---

        reset_coding_state (cs_mb);

        for (i=0; i<16; i++)

          for(j=0; j<16; j++)

              //++ 原代码中这里img->mpr 的下标写反了

//          diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][img->opix_x+i]-img->mpr[j][i];

            diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][img->opix_x+i]-img->mpr[i][j];







        if(cost8x8 < min_cost)//+++// 帧间x8模式与帧间x16代价相比


           best_mode = P8x8;

           min_cost = cost8x8;






      else // if (valid[P8x8])



        cost8x8 = (1<<20);



      // Find a motion vector for the Skip mode

      if((img->type == P_SLICE)||(img->type == SP_SLICE))

        FindSkipModeMotionVector ();//+++用于计算MV预测值


    else // if (img->type!=I_SLICE)//+++不进行帧间预测


      min_cost = (1<<20);







    if (input->rdopt)


      int mb_available_up;

      int mb_available_left;

      int mb_available_up_left;


      min_rdcost = max_rdcost;


      // precompute all new chroma intra prediction modes

      //++ 对色度进行帧内预测,并求出最优模式,


      IntraChromaPrediction8x8(&mb_available_up, &mb_available_left, &mb_available_up_left);





      //++ 分别在四种色度模式下进行RDO 计算,如果是inter 模式,因为色度预测模式与SSD 计算

      //++ 无关,因此只需要计算一次(利用currMB->c_ipred_mode == DC_PRED_8 条件限制来实现)

      for (currMB->c_ipred_mode=DC_PRED_8currMB->c_ipred_mode<=PLANE_8currMB->c_ipred_mode++)



        // bypass if c_ipred_mode is not allowed

          //+++若当前c_ipred_mode 模式不被允许,则考虑下一个c_ipred_mode 模式;

        if ((currMB->c_ipred_mode==VERT_PRED_8 && !mb_available_up) ||

          (currMB->c_ipred_mode==HOR_PRED_8 && !mb_available_left) ||

          (currMB->c_ipred_mode==PLANE_8 && (!mb_available_left || !mb_available_up || !mb_available_up_left)))




        //===== GET BEST MACROBLOCK MODE =====

        for (ctr16x16=0, index=0; index<7; index++)


            //+++mb_mode_table[7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, P8x8, I16MB, I4MB};

          mode = mb_mode_table[index];


          //--- for INTER16x16 check all prediction directions ---

          if (mode==1 && img->type==B_SLICE)


            best8x8pdir[1][0] = best8x8pdir[1][1] = best8x8pdir[1][2] = best8x8pdir[1][3] = ctr16x16;

            if (ctr16x16 < 2) index--;




          img->NoResidueDirect = 0;


          if (valid[mode])


            // bypass if c_ipred_mode not used

            //++ 设置当前宏块类型以及其中每个*8块的分割方式和预测方向,每个*4块的参考帧索引

            //++ 该函数在下面的RDCost_for_macroblocks 函数内再次调用,进行了重复操作

            SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks (mode);

            if (currMB->c_ipred_mode == DC_PRED_8 ||    //++ 利用这个条件限制来实现inter 模式时只计算一次RDO

              (IS_INTRA(currMB) ))








              if (RDCost_for_macroblocks (lambda_modemode, &min_rdcost))    //++ 帧内模式时亮度存在重复计算情况:因为色度预测模式与亮度预测模式无关,所以在该色度模

              {                                                                //++ 式循环中每次计算得到的intra16*16 intra4*4 宏块类型的最佳亮度模式都是完全相同的

                //Rate control

                if(mode == P8x8)


                  for (i=0; i<16; i++)

                    for(j=0; j<16; j++)

                      diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][img->opix_x+i] - mpr8x8[j][i];



                  for (i=0; i<16; i++)

                    for(j=0; j<16; j++)

                      diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][img->opix_x+i] - pred[j][i];




                store_macroblock_parameters (mode);




          if (valid[0] && bframe && mode == 0 && currMB->cbp && (currMB->cbp&15) != 15) //g050


            img->NoResidueDirect = 1;

            if (RDCost_for_macroblocks (lambda_modemode, &min_rdcost))


              //Rate control

              for (i=0; i<16; i++)

                for(j=0; j<16; j++)

                  diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][img->opix_x+i] - pred[j][i];

                store_macroblock_parameters (mode);













      if (valid[0] && bframe// check DIRECT MODE


        cost = (have_direct?cost_direct:Get_Direct_CostMB (lambda_mode));

        cost -= (int)floor(16*lambda_motion+0.4999);

        if (cost <= min_cost)


          //Rate control

          for (i=0; i<16; i++)

            for(j=0; j<16; j++)

              diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i]-img->mpr[i][j];


            min_cost = cost;

            best_mode = 0;



      if (valid[I4MB]) // check INTRA4x4








        currMB->cbp = Mode_Decision_for_Intra4x4Macroblock (lambda_mode, &cost);//++ 计算当前宏块采用intra4*4编码时的代价和CBP

        if (cost <= min_cost)


          //Rate control

          for (i=0; i<16; i++)

            for(j=0; j<16; j++)

              diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i]-img->mpr[i][j];//++ 保存采用intra4*4编码时最佳模式的残差块


            min_cost = cost;

            best_mode = I4MB;



      if (valid[I16MB]) // check INTRA16x16




      //+++同时这也说明:intra16*16 在进行种模式选择时候,无论是否在RDO情况下,其选择过程是相同的。

        intrapred_luma_16x16 ();    //++ 分别计算当前宏块在种intra16*16帧内预测模式下的预测块


        cost = find_sad_16x16 (&i16mode);    //++ 计算intra16*16类型的代价(以SATD作为判断标准,因为该段代码是不采用RDO的处理过程)



        if (cost < min_cost)    //++ 如果采用intra16*16类型编码的代价小于采用intra4*4类型编码的代价,则对当前宏块采用intra16*16类型编码


          //Rate control

          for (i=0; i<16; i++)

            for(j=0; j<16; j++)

              diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i]-img->mprr_2[i16mode][j][i];


            best_mode   = I16MB;



            currMB->cbp = dct_luma_16x16 (i16mode);    //++ 对当前宏块采用intra16*16类型进行编码,并计算CBP










    if (rerun==0)


      intra1 = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);


 } // for (rerun=0; rerun<runs; rerun++)








 if (input->rdopt)



    if ((cbp!=0 || best_mode==I16MB ))

      currMB->prev_cbp = 1;

    else if (cbp==0 && !input->RCEnable)


      currMB->delta_qp = 0;

      currMB->qp = currMB->prev_qp;

      img->qp = currMB->qp;

      currMB->prev_cbp = 0;



    set_stored_macroblock_parameters ();

//+++    (1)保存重建图像

//+++    rdopt->rec_mbY[j][i] = rec_mbY[j][i];

//+++    rdopt->rec_mbU[j][i] = rec_mbU[j][i]; 

//+++    rdopt->rec_mbV[j][i] = rec_mbV[j][i];

//+++    (2)变换系数和cbp

//+++    img->cofAC=i4p(cofAC);

//+++    img->cofDC=i3p(cofDC);

//+++    currMB->cbp      = cbp;

//+++    currMB->cbp_blk = cbp_blk;

//+++    (3)宏块模式

//+++    currMB->mb_type = mode(best_mode);

//+++    (4)参考帧保存

//+++    rdopt.c 1511,对前向参考,后向参考帧分别进行了保存

//+++    (5)帧内预测模式

//+++    currMB->c_ipred_mode = best_c_imode;

//+++    (6)为当前块保存运动向量

//+++    SetMotionVectorsMB (currMB, bframe);

//+++    从上面其实可以看到"="右边的量在rdopt.c中都是全局变量,在完成encode_one_macroblock之前,对这些参数进行一下保存.




    //===== set parameters for chosen mode =====

    SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks (best_mode);    //++ 设置当前宏块的参数,包括:宏块类型(mb_type)、个*8块的分割模式和预测方向(b8modeb8pdir)、个*4块的参考帧索引(ref_idxref_pic_id

    if (best_mode==P8x8)


      SetCoeffAndReconstruction8x8 (currMB);




      if (best_mode!=I4MB)


        for (k=0, j=img->block_yj<img->block_y+4; j++)

          for (     i=img->block_xi<img->block_x+4; i++, k++)


            ipredmodes    [i][j] = DC_PRED;

            currMB->intra_pred_modes[k] = DC_PRED;


          if (best_mode!=I16MB)


            LumaResidualCoding ();

            //Rate control

            for (i=0; i<16; i++)

              for(j=0; j<16; j++)

                diffy[j][i] = imgY_org[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i]-img->mpr[i][j];





    // precompute all chroma intra prediction modes

    IntraChromaPrediction8x8(NULLNULLNULL);    //++ 对色度块进行处理,包括:分别计算种色度帧内预测模式下的预测块、代价(该分支未采用RDO,因此以SATD作为判断标准)、最佳预测模式

    img->i16offset = 0;

    dummy = 0;

    ChromaResidualCoding (&dummy);

    if (best_mode==I16MB)


      img->i16offset = I16Offset (currMB->cbpi16mode);


    SetMotionVectorsMB (currMBbframe);


    //===== check for SKIP mode =====

    if ((img->type==P_SLICE || img->type==SP_SLICE) && best_mode==1 && currMB->cbp==0 &&

      enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_x][img->block_y]==0 &&

      enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x][img->block_y][0]==allmvs[0][0][0][0][0][0] &&

      enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][img->block_x][img->block_y][1]==allmvs[0][0][0][0][0][1]               )









 // Rate control





      img->MADofMB[img->current_mb_nr] = calc_MAD();




        img->TotalMADBasicUnit +=img->MADofMB[img->current_mb_nr];


        /* delta_qp is present only for non-skipped macroblocks*/

        if ((cbp!=0 || best_mode==I16MB))

          currMB->prev_cbp = 1;



          img->qp -= currMB->delta_qp;

          currMB->delta_qp = 0;

          currMB->qp = img->qp;

          currMB->prev_cbp = 0;


        /* When MBAFF is used, delta_qp is only present for the first non-skipped macroblock of each

        macroblock pair*/

        if (input->MbInterlace)




            DELTA_QP = currMB->delta_qp;

            QP      = currMB->qp;




            DELTA_QP2 = currMB->delta_qp;

            QP2      = currMB->qp;









    rdopt->min_rdcost = min_rdcost;


    rdopt->min_rdcost = min_cost;




    if (img->current_mb_nr%2) //bottom


      if ((currMB->mb_type ? 0:((img->type == B_SLICE) ? !currMB->cbp:1)) // bottom is skip

        &&(prevMB->mb_type ? 0:((img->type == B_SLICE) ? !prevMB->cbp:1))) // top is skip


        if (!(field_flag_inference() == curr_mb_field))


          rdopt->min_rdcost = 1e30; // don't allow coding of an MB pair as skip if wrong inference








 //===== Decide if this MB will restrict the reference frames =====

 if (input->RestrictRef==1)


    if (input->rdopt==1)


      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra ? 1 : 0);


    else if (input->rdopt==2)


      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);

      refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);



 else if (input->RestrictRef==2)


    refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);

    refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);

    refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);

    refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);





}//+++void encode_one_macroblock(),该函数终于完成了





忘记咋回事突然出现了乱码问题,很多方法都试了,注释乱码解决了,终端又乱码,调试窗口也乱码,最后经过本人不懈努力,终于全部解决了,现在分享给大家我的方法。 乱码的原因是各个地方用的编码格式不统一,所以把他们设成统一的utf8. 1.电脑的编码格式 开始-设置-时间和语言-语言和区域 管理语言设置-更改系统区域设置-勾选Bata版:使用utf8-确定-然后按指示重启 2.vscode


1.json_decode() json_decode (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL json >= 1.2.0) json_decode — 对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码 说明 mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc ] ) 接受一个 JSON 格式的字符串并且把它转换为 PHP 变量 参数 json

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