1.当前特权CPL(Current Privilege Level)
CPL是当前进程的权限级别(Current Privilege Level),是当前正在执行的代码所在的段的特权级,存在于cs寄存器的低两位。
2.描述符特权级DPL(Descriptor Privilege Level)
DPL存储在段描述符中,规定访问该段的权限级别(Descriptor Privilege Level),每个段的DPL固定。
3.请求特权级RPL(Request Privilege Level)
Intel手册上的解释为:The RPL can be used to insure that privileged code does not access a segment on behalf of an application program unless the program itself has access privileges for that segment.
A privilege level in the x86 instruction set controls the access of the program currently running on the processor to resources such as memory regions, I/O ports, and special instructions. There are 4 privilege levels ranging from 0 which is the most privileged, to 3 which is least privileged. Most modern operating systems use level 0 for the kernel/executive, and use level 3 for application programs. Any resource available to level n is also available to level 0..n, so the privilege levels are "rings". Privilege levels appear in several places in the x86 architecture, including:
Segment descriptors contain a field called the descriptor privilege level (DPL). This is the numerically highest level that can access the resource.
Segment selectors contain a field called the requested privilege level (RPL). This allows a program to request a resource at a lower privilege level than it would otherwise use.
The Current Privilege Level (CPL) is the level the processor is currently operating at. It is stored in the lowest 2 bits of thecode segment selector (CS).
The processor automatically evaluates the right of a procedure to access another segment by comparing the CPL to the numeric max of the RPL and DPL. If the CPL>MAX(RPL, DPL), then a general protection fault is generated. Seememory segment for more details.
It is not necessary to use all four privilege levels. Existing software that was designed to use only one or two levels of privilege can simply ignore the other levels offered by the 80386 and later processors. A one-level system should use privilege level zero; a two-level system should use privilege levels zero and three.
The IOPL (I/O Privilege level) flag is a flag found on all IA-32 compatible x86 CPUs. It occupies bits 12 and 13 in the FLAGS register. In protected and long mode, it shows the I/O privilege level of the current program or task. The CPL (Current Privilege Level) of the task or program must be less than or equal to the IOPL in order for the task or program to access I/O ports.
The IOPL can be changed using PUSHF and POPF only when the task changing it is in Ring 0.
Besides IOPL, the I/O Permission Bitmap also takes part in determining the ability of a task to access an I/O port.