在Android studio中使用SlidingMenu创建项目

2024-06-17 10:08

本文主要是介绍在Android studio中使用SlidingMenu创建项目,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

在看前一篇从大神那里转来的日志时,我很快就在eclipse中验证出来了,可是由于是刚刚开始使用Android Stuido,很多地方都是摸索。在网上看到一些方法,可是测试出了问题,问题不在别人那里,在自己这里,了解甚少,好在自己摸索出来了方法,记录在此。


我通过Improt Moudle的方式将SlidingMenu源码中的library导入作为Moudle,然后出现了下面的问题:


我们导入的library文件夹中的build.gradle 文件里面写的很清楚:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"


一 、 直接打开SDK Manager去下载build tools 17版本;

二 、 我们把这个配置文件改成和我们当前项目一样的版本就OK了。


Error:The SDK Build Tools revision (17.0.0) is too low for project ':library'. Minimum required is 19.1.0

dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4.+'


you have to use a newer version of the Android Gradle plugin......后面告诉你当前最低支持的是什么,然后直接改成最低支持的就行了。我这里最小支持的是19.1.0,修改成


android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"

}比如,我改成了 buildToolsVersion "19.1.0"。就不会出错了。

到这里我们算是把这个工程文件导入了,接下来,由于我们需要用到它作为一个依赖项目,所以,我们需要他们两个有点联系,如果在eclipse里就不说了,这里怎么办么,很简单。直接说快捷键吧,Shift Ctrl Alt S ,弹出一个界面:

选中App就是你自己的项目,下面那个library就是我们刚才导入的项目,我们选择最右边的“+”然后会出现1、2、3三个选项,简单了解了下,选择第一个的话就是选择一些AS提供的一些类库,你可以在AS中去下载添加啥的,反正我没用;第二个呢,比如你从外面复制了一个.jar文件到你的项目的某个文件里,比如libs文件夹里,点这个相当于eclipse里面给它build path;第三个,看名字都懂了,咱们要用的就是第三个,怎么操作,点开了自然知晓。



XML Usage

If you decide to use SlidingMenu as a view, you can define it in your xml layouts like this:


NOTE : you cannot use both behindOffset and behindWidth. You will get an exception if you try.

  • viewAbove - a reference to the layout that you want to use as the above view of the SlidingMenu
  • viewBehind - a reference to the layout that you want to use as the behind view of the SlidingMenu
  • touchModeAbove - an enum that designates what part of the screen is touchable when the above view is showing. Margin means only the left margin. Fullscreen means the entire screen. Default is margin.
  • behindOffset - a dimension representing the number of pixels that you want the above view to show when the behind view is showing. Default is 0.
  • behindWidth - a dimension representing the width of the behind view. Default is the width of the screen (equivalent to behindOffset = 0).
  • behindScrollScale - a float representing the relationship between the above view scrolling and the behind behind view scrolling. If set to 0.5f, the behind view will scroll 1px for every 2px that the above view scrolls. If set to 1.0f, the behind view will scroll 1px for every 1px that the above view scrolls. And if set to 0.0f, the behind view will never scroll; it will be static. This one is fun to play around with. Default is 0.25f.
  • shadowDrawable - a reference to a drawable to be used as a drop shadow from the above view onto the below view. Default is no shadow for now.
  • shadowWidth - a dimension representing the width of the shadow drawable. Default is 0.
  • fadeEnabled - a boolean representing whether or not the behind view should fade when the SlidingMenu is closing and "un-fade" when opening
  • fadeDegree - a float representing the "amount" of fade. 1.0f would mean fade all the way to black when the SlidingMenu is closed. 0.0f would mean do not fade at all.
  • selectorEnabled - a boolean representing whether or not a selector should be drawn on the left side of the above view showing a selected view on the behind view.
  • selectorDrawable - a reference to a drawable to be used as the selector NOTE : in order to have the selector drawn, you must call SlidingMenu.setSelectedView(View v) with the selected view. Note that this will most likely not work with items in a ListView because of the way that Android recycles item views.

XML Usage

If you decide to use SlidingMenu as a view, you can define it in your xml layouts like this:


NOTE : you cannot use both behindOffset and behindWidth. You will get an exception if you try.

  • viewAbove - a reference to the layout that you want to use as the above view of the SlidingMenu
  • viewBehind - a reference to the layout that you want to use as the behind view of the SlidingMenu
  • touchModeAbove - an enum that designates what part of the screen is touchable when the above view is showing. Margin means only the left margin. Fullscreen means the entire screen. Default is margin.
  • behindOffset - a dimension representing the number of pixels that you want the above view to show when the behind view is showing. Default is 0.
  • behindWidth - a dimension representing the width of the behind view. Default is the width of the screen (equivalent to behindOffset = 0).
  • behindScrollScale - a float representing the relationship between the above view scrolling and the behind behind view scrolling. If set to 0.5f, the behind view will scroll 1px for every 2px that the above view scrolls. If set to 1.0f, the behind view will scroll 1px for every 1px that the above view scrolls. And if set to 0.0f, the behind view will never scroll; it will be static. This one is fun to play around with. Default is 0.25f.
  • shadowDrawable - a reference to a drawable to be used as a drop shadow from the above view onto the below view. Default is no shadow for now.
  • shadowWidth - a dimension representing the width of the shadow drawable. Default is 0.
  • fadeEnabled - a boolean representing whether or not the behind view should fade when the SlidingMenu is closing and "un-fade" when opening
  • fadeDegree - a float representing the "amount" of fade. 1.0f would mean fade all the way to black when the SlidingMenu is closed. 0.0f would mean do not fade at all.
  • selectorEnabled - a boolean representing whether or not a selector should be drawn on the left side of the above view showing a selected view on the behind view.
  • selectorDrawable - a reference to a drawable to be used as the selector NOTE : in order to have the selector drawn, you must call SlidingMenu.setSelectedView(View v) with the selected view. Note that this will most likely not work with items in a ListView because of the way that Android recycles item views.

这篇关于在Android studio中使用SlidingMenu创建项目的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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