QML视图元素  Visual Elements In QML Qt 5.6.0 Reference Documentation

2024-06-16 10:32

本文主要是介绍QML视图元素  Visual Elements In QML Qt 5.6.0 Reference Documentation,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Qt 5.6
Use Case - Visual Elements In QML
Qt 5.6.0 Reference Documentation
The Rectangle Type
The Image Type
Shared Visual Properties
Opacity and Visibility
Use Case - Visual Elements In QML
The Rectangle Type 矩形类型

For the most basic of visuals, Qt Quick provides a Rectangle type to draw rectangles矩形. These rectangles can be colored with a color or a vertical 垂直 gradient 倾斜度. The Rectangle type can also draw borders on the rectangle.
For drawing custom shapes beyond rectangles, see the Canvas type or display a pre-rendered image using the Image type.

import QtQuick 2.3

Item {

  width: 320height: 480Rectangle {color: "#272822"width: 320height: 480}// This element displays a rectangle with a gradient and a border 右边的Rectangle {x: 160y: 20width: 100height: 100radius 半径: 8 // This gives rounded corners to the Rectanglegradient 倾斜度: Gradient { // This sets a vertical gradient fillGradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "aqua" }GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "teal" }}border 边框{ width: 3; color: "white" } // This sets a 3px wide black border to be drawn}// This rectangle is a plain color with no border 左边的Rectangle {x: 40y: 20width: 100height: 100color: "red"}


The Image Type 图像类型
Qt Quick provides an Image type which may be used to display images. The Image type has a source property whose value can be a remote or local URL, or the URL of an image file embedded in a compiled resource file.

// This element displays an image. Because the source is online, it may take some time to fetch
Image {
x: 40
y: 20
width: 61
height: 73
source: “http://codereview.qt-project.org/static/logo_qt.png”

For more complex images there are other types similar to Image. BorderImage draws an image with grid scaling 缩放比例, suitable for images used as borders边框图像. AnimatedImage plays animated .gif and .mng images播放动画图像. AnimatedSprite and SpriteSequence play animations comprised of multiple frames stored adjacently 多帧邻接存储的 in a non animated image format 不动的图像格式.
For displaying video files and camera data, see the Qt Multimedia module.多媒体模块
Shared Visual Properties
All visual items provided by Qt Quick are based on the Item type, which provides a common set of attributes for visual items, including opacity 不透明的 and transform 变化的 attributes.
Opacity and Visibility
The QML object types provided by Qt Quick have built-in support for opacity. Opacity can be animated to allow smooth transitions to or from a transparent state. Visibility can also be managed with the visible property more efficiently, but at the cost of not being able to animate it.

import QtQuick 2.3

Item {

  width: 320height: 480Rectangle {color: "#272822"width: 320height: 480}Item {x: 20y: 270width: 200height: 200MouseArea {anchors.fill: parentonClicked: topRect.visible = !topRect.visible}Rectangle {x: 20y: 20width: 100height: 100color: "red"}Rectangle {id: topRectopacity: 0.5x: 100y: 100width: 100height: 100color: "blue"}}


Qt Quick types have built-in support for transformations. If you wish to have your visual content rotated or scaled, you can set the Item::rotation or Item::scale property. These can also be animated.

import QtQuick 2.3

Item {

  width: 320height: 480Rectangle {color: "#272822"width: 320height: 480}Rectangle {rotation: 45 // This rotates the Rectangle by 45 degreesx: 20y: 160width: 100height: 100color: "blue"}Rectangle {scale: 0.8 // This scales the Rectangle down to 80% sizex: 160y: 160width: 100height: 100color: "green"}


For more complex transformations, see the Item::transform property.

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