
2024-06-10 23:52
文章标签 c++ 手写 bitset


支持stl bitset 类似的api

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>using namespace std;const int W = 64;class Bitset {
private:vector<unsigned long long> a;int numBits;int highBit(unsigned long long x) const {return W - 1 - __builtin_clzll(x);}int lowBit(unsigned long long x) const {return __builtin_ffsll(x) - 1;}public:Bitset(int size) : a((size + W - 1) / W, 0), numBits(size) {}// Copy constructorBitset(const Bitset& other) : a(other.a), numBits(other.numBits) {}// Copy assignment operatorBitset& operator=(const Bitset& other) {if (this != &other) {a = other.a;numBits = other.numBits;}return *this;}// Move constructorBitset(Bitset&& other) noexcept : a(std::move(other.a)), numBits(other.numBits) {other.numBits = 0;}void applyShiftLeft(int shift, int start, int end) {if (shift == 0) return;int startBlock = start / W;int endBlock = (end - 1) / W;int startOffset = start % W;int endOffset = (end - 1) % W + 1;if (shift >= end - start) {for (int i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; ++i) {a[i] &= ~(((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0))) - 1) << (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0));}return;}int blockShift = shift / W;int bitShift = shift % W;for (int i = endBlock; i >= startBlock; --i) {unsigned long long newValue = 0;if (i - blockShift >= startBlock) {newValue |= (a[i - blockShift] << bitShift);if (bitShift && i - blockShift - 1 >= startBlock) {newValue |= (a[i - blockShift - 1] >> (W - bitShift));}}if (i == startBlock) {newValue &= (((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - startOffset)) - 1) << startOffset);}a[i] &= ~(((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0))) - 1) << (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0));a[i] |= newValue;}}void applyShiftRight(int shift, int start, int end) {if (shift == 0) return;int startBlock = start / W;int endBlock = (end - 1) / W;int startOffset = start % W;int endOffset = (end - 1) % W + 1;if (shift >= end - start) {for (int i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; ++i) {a[i] &= ~(((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0))) - 1) << (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0));}return;}int blockShift = shift / W;int bitShift = shift % W;for (int i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; ++i) {unsigned long long newValue = 0;if (i + blockShift <= endBlock) {newValue |= (a[i + blockShift] >> bitShift);if (bitShift && i + blockShift + 1 <= endBlock) {newValue |= (a[i + blockShift + 1] << (W - bitShift));}}if (i == startBlock) {newValue &= (((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - startOffset)) - 1) << startOffset);}a[i] &= ~(((1ull << (min(endOffset, W) - (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0))) - 1) << (i == startBlock ? startOffset : 0));a[i] |= newValue;}}// Move assignment operatorBitset& operator=(Bitset&& other) noexcept {if (this != &other) {a = std::move(other.a);numBits = other.numBits;other.numBits = 0;}return *this;}// 支持 << 区间Bitset operator<<(int shift) const {Bitset res = *this;res <<= shift;return res;}// 支持 >> 区间Bitset operator>>(int shift) const {Bitset res = *this;res >>= shift;return res;}// 支持 <<=Bitset& operator<<=(int shift) {if (shift >= numBits) {fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);return *this;}applyShiftLeft(shift, 0, numBits);return *this;}// 支持 >>=Bitset& operator>>=(int shift) {if (shift >= numBits) {fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);return *this;}applyShiftRight(shift, 0, numBits);return *this;}// 支持 []bool operator[](int index) const {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {throw out_of_range("Index out of range");}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;return (a[blockIndex] >> bitIndex) & 1;}// 支持从高到低的第一个置位int highestSetBit() const {for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {if (a[i] != 0) {return min(i * W + highBit(a[i]), numBits - 1);}}return -1;}// 支持从高到低的下一个置位int nextHighestSetBit(int index) const {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {return -1;}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;unsigned long long mask = (1ull << bitIndex) - 1;if ((a[blockIndex] & mask) != 0) {return blockIndex * W + highBit(a[blockIndex] & mask);}for (int i = blockIndex - 1; i >= 0; --i) {if (a[i] != 0) {return i * W + highBit(a[i]);}}return -1;}// 支持从低到高的第一个置位int lowestSetBit() const {for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {if (a[i] != 0) {return min(i * W + lowBit(a[i]), numBits - 1);}}return -1;}// 支持从低到高的下一个置位int nextLowestSetBit(int index) const {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {return -1;}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;unsigned long long mask = ~((1ull << (bitIndex + 1)) - 1);if ((a[blockIndex] & mask) != 0) {return blockIndex * W + lowBit(a[blockIndex] & mask);}for (int i = blockIndex + 1; i < a.size(); ++i) {if (a[i] != 0) {return i * W + lowBit(a[i]);}}return -1;}// 支持 countint count() const {int cnt = 0;for (auto block : a) {cnt += __builtin_popcountll(block);}return cnt;}// 支持 anybool any() const {for (auto block : a) {if (block != 0) {return true;}}return false;}// 支持 nonebool none() const {return !any();}// 支持 allbool all() const {for (int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i) {if (!(*this)[i]) {return false;}}return true;}// 支持 flipvoid flip() {for (auto& block : a) {block = ~block;}// Make sure no bits beyond numBits are setif (numBits % W != 0) {a.back() &= (1ull << (numBits % W)) - 1;}}// 支持 flip(int index)void flip(int index) {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {throw out_of_range("Index out of range");}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;a[blockIndex] ^= (1ull << bitIndex);}// 支持 set(int index)void set(int index) {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {throw out_of_range("Index out of range");}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;a[blockIndex] |= (1ull << bitIndex);}// 支持 set(int index, bool value)void set(int index, bool value) {if (value) {set(index);} else {reset(index);}}// 支持 set()void set() {for (auto& block : a) {block = ~0ull;}// Make sure no bits beyond numBits are setif (numBits % W != 0) {a.back() &= (1ull << (numBits % W)) - 1;}}// 支持 reset(int index)void reset(int index) {if (index < 0 || index >= numBits) {throw out_of_range("Index out of range");}int blockIndex = index / W;int bitIndex = index % W;a[blockIndex] &= ~(1ull << bitIndex);}// 支持 reset()void reset() {fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);}// 支持 |=Bitset& operator|=(const Bitset& other) {if (numBits != other.numBits) {throw invalid_argument("Bitsets must be of the same size");}for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {a[i] |= other.a[i];}return *this;}// 支持 |Bitset operator|(const Bitset& other) const {Bitset res = *this;res |= other;return res;}// 支持 &=Bitset& operator&=(const Bitset& other) {if (numBits != other.numBits) {throw invalid_argument("Bitsets must be of the same size");}for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {a[i] &= other.a[i];}return *this;}// 支持 &Bitset operator&(const Bitset& other) const {Bitset res = *this;res &= other;return res;}// 支持 ^=Bitset& operator^=(const Bitset& other) {if (numBits != other.numBits) {throw invalid_argument("Bitsets must be of the same size");}for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {a[i] ^= other.a[i];}return *this;}// 支持 ^Bitset operator^(const Bitset& other) const {Bitset res = *this;res ^= other;return res;}// 支持 ~Bitset operator~() const {Bitset res = *this;for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {res.a[i] = ~a[i];}if (numBits % W != 0) {res.a.back() &= (1ull << (numBits % W)) - 1;}return res;}// 支持 sizeint size() const {return numBits;}// 支持 testbool test(int index) const {return (*this)[index];}// 支持 to_ullongunsigned long long to_ullong() const {if (numBits > W) {throw overflow_error("Bitset size exceeds unsigned long long capacity");}return a[0];}// 支持 to_ulongunsigned long to_ulong() const {if (numBits > sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT) {throw overflow_error("Bitset size exceeds unsigned long capacity");}return static_cast<unsigned long>(a[0]);}// 支持 print(用于调试)void print() const {for (int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i) {cout << (*this)[i];if ((i + 1) % W == 0) cout << " ";}cout << endl;}class iterator {public:using iterator_category = bidirectional_iterator_tag;using difference_type = int;using value_type = int;using pointer = const int*;using reference = const int&;private:const Bitset* bitset;int index;public:iterator(const Bitset* bitset, int index) : bitset(bitset), index(index) {}value_type operator*() const { return index; }iterator& operator++() {index = bitset->nextLowestSetBit(index);return *this;}iterator operator++(int) {iterator tmp = *this;++(*this);return tmp;}iterator& operator--() {if (index == -1) {index = bitset->highestSetBit();} else {index = bitset->nextHighestSetBit(index);}return *this;}iterator operator--(int) {iterator tmp = *this;--(*this);return tmp;}friend bool operator==(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) {return a.index == b.index;}friend bool operator!=(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) {return a.index != b.index;}};class reverse_iterator {public:using iterator_category = bidirectional_iterator_tag;using difference_type = int;using value_type = int;using pointer = const int*;using reference = const int&;private:const Bitset* bitset;int index;public:reverse_iterator(const Bitset* bitset, int index) : bitset(bitset), index(index) {}value_type operator*() const { return index; }reverse_iterator& operator++() {index = bitset->nextHighestSetBit(index);return *this;}reverse_iterator operator++(int) {reverse_iterator tmp = *this;++(*this);return tmp;}reverse_iterator& operator--() {if (index == -1) {index = bitset->lowestSetBit();} else {index = bitset->nextLowestSetBit(index);}return *this;}reverse_iterator operator--(int) {reverse_iterator tmp = *this;--(*this);return tmp;}friend bool operator==(const reverse_iterator& a, const reverse_iterator& b) {return a.index == b.index;}friend bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator& a, const reverse_iterator& b) {return a.index != b.index;}};iterator begin() const {return iterator(this, lowestSetBit());}iterator end() const {return iterator(this, -1);}reverse_iterator rbegin() const {return reverse_iterator(this, highestSetBit());}reverse_iterator rend() const {return reverse_iterator(this, -1);}
};int main() {Bitset bs(12);bs.set(10);cout << bs.highestSetBit() <<endl;bs.flip();for (auto it = bs.begin(); it != bs.end(); it++) {cout << *it << "\t";}cout << endl;for (auto it = bs.rbegin(); it != bs.rend(); it++) {cout << *it << "\t";}cout << endl;bitset<100> cs;cs.set();cs.set(1, 1);





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C++11第三弹:lambda表达式 | 新的类功能 | 模板的可变参数

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06 C++Lambda表达式

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