编程参考 - 使用静态连接库和动态链接库的区别

2024-06-10 02:04

本文主要是介绍编程参考 - 使用静态连接库和动态链接库的区别,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




  1. 可移植性

    • 可执行文件是自包含的,这意味着它可以在任何兼容系统上运行,而不需要额外的库。
  2. 可靠性

    • 由于所有需要的代码都包含在可执行文件中,因此不会出现目标系统上缺少或不兼容库版本的问题。
  3. 性能

    • 无需在运行时解析符号,因此启动时间可能会稍快一些。
  4. 简单

    • 由于只需分发可执行文件,无需担心库依赖关系,因此部署工作可以更简单。
  1. 可执行文件大小

    • 产生的可执行文件通常较大,因为它包含所有库代码。
  2. 内存占用

    • 如果同时运行多个静态链接程序,内存中可能存在多个库代码实例,从而导致总体内存使用量增加。
  3. 更新

    • 如果需要对库进行更新(如安全修复),则需要重新编译并重新发布整个可执行文件。
  4. 灵活性

    • 在不重新编译整个应用程序的情况下更改库版本的灵活性较低。



  1. 可执行文件大小

    • 可执行文件更小,因为它只包含对共享库的引用。
  2. 内存使用

    • 共享库可以一次性加载到内存中,并在多个运行程序中共享,从而提高内存使用效率。
  3. 更新

    • 共享库可以独立于使用它们的应用程序进行更新。这对于应用安全补丁而无需重新编译整个应用程序至关重要。
  4. 灵活性

    • 无需重新编译应用程序,即可轻松切换到不同版本的库。
  1. 依赖性管理

    • 应用程序依赖于目标系统上正确版本的共享库,如果管理不当,可能会导致 “依赖地狱”。
  2. 兼容性问题

    • 如果更新的库不向后兼容,共享库的更新可能会带来兼容性问题。
  3. 性能

    • 由于动态链接器需要解析符号和加载共享库,因此启动时会有轻微的性能开销。
  4. 分发复杂性

    • 确保目标系统拥有必要的共享库会使分发和部署过程复杂化。




Static and dynamic library linking are two methods used to include external libraries in a program. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a detailed comparison between static library linking and dynamic library linking:

Static Library Linking

Static linking involves including all the necessary library code directly into the executable at compile time.

  1. Portability:

    • The executable is self-contained, meaning it can run on any compatible system without requiring additional libraries.
  2. Reliability:

    • Since all the required code is included in the executable, there are no issues related to missing or incompatible library versions on the target system.
  3. Performance:

    • There is no need to resolve symbols at runtime, potentially leading to slightly faster startup times.
  4. Simplicity:

    • Deployment can be simpler since you only need to distribute the executable without worrying about library dependencies.
  1. Executable Size:

    • The resulting executable is usually larger because it contains all the library code.
  2. Memory Usage:

    • Multiple instances of the library code can exist in memory if several statically linked programs are running simultaneously, leading to higher overall memory usage.
  3. Updates:

    • If a library needs to be updated (e.g., for security fixes), you need to recompile and redistribute the entire executable.
  4. Flexibility:

    • Less flexibility in terms of changing library versions without recompiling the entire application.

Dynamic Library Linking

Dynamic linking involves linking the executable with shared libraries at runtime. The executable contains references to the shared libraries rather than the library code itself.

  1. Executable Size:

    • The executable is smaller since it only contains references to the shared libraries.
  2. Memory Usage:

    • Shared libraries can be loaded into memory once and shared among multiple running programs, leading to more efficient memory usage.
  3. Updates:

    • Shared libraries can be updated independently of the applications that use them. This can be crucial for applying security patches without needing to recompile the entire application.
  4. Flexibility:

    • It is easier to switch to different versions of a library without recompiling the application.
  1. Dependency Management:

    • The application relies on the presence of the correct versions of shared libraries on the target system, which can lead to “dependency hell” if not managed properly.
  2. Compatibility Issues:

    • Updates to shared libraries can introduce compatibility issues if the updated library is not backward compatible.
  3. Performance:

    • There is a slight performance overhead at startup because the dynamic linker needs to resolve the symbols and load the shared libraries.
  4. Distribution Complexity:

    • Ensuring that the target system has the necessary shared libraries can complicate the distribution and deployment process.

Summary Table

FeatureStatic LinkingDynamic Linking
Executable SizeLarger (contains all library code)Smaller (contains references to shared libraries)
Memory UsageHigher (duplicate library code for each program)Lower (shared libraries loaded once in memory)
PortabilityHigh (self-contained executable)Lower (depends on external libraries)
UpdatesRequires recompilationCan update libraries independently
PerformanceSlightly better startup timesSlightly slower startup due to runtime linking
Dependency ManagementSimpler (no external dependencies)More complex (must manage library versions)
FlexibilityLow (recompile for library changes)High (swap libraries without recompiling)
DistributionSimpler (single executable)More complex (ensure presence of shared librarie


Both static and dynamic linking have their places in software development. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the project, such as the need for portability, ease of updates, memory usage considerations, and distribution complexity. Static linking is typically preferred for applications where self-containment and simplicity of deployment are critical, while dynamic linking is favored for applications where minimizing memory usage and facilitating updates are more important.

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