
2024-06-06 11:18
文章标签 技巧 powerdesigner






  1. NameCode同步的问题



    1、选择Tools->GeneralOptions...菜单,出现General Options对话框。


    3、取消右边"Name to Code mirroring"复选框。如下图:


  2. 批量根据对象的name生成comment的脚本

    执行方法:PD12 à Open PDM à Tools à Execute Commands à Run Script



Option Explicit  
ValidationMode = True  
InteractiveMode = im_Batch  Dim mdl ' the current model  ' get the current active model  
Set mdl = ActiveModel  
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then  MsgBox "There is no current Model"  
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then  MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model."  
Else  ProcessFolder mdl  
End If  ' This routine copy name into code for each table, each column and each view  
' of the current folder  
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)  Dim Tab 'running table  for each Tab in folder.tables  if not tab.isShortcut then  tab.comment = tab.name  Dim col ' running column  for each col in tab.columns  col.comment= col.name  next  end if  next  Dim view 'running view  for each view in folder.Views  if not view.isShortcut then  view.comment = view.name  end if  next  ' go into the sub-packages  Dim f ' running folder  For Each f In folder.Packages  if not f.IsShortcut then  ProcessFolder f  end if  Next  
end sub  




Option Explicit  
ValidationMode = True  
InteractiveMode = im_Batch  Dim mdl ' the current model  ' get the current active model  
Set mdl = ActiveModel  
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then  MsgBox "There is no current Model"  
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then  MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model."  
Else  ProcessFolder mdl  
End If  ' This routine copy name into code for each table, each column and each view  
' of the current folder  
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)  Dim Tab 'running table  for each Tab in folder.tables  if not tab.isShortcut then  if not Len(tab.comment) > Len(tab.name) then  tab.comment = tab.name  end if  Dim col ' running column  for each col in tab.columns  if not Len(col.comment) > Len(col.name) then  col.comment= col.name  end if  next  end if  next  Dim view 'running view  for each view in folder.Views  if not view.isShortcut then  if not Len(view.comment) > Len(view.name) then  view.comment = view.name  end if  end if  next  Dim sequence 'running sequence  for each sequence in folder.Sequences  if not sequence.isShortcut then  if not Len(sequence.comment) > Len(sequence.name) then  sequence.comment = sequence.name  end if  end if  next  Dim myuser 'running user  for each myuser in folder.Users  if not myuser.isShortcut then  if not Len(myuser.comment) > Len(myuser.name) then  myuser.comment = myuser.name  end if  end if  next     Dim tablespace 'running tablespace  for each tablespace in folder.Tablespaces  if not tablespace.isShortcut then  if not Len(tablespace.comment) > Len(tablespace.name) then  tablespace.comment = tablespace.name  end if  end if  next     ' go into the sub-packages  Dim f ' running folder  For Each f In folder.Packages  if not f.IsShortcut then  ProcessFolder f  end if  Next  
end sub  







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