
2024-06-06 09:38




Code writer : EOF
Code file   : stack.h
Code date   : 2014.11.26
Email	    : jasonleaster@gmail.comCode description:Here is a implementation of a naive computer
It based on two stack scheme which was found by Dijkstra.*********************************************************/
#ifndef _STACK_H  
#define _STACK_H 1  #define EMPTY     0  #define NON_EMPTY 1  #define ARRAYSIZE 1024#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>struct node  {     int data;  struct node* next;  };  int computer(void);struct node* creat_stack(void);int push_stack(struct node** pp_top,int number);int is_empty(struct node* p_node);void release_stack(struct node* p_top);#endif

code writer : EOF
Code file   : computer_test.c
code date   : 2014.03.03
e-mail      : jasonleaster@gmail.comcode purpose :This is just a test code for "Lisa" that 
I created. If there is something wrong with my code, please
touche me by e-mail.#ATTENTION#	You must input with '(' and ')' for each operator,
otherwise you will be puzzle about the result of output.Usage:(1+2) would output 3(1+((2*3)+1))  == 8If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.******************************************************************/
#include "stack.h"int main()
{int number = 0;printf("Hello ! This is a naive computer.""Her name is 'Lisa' :)\n");number = computer();printf("The result of your inputed :%d\n",number);return 0;

Code writer : EOF
Code file   : computer.c
Code date   : 2014.11.26
Email	    : jasonleaster@gmail.com
Version	    : 0.0Code description:code purpose : This code is my implementation for function creat_stack.
functin creat_stack would creat a the first node of the stack and 
just only the first node. You must know what is stack...#ATTENTION#	You must input with '(' and ')' for each operator,
otherwise you will be puzzle about the result of output.Usage:(1+2) would output 3(1+((2*3)+1))  == 8If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.*********************************************************/
#include "stack.h"int computer(void)
{char string[ARRAYSIZE] = {0};/***	According to Dijsktra's Two Stack scheme,** we creat two stack. **	@p_stack_operand is pointer which point to** a stack only for operand in the inputed string. ** So do @p_stack_operator.*/struct node* p_stack_operand  = NULL;	struct node* p_stack_operator = NULL;	p_stack_operand  = creat_stack();p_stack_operator = creat_stack();int  temp      = 0;int  result    = 0;int  opr_one   = 0;int  opr_two   = 0;char operator  = 0;/*** 	Evil --> --> scanf("%s",&string);**** scanf family is not safe for string which is inputed.** I decide to give it up and use system call read().*/if(read(STDIN_FILENO,string,ARRAYSIZE) < 0){printf("system call read() error"" in function %s()\n",__FUNCTION__);}for(temp = 0;string[temp] != '\n';temp++){if(string[temp] == '('){continue;}if(string[temp] == ')'){opr_one  = pop_stack(p_stack_operand);opr_two  = pop_stack(p_stack_operand);operator = pop_stack(p_stack_operator);switch(operator){case '+':{push_stack(&p_stack_operand,opr_one + opr_two);break;};case '-':{push_stack(&p_stack_operand,opr_one - opr_two);break;};case '*':{push_stack(&p_stack_operand,opr_one * opr_two);break;};case '/':{push_stack(&p_stack_operand,opr_one / opr_two);break;};default:goto out;result = -1;printf("ERROR!undefined ""operator %c\n",operator);}}if(string[temp] >= '0' && string[temp] <= '9'){push_stack(&p_stack_operand,string[temp] - '0');continue;}if(string[temp] == '+' || string[temp] == '-'||string[temp] == '*' || string[temp] == '/'){push_stack(&p_stack_operator,string[temp]);continue;}}/*** Finally, We got the result which is stored in stack--operand*/result = pop_stack(p_stack_operand);out:release_stack(p_stack_operand);release_stack(p_stack_operator);return result;

code writer : EOF
code date   : 2014.03.03
e-mail 	    : jasonleaster@gmail.com**********************************************************************/
#include "stack.h"struct node* creat_stack(void)
{struct node* p_top = NULL;p_top = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));if(p_top == NULL){printf("malloc failed\n");}p_top->next = NULL;while(is_empty(p_top) == NON_EMPTY){pop_stack(p_top);	}return p_top;

code writer: EOF
code date : 2014.03.03
e-mail: jasonleaster@gmail.com
code purpose :This code is a implementation for function is_empty
If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.**********************************************************************/
#include "stack.h"int is_empty(struct node* p_node)
{if(p_node->next == NULL){return EMPTY;}else{return NON_EMPTY;}

code writer: EOF
code date: 2014.03.03
e-mail: jasonleaster@gmail.com
code purpose :This code is a implementation for function pop_stack
If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail*****************************************************************/
#include "stack.h"int pop_stack(struct node* p_top)
{struct node* temp = NULL;int number = 0;if(is_empty(p_top) == EMPTY){printf("empty stack!\nprocess end");return EMPTY;}else{temp = p_top->next;p_top->next = p_top->next->next;number = temp->data;free(temp);}return number;

code writer : EOF
code date:2014.03.03
code purpose :This is my implementaion for function push_stack
If there is somrthing wrong with my code, please touche me by e-mail.*******************************************************************/
#include "stack.h"int push_stack(struct node** pp_top,int number)
{struct node* temp = NULL;struct node* new_node = NULL;new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));if(new_node == NULL){printf("malloc failed\nprocess end\n");return 0;}new_node->data = number;new_node->next = (*pp_top)->next;(*pp_top)->next = new_node;

#include "stack.h"void release_stack(struct node* p_top)
{while(is_empty(p_top) == NON_EMPTY){pop_stack(p_top);}







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