本文主要是介绍openh264 编码参数详细介绍,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
OpenH264 是 Cisco 开源的一个 H.264 编码器,它支持 H.264 高级视频编码标准。这个编码器库适用于实时通信和流媒体应用,如 WebRTC,并且它是完全免费和开源的。OpenH264 项目在 GitHub 上进行维护,并且有一个活跃的社区,为开发者提供了丰富的文档和示例代码。
(SEncParamBase, *PEncParamBase)
- 说明:基础编码参数结构体
EUsageType iUsageType
- 编码器使用类型,参考EUsageType的定义,主要有相机实时、桌面内容、相机非实时、桌面内容非实时、输入内容所有类型一共五种类型;
* @brief Encoder usage type
typedef enum {CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME, ///< camera video for real-time communicationSCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME, ///< screen content signalCAMERA_VIDEO_NON_REAL_TIME,SCREEN_CONTENT_NON_REAL_TIME,INPUT_CONTENT_TYPE_ALL,
} EUsageType;
int iPicWidth
- 亮度采样的图像宽,如果有多个空域层,则为最大值
int iPicHeight
- 亮度采样的图像高,如果有多个空域层,则为最大值
int iTargetBitrate
- 期望的目标比特率,单位是 bps
- 码率控制方式,可以参考RC_MODES中定义,主要有质量模式、码率模式、自适应质量模式、基于时间戳模式、内置 rc 模式、关闭 rc 模式。
* @brief Enumerate the type of rate control mode
typedef enum {RC_QUALITY_MODE = 0, ///< quality modeRC_BITRATE_MODE = 1, ///< bitrate modeRC_BUFFERBASED_MODE = 2, ///< no bitrate control,only using buffer status,adjust the video qualityRC_TIMESTAMP_MODE = 3, //rate control based timestampRC_BITRATE_MODE_POST_SKIP = 4, ///< this is in-building RC MODE, WILL BE DELETED after algorithm tuning!RC_OFF_MODE = -1, ///< rate control off mode
float fMaxFrameRate
- 最大输入帧率
- 说明:扩展编码参数结构体
EUsageType iUsageType
- 同TagEncParamBase
int iPicWidth
- 同TagEncParamBase
int iPicHeight
- 同TagEncParamBase
int iTargetBitrate
- 同TagEncParamBase
- 同TagEncParamBase
float fMaxFrameRate
- 同TagEncParamBase
int iTemporalLayerNum
- 时域分层数,最大时域层等于 4
int iSpatialLayerNum
SSpatialLayerConfig sSpatialLayers[MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM]
- 空域层配置,最大 4 层,为不同的空域层配置编码相关参数,具体可以参考SSpatialLayerConfig结构体
* @brief Structure for spatial layer configuration
typedef struct {int iVideoWidth; ///< width of picture in luminance samples of a layerint iVideoHeight; ///< height of picture in luminance samples of a layerfloat fFrameRate; ///< frame rate specified for a layerint iSpatialBitrate; ///< target bitrate for a spatial layer, in unit of bpsint iMaxSpatialBitrate; ///< maximum bitrate for a spatial layer, in unit of bpsEProfileIdc uiProfileIdc; ///< value of profile IDC (PRO_UNKNOWN for auto-detection)ELevelIdc uiLevelIdc; ///< value of profile IDC (0 for auto-detection)int iDLayerQp; ///< value of level IDC (0 for auto-detection)SSliceArgument sSliceArgument;// Note: members bVideoSignalTypePresent through uiColorMatrix below are also defined in SWelsSPS in parameter_sets.h.bool bVideoSignalTypePresent; // false => do not write any of the following information to the headerunsigned charuiVideoFormat; // EVideoFormatSPS; 3 bits in header; 0-5 => component, kpal, ntsc, secam, mac, undefbool bFullRange; // false => analog video data range [16, 235]; true => full data range [0,255]bool bColorDescriptionPresent; // false => do not write any of the following three items to the headerunsigned charuiColorPrimaries; // EColorPrimaries; 8 bits in header; 0 - 9 => ???, bt709, undef, ???, bt470m, bt470bg,// smpte170m, smpte240m, film, bt2020unsigned charuiTransferCharacteristics; // ETransferCharacteristics; 8 bits in header; 0 - 15 => ???, bt709, undef, ???, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m,// smpte240m, linear, log100, log316, iec61966-2-4, bt1361e, iec61966-2-1, bt2020-10, bt2020-12unsigned charuiColorMatrix; // EColorMatrix; 8 bits in header (corresponds to FFmpeg "colorspace"); 0 - 10 => GBR, bt709,// undef, ???, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m, YCgCo, bt2020nc, bt2020cbool bAspectRatioPresent; ///< aspect ratio present in VUIESampleAspectRatio eAspectRatio; ///< aspect ratio idcunsigned short sAspectRatioExtWidth; ///< use if aspect ratio idc == 255unsigned short sAspectRatioExtHeight; ///< use if aspect ratio idc == 255} SSpatialLayerConfig;
* @brief Enumulate the complexity mode
typedef enum {LOW_COMPLEXITY = 0, ///< the lowest compleixty,the fastest speed,MEDIUM_COMPLEXITY, ///< medium complexity, medium speed,medium qualityHIGH_COMPLEXITY ///< high complexity, lowest speed, high quality
unsigned int uiIntraPeriod
- 帧内编码帧的间隔,即 GOP 长度
int iNumRefFrame
- 被使用的参考帧的数量
EParameterSetStrategy eSpsPpsIdStrategy
- 在不同的 ID 中SPS/PPS 使用不同的策略,具体可以参考EParameterSetStrategy中定义,主要有固定 ID、每个 IDR 帧增加 ID、使用现有的 sps、使用现有 sps 同时 pps 增加、使用现有的 sps、pps。
/*** @brief Enumulate for the stategy of SPS/PPS strategy*/
typedef enum {CONSTANT_ID = 0, ///< constant id in SPS/PPSINCREASING_ID = 0x01, ///< SPS/PPS id increases at each IDRSPS_LISTING = 0x02, ///< using SPS in the existing list if possibleSPS_LISTING_AND_PPS_INCREASING = 0x03,SPS_PPS_LISTING = 0x06,
} EParameterSetStrategy;
bool bPrefixNalAddingCtrl
- false 不使用Prefix NAL,true 使用Prefix NAL
- Prefix NAL(前缀NAL单元)是视频编码中,特别是在H.264/AVC标准里使用的一种技术。它是一种特定的NAL单元,用于在发送新的NAL单元之前提供一些额外的信息或控制指令。这种前缀可以包含重要的编码参数,比如时间戳信息、解码参数集合(如SPS和PPS)的变化信息等。
bool bEnableSSEI
- false 不使用 SSEI,true 使用 SSEI,todo:计划移除 SSEI 接口
bool bSimulcastAVC
- false 使用 svc 语法为更高层当空域层多于 1 层时,true 使用Simulcast avc
int iPaddingFlag
- 0 不填充,1 填充,
int iEntropyCodingModeFlag
- 熵编码方式,0 为 cavlc,1 为 cabac
bool bEnableFrameSkip
- false 无法跳帧,即使 vbv缓存溢出,true 允许跳帧保持码率在限制范围内
int iMaxBitrate
- 最大码率,单位是 bps,如果不需要设置为UNSPECIFIED_BIT_RATE
int iMaxQp
- 编码器支持的最大 qp 值
int iMinQp
- 编码器支持的最小 qp 值
unsigned int uiMaxNalSize
- 最大 NAL 大小,对于动态切片模式,该值不应该为0
bool bEnableLongTermReference
- 长参考开关,1 开启长参考,0 关闭长参考
int iLTRRefNum
- 长参考帧数量,todo:还不支持任意设置
unsigned int iLtrMarkPeriod
- 在反馈中标记长参考的间隔周期
unsigned short iMultipleThreadIdc
- 多线程设置,0 auto, 1 禁用多线程,大于 1 时计数多线程数量
bool bUseLoadBalancing
- 仅当uiSliceMode=1或3时使用,将在多线程编码的运行期间更改图片的切片,因此每次运行的结果可能不同
int iLoopFilterDisableIdc
- 去块环路滤波器,0:开启,1:关闭,2:开启,除了切片边界
int iLoopFilterAlphaC0Offset
- Alpha偏移量设置,取值范围[-6, 6],默认 0
int iLoopFilterBetaOffset
- Beta偏移量设置,取值范围[-6, 6],默认 0
bool bEnableDenoise
- 去噪控制
bool bEnableBackgroundDetection
- 背景检测控制
bool bEnableAdaptiveQuant
- 自适应量化控制
bool bEnableFrameCroppingFlag
- 使能帧裁剪标志:在应用中始终为TRUE
bool bEnableSceneChangeDetect
- 场景变化检测
bool bIsLosslessLink
- 长参考高级设置
- 在 param_svc.h 文件中
FillDefault (SEncParamExt& param)
static void FillDefault (SEncParamExt& param) {memset (¶m, 0, sizeof (param));param.uiIntraPeriod = 0; // intra period (multiple of GOP size as desired)param.iNumRefFrame = AUTO_REF_PIC_COUNT;// number of reference frame usedparam.iPicWidth = 0; // actual input picture widthparam.iPicHeight = 0; // actual input picture heightparam.fMaxFrameRate = MAX_FRAME_RATE; // maximal frame rate [Hz / fps]param.iComplexityMode = LOW_COMPLEXITY;param.iTargetBitrate = UNSPECIFIED_BIT_RATE; // overall target bitrate introduced in RC moduleparam.iMaxBitrate = UNSPECIFIED_BIT_RATE;param.iMultipleThreadIdc = 1;param.bUseLoadBalancing = true;param.iLTRRefNum = 0;param.iLtrMarkPeriod = 30; //the min distance of two int32_t referencesparam.bEnableSSEI = false;param.bSimulcastAVC = false;param.bEnableFrameCroppingFlag = true; // enable frame cropping flag: true alwayse in application// false: Streaming Video Sharing; true: Video Conferencing Meeting;/* Deblocking loop filter */param.iLoopFilterDisableIdc = 0; // 0: on, 1: off, 2: on except for slice boundariesparam.iLoopFilterAlphaC0Offset = 0; // AlphaOffset: valid range [-6, 6], default 0param.iLoopFilterBetaOffset = 0; // BetaOffset: valid range [-6, 6], default 0/* Rate Control */param.iRCMode = RC_QUALITY_MODE;param.iPaddingFlag = 0;param.iEntropyCodingModeFlag = 0;param.bEnableDenoise = false; // denoise controlparam.bEnableSceneChangeDetect = true; // scene change detection controlparam.bEnableBackgroundDetection = true; // background detection controlparam.bEnableAdaptiveQuant = true; // adaptive quantization controlparam.bEnableFrameSkip = true; // frame skippingparam.bEnableLongTermReference = false; // long term reference controlparam.eSpsPpsIdStrategy = INCREASING_ID;// pSps pPps id addition controlparam.bPrefixNalAddingCtrl = false; // prefix NAL adding controlparam.iSpatialLayerNum = 1; // number of dependency(Spatial/CGS) layers used to be encodedparam.iTemporalLayerNum = 1; // number of temporal layer specifiedparam.iMaxQp = QP_MAX_VALUE;param.iMinQp = QP_MIN_VALUE;param.iUsageType = CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME;param.uiMaxNalSize = 0;param.bIsLosslessLink = false;for (int32_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM; iLayer++) {param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiProfileIdc = PRO_UNKNOWN;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiLevelIdc = LEVEL_UNKNOWN;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].iDLayerQp = SVC_QUALITY_BASE_QP;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].fFrameRate = param.fMaxFrameRate;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].iMaxSpatialBitrate = UNSPECIFIED_BIT_RATE;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMode = SM_SINGLE_SLICE;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sSliceArgument.uiSliceNum = 0; //AUTO, using number of CPU coresparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sSliceArgument.uiSliceSizeConstraint = 1500;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].bAspectRatioPresent = false; // do not write any of the following information to the headerparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].eAspectRatio = ASP_UNSPECIFIED;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sAspectRatioExtWidth = 0;param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sAspectRatioExtHeight = 0;const int32_t kiLesserSliceNum = ((MAX_SLICES_NUM < MAX_SLICES_NUM_TMP) ? MAX_SLICES_NUM : MAX_SLICES_NUM_TMP);for (int32_t idx = 0; idx < kiLesserSliceNum; idx++)param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMbNum[idx] = 0; //default, using one row a slice if uiSliceMode is SM_RASTER_MODE// See codec_app_def.h for more info about members bVideoSignalTypePresent through uiColorMatrix. The default values// used below preserve the previous behavior; i.e., no additional information will be written to the output file.param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].bVideoSignalTypePresent = false; // do not write any of the following information to the headerparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiVideoFormat = VF_UNDEF; // undefinedparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].bFullRange = false; // analog video data range [16, 235]param.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].bColorDescriptionPresent = false; // do not write any of the following three items to the headerparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiColorPrimaries = CP_UNDEF; // undefinedparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiTransferCharacteristics = TRC_UNDEF; // undefinedparam.sSpatialLayers[iLayer].uiColorMatrix = CM_UNDEF; // undefined}}
这篇关于openh264 编码参数详细介绍的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!